Categories: Ek Boond Ishq

Ek Boond Ishq 7th August 2014 Written Episode Update

Ek Boond Ishq 7th August 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
laado strangles mannat then leaves her, she says I think now you understood me, I wont tell you next time but will finish you, she ask her servants to give her tea and send her to her home, she leaves, mannat is tensed.
tara brings toy for pari and says we will give him name, tara sees mj and says we will name this toy horse as Mariah, pari says no badal, tara ask pari to ask mj, tara thinks that tell mj, remember your horse, who was your friend, balli says Mariah, tara is happy.
nandu is being thrown out of house, landlord says that you manager told us that you are a robber and we will not give you house, nandu says believe me, I have left the robbery, I want to live a honest life, landlord says no we cant trust you, they throw her out, nandu cries.
pari goes from

there, tara says to balli that I knew you will say Mariah as it was your favorite horse, balli says you started again, I just took name randomly, pari is angry with mj for not choosing badal name, MJ goes to her and says you are angry with me for that horse, he becomes horse, he ask her that we will name horse as badal, Mariah is not good, pari is pacified, tara thinks that I know you have not taken mariha name as randomly but you listened your heart and this name Mariah is in your heart, mj plays with pari and says I will bring break fast for you, he looks at tara who is smiling at her, he leaves from there,

Scene 2
vidant catches one thief, thief says to forgive him once, vidant says you people cant be trusted, I was wrong to trust you but now I cant. manager calls vidant and says that girl left money in drawer and wrote chit saying that don’t doubt vidant, he is like a god, vidant says ok, vidant thinks that weird girl, I have to meet her now.
pari says to tara that I understand that you are buttering me giving me this horse, tara says why would I, pari says because you are rat. tara starts playing with pari, mannat listens their voices and fumes, she says I have to throw out that balli, tara is catching pari and pari falls on ground, her head gets hurt, mj comes there and is shocked, tara and mj lifts her, mj says to pari that nothing will happen to you, why were you running, pari says that tara was making me run and I fell, mannat smirks and says this shouldn’t be done, tara is very careless, look girl got hurt, mj says no need for your sympathy, tara comes there with aid, mj says no need, 1st you hurt her and now giving her medicine, tara says how can you think that I made her fall, mj says you were scaring her, look how much she is hurt now, tara says that’s why I brought medicine for her, mj says pari is my life, those who hurt her, I don’t forgive them ever, tara says I know and I cant hurt her, mj says I don’t know whats in your mind,, I don’t why you said that pari will be with you whole day, I don’t know why were you scaring her, why you pushed her, I just know that because of you pari got hurt, tara says it was an accident, mj says that if pari get hurt, then I cant bear it, you know I am doing this job for pari and if she get hurt here then I kick this job.
nandu is standing at bus stop, one thief comes and tries to rob her, he tries to take her things, nandu shoos him away and recalls how vidant said that form now on he cant trust anyone and he didn mistake by trusting that nandu. nandu is sitting on road and says this should happen with me, I threw out everyone from my life, I cheated everyone, I have no one today, no friends, no family, nothing, I got one man(vidant) who trusted me, who tried to help but I broke his trust too, I lost everything in my lust, nobody will trust me now, I know world will not rust me but my god will trust me as you know I am not lying this time, please give me a chance, I want to be honest noe, she cries and says I will not rob again, I promise, vidant is going from there and sees her.

Scene 3
mj lifts pari and is going, tara ask mj where are you going? he says I am leaving, mannat smirks, tara stops him and says today whatever happened was a mistake, please don’t go, I will take care of pari from now on, It was just an accident, mj says I am leaving, om comes there and stands in mj’s way, he ask tara what is happening here? mj says I am leaving this job, I cant live in house where is ill-treated, om says its a small thing, mj says this is not a small thing for me and this happened because of someone’s carelessness, tara thinks how to stop mj, I cant let him go, mj is leaving, om stops him and says you cant leave like this, you are guard of my wife, mj says but I am not slave of her, I came here with my consent and will leave with my consent, om says you can go if you want to but there is a professional way to leave the job, you have to serve notice period before I find another guard and also I have given money to your manager, mj says you will get your money back, om says that decision shouldn’t be taken in haste.
vidant comes to nandu and says I was coming to you, what are you doing on road, nandu says I robbed manger’s money but I put them back in drawer, vidant says lets go from here, nandu says no, I don’t wanna disturb you now, vidant says should I bring cuffs to take you home, he holds her hand and takes her from there.
om says that it is not about money but safety of my wife, if anything happens to her who will be responsible, will you be responsible for it? its about someone’s life, you can go but when I find any replacement of you,mj says ok, find it soon as I wont stay here for long, om sasy to mannat that call doctor and ask him to check pari. tara looks at mj, he leaves from there, tara thinks that I have to do something as I have less days otherwise mj will go.

Scene 3
laado I staking massage from servant, other servant brings paan from Bhopal for her, laado is about to throw its wrapper(news paper) when she finds her picture on it and it is written that police is finding kalawati, from sources it was known that rudra pratap / kalawati is alive, laado thinks on whom insistence the case was reopen, I have to find him, she thinks that I have burn that person.

PRECAP- mj is finding pari in whole house, mannat comes there, mj says that sia and pari are not to be seen in house, mannat says oh my god.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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