Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 10th February 2020 Written Episode Update: Dhruv gifts coat to Bheema

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 10th February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Bhimbai takes Bheema inside. One villager tells the guy to step inside and drag his wife out. He refuses. Old man offers to purify him again. Lady tells her husband to drag her outside as he has a solution now. This society is amazing! It will be a sin to step inside this house in front of others but it can be cleaned by taking bath. You have ousted a woman from your community by putting a false blame on her! Our society is divided in many parts. The division is a pit which can never be filled again! Another villager tells the guy to drag her out. We will teach her the truth then. She is speaking too much. The man refuses but Mangesh insists. Who else will clean the dirt of your house? The guy walks away. Villagers follow him. Narayan does not look pleased.

The lady cries.

Bhimbai tells her not to cry but the lady says they came to drag me out to kill me. I would have gone somewhere else only if I knew I will be alive there. Bhimbai addresses her as Didi. Women are anyways forced to carry the burden of caste and limits. Ganga gets thinking. The lady says I was thrown out of the house. No one thought where I will go in the middle of the night. This dint give them enough satisfaction. Now they want to drag me out of this house too! She cries. Everyone tells her to stay here for as long as she wants. Bhimbai tells everyone to be careful and take care of Didi. Villagers wont stay quiet.

Mangesh is instigating everyone. This is not just limited to your family now. It is about our community! Your wife is staying with them which means they can give shelter to our people! Another villager seconds him. The guy says I wont go now. Even that little kid started lecturing me. Villagers give him 2 days time. If you don’t do anything in 2 days then you, your kids and parents will have to move next to Sakpal family’s house. The guy panics.

Anand asks Bheema to come. Dhruv is calling you. He helps Bheema stand. Bhimbai tells him to tell Dhruv that Bheema is hurt. How will he walk till there? Go and rest now. Why is he calling you? He is one of your classmates. He always teases / taunts you. Bheema says I will go. It might be something important. Anand seconds him. They both head outside. Bhimbai thinks they aren’t nice people. She goes after them.

Anand and Bheema meet Dhruv at a secluded place. Bheema asks him if he wants to push him again. Dhruv denies. You are poor, right? Bheema nods. Dhruv gives him a coat. It is very expensive. Only people from our caste wear it. No one will question you on your caste during Bhog when they will see it or they will throw you out of there! Bhimbai says we don’t need it. Bheema nods. I will wear whatever I have. Thank you for the effort. Dhruv requests him to keep it. I will then feel that you have forgiven me for my misdeed. Bhimbai says Bheema always forgives everyone but we cannot accept the coat. You might prove him a thief tomorrow. Dhruv says I could have done it by replacing my notebook in classroom. That would have been easier. He requests Bheema to accept it. Bheema says I cannot keep it but I will wear it only if you will make me. Bhimbai objects but Bheema reminds her that she only tells him that they shouldn’t say no to people when they request us politely. He turns to Dhruv. You wont have to touch me while putting it on. Dhruv happily obliges. Bhimbai takes Bheema with him afterwards.

Bhimbai asks Bheema why Dhruv was apologizing to him. Are you hiding something from me? Bheema says till now I was but now I wont. He was the one who had pushed me. Bhimbai gets angry. I will speak to him. Bheema tells her ot let it be. He apologized already. Let’s go home.

Anand asks Dhruv why he gave his coat to Bheema. Do you want to be friends with us? Dhruv denies. We can never be friends. We are from different communities. It was penitence. Honestly, no kid from a higher community can be friends with you guys. Anand gives Surendra’s example but Dhruv says I am not as brave as him. I cannot bear my Baba beating me. I pushed Bheema so I did penitence by giving that coat to Bheema. People like my Baba or Surendra’s Baba will never let us become friends. He leaves. Anand looks on sadly.

Bheema has worn a similar colour shorts and keeps staring at his coat. Everyone smiles. Anand tells him not to do this or people will automatically think it isn’t his. Manjula seconds him. Bala tells him to imagine he is an Englishman. Introduce Aayi and Baba to me. Ganga makes fun of him. Bala speaks in broken English. Bheema introduces his parents. Bala asks him if he wont sit. Bheema says I don’t know if we will stand there or sit. Ram ji seconds him. He gives clothes to Bhimbai. I got clothes for you, me and Bheema. I will get clothes for everyone else later on. Everyone nods happily. Bhimbai says I will have to sew it overnight. Ram ji is curious about the coat. Anand says Dhruv gave it to him. Ram ji says he doesn’t like you. Why did you accept it? Bheema says you only say that we should welcome a happy behaviour just like we should oppose a bad one. He requested very politely. I couldn’t say no. Everyone smiles.

Bhimbai and the lady get busy stitching clothes while Bheema is writing something. Anand asks Ram ji if he had seen such Bhoj’s during his job. Ram ji nods. He shares details.

Everyone sits down to have food except Bhimbai and Ram ji. Bhimbai asks him if he wont eat. He says I am not hungry but she guesses correctly that he is nervous. She says even I am very nervous. He says during my job I had seen many such Bhoj’s. I used to often wonder if you and I will also get to be a part of such Bhoj ever in life. That thought used to scare me. I used to wonder if I was dreaming beyond my league. She says your incomplete dream is going to be fulfilled tomorrow. He nods. She says I am tensed as I am not sure if I will be able to even face such people tomorrow. He asks her to stand up. She complies. He tells her to think that all Englishmen are sitting in front of them. We have to walk up to them with our son. She hides behind him. He tells her to hold his hand to feel strong. Walk with pride thinking that we are Bheema’s parents. They hear Bheema’s name echoing in the background as they walk forward together.

Precap: Ram ji requests Principal to write a letter for them to present in the Bhoj. Principal refuses. Only people from elite class will be there. They will insult you and your kid. Do you want to break Bheema’s faith on studies just for a Bhoj? He enters home looking dejected. Bhimbai and Bheema are ready. Bhimbai asks him to change but he tells them that they wont go anywhere.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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