Hi guys here its me meghna for the new episode of ek dil aur dimmak ki kahani yesterday i got very few comment first i thought to stop writing but then i thought i will continue my ff as their some of u love my ff …..
scene 1
saurab sharad krishna and yuvraj entered to birla house . pratima came and hugged saurab and gave him sweeets.
pratima: mmm this time i will find a good girl for u
saurab: i found already
pratima: what
saurab: oh nothing nothing i need to bath iam so tired
yuvraj: sharad we will play cricket today
sharad : ok
krishna: just come near my home we will paly from there
yuvraj and shard agreed
scene 2
saurab, yuv,shard,krish r going in car.And saurab was driving the car and suddenly they all were laughing and saurab was thinking about rags , and suddenly he saw rags there calling a girl there was a zebra crossing and saurab did not notice it somu was crossing road and she became scared and fell down. suhani bhavna rags came said : oh somu
yuvraj krishna and sharad came out of the car. krishna saw soumya and remembered how she helped him and went lift her. somu saw krishna they had a eyelock
somu: iam ok i was just scraed and fall thats it
suhani saw yuvraj and yuvarj saw suhani both of them were shocked
suhani did not mind him but yuvrajj felt something strange when he saw suhani.
saurab: actually iam sorry
rags: its ok
sharad to bhavna: do u want any help
bhavna: no thanks
yuvraj: come guys we will go now, he took some money from his pocket in a arrogant way and gave to suhani
and said: keep it with u
suhani: no thanks keep ur money and arrongance with u
suhani: rags di , bhavna di somu come we will go
scene 3
yuvraj , saurab sharad and krishna came near krishna house . saurab was excited to see that near krishan house there was rags he was totally happy
sharad saw bhavna, krishna saw somu and yuvraj saw suhani
yuvarj: come we will go from here
sharad : y this is very nice place we can play everyday here
krishna: correct we can play from here
saurab: ya it will be nice
yuvraj: ok if u guys think so
next day saurab came to suhani ‘s house and sais i need to meet that long haired tall girl
can i?
suhani: ok i will call her
rags came saurab was fallen for her he said: this is ur duppatta right yesterday it fall on me and i tried to give u but i couldnt
rags : oh sorry , thanks
saurab saw a book written ragini b.com first year he saud: r u a b.com student ?
rags: yes no can i go inside
saurab tried to talk to her but she did not like it
next day he came and said to rags : this is some book u can use it and one more thing i love u
rags was shocked , she cried and went inside. suhani came and said i need to talk to u come near that park in evening
saurab sais everything to sharad yuvraj and krishna
yuvarj: that girl is nice but her cousin is not nice
saurab: yuvarj u know her sister
yuvraj: ya ,no
saurab: ok ok anyway i gonna marry her not her cousin
shard misunderstood yuvarj and said her cousin is very nice
saurab: how u know her cousin?
yuvraj: that big yed girl is crazy
sharad: but her eyes is small right?
saurab : i think so she have two cousins and u guys r misuderstanding
krishna: anyway somu is really nice
yuvraj: how u know her yesterday while she fell down all theh girls called her her somu so….
saurab: guys iam saying about my love and u guys r talking about her cousins
guys if there is no comments means i will stop writing and tmrw rags mystery will be solved
Ha ha ha all r billkull pagal
nice story line. u continued it. i think it is ur passion right. then why u think comments from ourside. u dont ecpect it. but u continue it and complete it. this is my first comment. but every day icheck that u put the update or not. so u carry on. all the best.
nc episode yar.dnt stop writting…………..
dnt stop writting………….
Nice dr.Don’t stop it……..
pls don’t stop this story………. It’s really nice
Thanks for ur suggestions and u guys R my inspiration so I just asked comments pls don’t misunderstand if I hurt u guys means sorry pls forgive me……
And one more thing by reading this story can anyone of can my age????? Simply,…..
Can anyone of guess my age
Nice yar.I’ll always comment on this bcoz I like ur story
Super yar…… Pls dnt think to stop….. We want it… I am also checked if u update or not……
pls don’t stop writing .pls increase the length of the story.its so interesting and increase the romance of the story.pls write more.I’m eagerly waiting for next episode
Really nice ff please don’t stop writing. This is my first comment but i check your ff daily.
Meghna…. How old are u
meghna……. Ur age ………24…….. I guesss …….if i wrong sorry really sorry
My age is less than 16
ohhh sorry yaar…….
Nice episode…
guys iam sorry they r saying that submission of new article is not possible
Its nyc
y Dr today there is no article.pls post dr
nyc dude…….:)
Hey Meghna I was a bit busy with my little daughter so was unable to read the update and to comment on that. Today when I read ur update and comments I came to know that you were a little upset. But dear first of all be confident and never give up,secondly we all really liked the plot you created. So never give up. Now coming to a question you asked about ur age was according to me I thought that you were near about 16 to 18 or may be a 9th or 10th class student. The reason behind this thinking was all your characters especially the lead are of that age,so I thought so but you r smaller than 16 means you have very much time to improve and prove urself so don’t stop writing as this is ur passion and could be ur carrier in future. Now coming to the fact that you are unable to post the update as an episode than don’t worry post it as comments and we will read it and definitely comment on it.Sorry if I had hurt you.Thanks
plzzz………….. update nxt episode…………
dont stop writing or updating ff or episode…..