Categories: Ek Boond Ishq

Ek Boond Ishq 30th September 2014 Written Episode Update

Ek Boond Ishq 30th September 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
vidant leaves after warning tara that he will put mj brhind bars if her story is wrong, tara says how will we bring out truth, mj says mannat knows whole truth but we don’t know where is she.
mj comes to pari but pari doesn’t talk to him, mj says you are angry with me? mj says I am sorry, pari says do you know how to make paper plane, mj says yes, he takes paper from pari to make plane and finds lawyer’s name and address on it, he gets the idea. mj says I came to say sorry to you pari but now I have to thank you too, he kisses on her cheeks.
Mannat is playing with doll, she gets call from lawyer, lawyer says fake property papers are ready according to which all property is yours, i need your sign, i am coming to your house, mannat says om’s house?

mannat goes to om’s house to sign the papers, mj points gun at her head., lawyer ends call and says to mj that what you said, I have done that, please leave me now, mj is pointing gun at him and smiles.
mj comes to tara, tara ask where were you? I was finding you, mj says I am seeing when you are worried, how much cute you look, mj says breaking news is that mannat will come in this house, tara ask but will she tell us truth? mj says I didn’t think how to take out truth from her mouth, tara says think, mj says that waiter is has also run, tara gets idea from word waiter and tells idea in mj’s ear.

Scene 2
mother says to om that sia has managed everything, mother and om are going for havan of om’s father, om thinks to do the havan of sia too, om and mother leaves home, tara calls vidant and says I need your help, please record my call, he records, tara talks on phones, she says tell mannat, what? I am coming in some minutes.
tara comes to mj and says I hope that our plan becomes successful, mj says nothing will go wrong, sia’s truth will come out, I am sure, he hugs her.
at night, mannat comes to om’s house, its dark in house, winds are blwoing heavily, mannat gets sacred and calls for rani, she tries to open the lights but couldn’t, tara walks through the stairs like a ghost, she has blood mark on her belly, mannat thinks her as soul of dead sia and is hell sacred, tara goes from there in room, mannat says no, she cant be sia, she must be tara, she is doing all this to make me afraid, mannat start going upstairs, she ask who is there? what drama is this, suddenly tara comes in changed clothes and ask what happened mannat? why are you so worried, mannat says you here? you went in room, tara says no I came in house now only, om and mother have gone for havan, I didn’t go as I am not sia but tara, tara ask how is friend now? om told me that your friend health is not good so you went there, mannat says she is fine nowe, mannat ask you call yourself tara still? tara says I am tara so I would say myself as tara only, she ask mannat to go in her room, mannat goes, mj comes and applauds for tara’s acting.

Scene 3
mannat comes in her room and finds blood on bed sheet, she shouts and runs outside, she calls tara and says there is blood in my room, tara goes with her but now bed sheet is clean, mannat says there was blood, tara says I think you need rest, I am going, you take rest, tara goes from there, mannat is confused. she sits on her bed and finds knife under her pillow, she shouts for tara, tara comes, mannat says I have seen knife here which has blood on it, tara says ok I will see, tara stealthily changes blood stained knife with clean knife and shows it to mannat, mannat says whats happening with me, what game is being played, tara says you are tired, just take rest, I am going to meet vidant, you take rest.
tara comes to mj, mj says your room have secret door that’s why you changed clothes and came to mannat as tara after she saw you as sia, mj says I changed bed sheet in double speed when mannat went out of room screaming, tara says game have started, now we will play our cards.

Scene 4
mannat calls lawyer but he doesn’t take it, mannat says I should go to his office, mannat starts leaving for the office but suddenly she hears sia’s voice who says that I have returned to take revenge of my murder, I have comeback mannat, suddenly door of house closes, mannat sees sia’s ghost(tara) infront of her, mj makes whole hall smoky, mannat is terrified.

PRECAP- mannat calls vidant and ask is sia/tara with him? vidant says lies that yes she is with me, mannat ask can I talk to her, vidant plays the recording in which tara says yes I am coming mannat.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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