Ek Boond Ishq 11th April 2014 Written Episode, Ek Boond Ishq 11th April 2014 Written Update
Scene 1
Mj says some men followed them and now we know about her new place. He asks guru ji to figure out about baba.
Scene 2
Nandu comes to meethi and says thank you setting ad at large. Adi tole me himself he was so happy. I have never seen him that happy. He was asking for celebrations. I am here to invite you all in the celebrations. Nirmala asks why are you happy nandu ? She says I was coming to you. Suddenly nurse comes and says jairai is conscious now.
Scene 3
Kala asks her workers that I sent you to find tara who are these people ? They say these two men saw tara, they were looking at her in a bad way. Kala says this is how you behave to them. The workers says then a man came there and beat both of them. Kala says take them out and shoot them.They
Scene 4
Guru ji says to mj that celebrations are going be near the tomb. Everything will be according to the plan. Mj asks how is tara ? Guru ji says she is fine but she wants to go back. Mj gives him a dress and says give it to her this suits her. Take her safely out of this jungle. Guru ji says you will let her go back to kala ? Mj says the day pain gets over the bar she will have all the strength to destroy tara. Tara will only be well if she fights with kala. Guru ji says she has given up on life if you come back to her life then maybe she will live again. Mj says I am a stranger for her and until the right time she should not know me. Guru ji says she doesn’t believe our leader but when she will find out that you are mj she will be stronger than ever. He says no she should not know yet. guru ji says you can direct her anger rightly. You can help her. Mj says I am helping her in a way but she doesn’t believe the leader. Guru ji says what if I make her believe ? Allow me to take her to the celebrations. Mj says its not safe for her. Guru ji says i will protect her.
Guru ji goes to tara and says these are some new clothes wear them then they we will leave. Tara says I can’t wera colored clothes. I wore them just to save baba i am a widow. After mj I have lost all the colors of life and now I will never wear these colored clothes. Guru ji says in heart that she doens;t know that the same man is coloring her life again.
There at hospital nirmala says jairaj ji you knwo I was so worried. Jairaij says I had a lot of tensions and above all the news of adi’s and meethi’s divorce couldn’t be bearable. Adi says there will be nothing like that. What’s good for all of us will happen only. Fahhem says these husband and wives of these days keep on fighting. Only if once meethi makes his favorite sweet dish adi will forget everything and marry her again.
There in jungle guru ji says that I assure you mu leader can help you. Tara says I am better alone I don’t trust anyone. You shadow leave you in the dark. Guru ji says no you just don’t see her. trust me like your husband did. My leader has all the power to fight against kala. You have to come to u on a mission. Kala is going to celebrate and we are gonna spoil it. tara says this is to much kala can kill you. Tara says okay I am coming with you but promise me that you will take me to my place if your fail in this mission. He says I promise you;.
Scene 5
Kala’s arrangements are on going. Surraiya asks the disguised man where is the food ? He says the catering people have not arrived. Let me call them. The caters are on their way and see some stone. Guru ji’s men kidnap them and take their van with them. Guru ji calls mj and says we have hired the cater’s tempo. We have all our men here. He says don’t worry. Surraaiya comes and says you talked to the caters ? Mj is daxed.
Precap- Guru ji saysour leader wants a soldier who can do anything without questions. Tara says I am ready. Mj place an applle on her head and shoots.
Update Credit to: Atiba