Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 10th November 2022 Written Episode Update: Ramji suffers in pain.

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 10th November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

In this episode the men boost Bhim Rao’s moral. They ask him not to worry, court will not punish him. They told Bhim Rao about the Mashal they lighted in hope of Bhim Rao’ victory. They blamed Hitesh for falsely testifying against Bhim Rao. Hitesh asked him to behave. The men were ready to burn their court with that Mashal. Bhim Rao, Rama, and Meera wanted to stop them. Everyone else in the chawl stopped Bhim Rao. They were willing to let the coats be burnt. Hitesh and Joku ignited those men, took off their coats asking them to burn it. Bhim Rao tried to stop them. The men burnt their coats.

Ramji was crying.

Joku was infuriated. The man stopped him from coming forward or else he would burn Joku as well. Hitesh asked Bhim Rao to get them justice. Ramji stopped Bhim

Rao, said that Bhim Rao cannot cater with his drama. Hitesh was at fault for falsely testifying. Ramji asked Bhim Rao to go inside. Men asked Ramji not to worry, they will handle Joku and Hitesh.

Rama came to Bhim Rao. Ramji refused to eat. Bhim Rao said that seeing Jijabai against him in court broke him. Ramji recalled Jijabai’s actions, his request to let him live yet Jijabai giving him an ultimate. Ramji couldn’t bare seeing Jijabai in court against him. He was suffering from a headache.

Rama said that they have only two options remaining, Ramji accepting Jijabai’s demand or Jijabai retreating the case herself. The worst part was that none of them were willing to do so.
Jijabai was sitting near a street. She wanted Ramji to suffer the pain she was went through all her life. She wanted Ramji to accept her wish. She knew that house members would compel him to do so.

Ramji was in extreme pain. He was holding in his screams. He covered his head with a cloth to stop the pain. Ramji didn’t want to his children to suffer from his pain. He was in extreme pain.
Jijabai didn’t like going to court but she had no option. Ramji never understood her. The lawyer and Joshi came to her. Lawyer said that Ramji will understand her now. Joshi agreed with lawyer, he brought food for Jijabai. He asked her to eat her dinner and prepare for tomorrow. Jijabai told Joshi that she wasn’t a fool, understood very well why he brought food for someone he doesn’t even consider human. Jijabai left. Joshi was humiliated that even Jijabai taunted her because of Bhim Rao. Lawyer told that he was predicting danger. If Bhim Rao wasn’t stopped on time, he would become Mahanayak one day. He has never seen woman like Jijabai answering like she did. Bhim Rao was having an effect on her, a people with this much influential capabilities ought to become Mahanayak. Joshi questioned Lawyer for being afraid, said that he can hire a new lawyer. The lawyer wasn’t frightened, he will fight and win this case.

Hitesh told everyone that there were only tow options. Either Ramji accepts Jijabai’s demand or go to jail. They knew that Ramji wouldn’t agree and will go to Jail. They long awaited for this day. Daliya asked Ramji’s son to talk to Ramji. Anand knew that Ramji was not the one to be convinced. They heard Bhim Rao calling Ramji. Everyone went over.

Ramji was screaming in pain. His sons gathered around him. Anand knew he was in pain. Bala asked why he was sitting on the floor. Ramji yelled at them. Bhim Rao and Rama requested him to calm down. Ramji recalled Jijabai’s threat. Ramji questioned Rama why everyone was after his family. He didn’t want anyone to go after his family, they were his everything. He asked everyone to live. Bala’s wife asked him to tell what was happening to him. Ramji told that he was having a headache, his heartrate was going fast. He didn’t know how to deal with all that pain.

Update Credit to: Sona

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