Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 29th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Bhim finds Rama unconscious on the floor

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 29th December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Jija Bai says it is the fault of Rama as how could she leave like this without caring for what everyone would feel, Phulari asks Bhim if he does not want to go to his work today and if he should leave, when the neighbor questions what is Phulari saying as it relates to his wife and when it relates to oneself then they lose all of their rights, Bhim replies he is surely going to his job and is sure that nothing would happen to her, Deepak comes running back to the Chawl and is emotional when the neighbor says if she has died, they all rush following Deepak. Bala also gets up when Karuna says he said he would not leave even a single drop of tea, Bala replies who knows what has happened to Rama when Karuna replies saying everyone is there to worry for her but if he leaves with having

tea then when he returns she would not be present here, Bala asks what is she talking about, Karuna replies she has said it and now it is up to Bala, he is forced to sit down and have the remaining tea while Karuna is smiling, Jija Bai is also staring at them both, thinking that the three of them have formed a team to ruin the life of that Bhim and if Rama has died today then it has started.

Rama is lying unconscious on the road while the people are staring at her, Bhim is running with Deepak followed by everyone else from the Chawl who care for her, Deepak and Bhim are the first to reach and Bhim immediately try to wake Rama but she does not respond, which worries everyone. Bhim is very tense when Deepak says that Rama has been lifting coal since yesterday and the people have changed their shifts twice but she has been working constantly when he tried to stop her, she said she had been working to earn money but now is working to end the pain she got from the words of Karuna. Deepak informed that Rama started working on two sacks at the same time, but after a while, she got dizzy and fell so started murmuring that she needed to work after which she got unconscious. Ramji requests someone to bring water and throw it on her face, Lakshmi calls the person requesting some water but the person says they have not touched Rama so why would they give them water?

Bhim gets furious asking them to not give it as he will himself bring it, Ramji says there is no need to stand there and they all should leave, and Aanad also gets furious at them. Aanad says that Karuna Bhabhi made a very big mistake, Ramji mentions that no one should have done it because they stayed quiet when Karuna was scolding Rama so they all are at fault. Bhim requests the woman to give some water to him as his wife is unconscious but the lady refuses to give him any water. Bhim then asks a person to give him some water from his house but the person says that this society is of the upper class so no one is going to give him any water, he suggests Bhim should go and bring the water from the pond. Bhim starts requesting everyone he can find but they all start walking without even looking at him, Ramji and Aanad are waiting for Bhim while Lakshmi and the aunt are trying to wake Rama, she starts requesting water so Nandu also leaves. Nandu returns saying there is not any water when Ramji wonders where it is Bhim, Deepak says what if no one gave him water, Bhim standing behind them holding a broken pot assures he will bring water for Rama even in the desert,

Ramji asks Bhim to come quickly, he starts sprinkling water on the face of Rama and then tries to make her drink some of the water but she is still unconscious, they all are worried for her when Rama finally wakes up. Bhim asks him to get up so she is finally able to sit, she is worried seeing everyone standing around her, she says she is fine so they should not be worried. Bhim gets emotional and then exclaims what would they worry about and who are they to her, Rama says she knows he would be angry with her but she had to do it, Seth comes to bring the money for Rama mentioning he has heard that if he kept the money then her husband would have filed the case on him. Rama picks the coins in her hands, she says they did not recognize him but gave the money due to his fear. Bhim asks Rama to come home after picking up the money, Rama then calls Baba who asks what relation they have with her, he also leaves when Rama requests Aanad, Lakshmi, and Shoba to understand how she is feeling, Lakshmi says that Rama has made a mistake, Nandu explains she felt Rama is very intelligent but what she has done today has broken their heart, they all leave her sitting on the floor while just Deepak and Puran are standing y her side, Rama gets tensed when Deepak sits in front of her requesting her to not be worried, Rama says everyone got furious with her so how can she cheer them up, Puran tells Rama they all love her a lot and he is full of hope that the future of their class will be good because she did it for her self dignity and this same feeling would one day come in their class, as then no one can stop them. Deepak asks Rama to come as Bhim is furious and it would be difficult to cheer him up, Puran also asks her to come.

Jija Bai is waiting for everyone to return along with the neighbors, Bhim entering the Chawl furiously says that Rama died, Jija Bai asks if he is telling the truth when Bhim replies he is saying the truth that Rama died, Bala and Karuna ask what is he saying when Ramji returns with everyone so Jija Bai asks if she surely died, Ramji says that she should watch the way she is talking when Bhim stops him saying Jija Bai is right that Rama is dead, but then Rama returns with Puran and Deepak seeing which they all are shocked. Jaggu questions if these things are to joke about, Bhim replies he has never seen Rama think wrong about every one of them and he asks Karuna if she is listening, but they all were not bothered when she was missing yesterday but when he returned they all wanted to hear from his mouth if Rama is alive or dead so they should listen that Rama is dead, Bhim is furious.

Update Credit to: Sona

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