Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 3rd November 2023 Written Episode Update: Bhim insists on helping Puran

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 3rd November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

They warn how Bhim must never think they do not have any regard for his efforts but this time he should stay away from all these things, because problems are around the world so do they have to fight all the problems., they mention his desire is true but they should also be a circle for it, Bhim asks if Puran is not in that circle, Ramji says that he was not in this circle till he was in the other jail, Bhim leaves saying that Puran indeed comes in this circle for him however Ramji says that for him Puran does not come in this, he even tells Rama to go and talk some sense to Bhim as Puran does not come in their family circle, the neighbors say that if Bhim Rao does not listen to their decision then they would punish him and he has to accept what is true and right because this is what

he deserves.

Rama going to Bhim Rao asks him to forget whatever has happened outside but Bhim asks what does she desire, she says she has never questioned his decision but Bhim asks what does she desire either what the people from the Chawl are saying or what he stands for, Ramji coming explains Rama should think that her decision might cause Bhim to get hit by a bullet which he does not desire, Bhim once again asks Rama what doe she desire but she says she will bring breakfast for him, Rama tries to leave however Bhim stops him asking what does she desire, Rama asks when would a wife desire that her husband gets hit by a bullet and she also wants whatever everyone else is saying but prays that he should not do this all, Rama leaves so Bhim gets tensed.

Landlord is with Sethji when his son says that this is the first time that everyone in the Chawl of Bhim Rao has gone against him including his own wife Rama, Sethji says he never thought that his own wife can go against him, the landlord exclaims that he has felt glad thinking that this time everyone is against Bhim Rao so this time he will surely lose the battle.

Rama sitting with Bhim Rao exclaims she at first desired he should keep fighting but when Ramji has gotten scared then she also wants him to stay back. Bhim Rao says he has heard that if they take permission to get a letter signed from the lawyer then it can happen, he thinks this si the right way to meet Puran jee. Rama asks if nothing else matters to him including the tension of Ramji and even those who are close to him, Bhim Rao says it all matters but a person who is sitting in jail without any crime in the hope that someone will fight for his justice, so he will do it, Rama suggests Bhim should let the matter cool down a bit and then decide what he would do, Bhim Rao closes all of his books, and sitting beside Rama mentions he is not fighting for any selfish reasons. Bhim Rao walks back to Rama who says if he leaves then it would be like breaking the heart of everyone, Bhim Rao exclaims they should sleep so they both lie down n their beds to sleep. Rama goes to sleep but Bhim Rao is still awake and then sees Rama who is sleeping on the floor, he removes the quilt from his body thinking how Ramji said that everyone in the Chawl has decided that Bhim would neither talk about Puran nor fight for him, he thinks that now everyone is sleeping it will be the best time to leave otherwise if they are awake then would not let him go, Bhim Rao apologizes to Rama explaining that he is going since the right to justice cannot be compared to the feelings of anyone. Bhim Rao takes his back from the table and slowly opens the door to leave while Rama is still sleeping. Bhim Rao is about to walk out of the Chawl when Rama holding his hand stops him, and even the entire family is awake, Rama says that Bhim should forget whatever people from the Chawl said but e did not even consider about his family, Bhim replies he has respect for their decision which is why he decided to leave in the night when all of them are asleep otherwise they would get worried if he left, Jija Bai says Bhim Rao does not have any regard for his own father because he keeps saying that he respects him but has no regard , Ramji says he also wants to know what his son feels for him and even Rama says what he thinks about his wife, the brothers of Bhim say that they are not saying that Bhim is wrong but just want to know what he feels for them, the aunt mentions they all are always standing beside Bhim in his quest but are scared at the moment so want him to just stand by their side. Bhim remembers how Puran along with other prisoners were mis treated on their way to the prison, Rama says Bhim is quiet so should not say anything but just come inside with her while otherwise he should ask her to leave his hand. Bhim after a while asks Rama to leave his hand, she is shocked and looking at Bhim lets go of his hand. Bhim says he knows they are stopping him so he does not suffer the problems in the future but he is trying to save Puran from the problems that he has been suffering for so many ears, Bhim further says their thought of stopping him is their love for him while his tension for Puran is his duty and whenever it comes to love or duty then the duty always wins, Bhim Rao leaves after apologizing to everyone hearing which Jijabai starts smiling while everyone else is tensed.

Bhim Rao is walking in the night when he goes to the door of the lawyer who is cleaning his teeth, the lawyer asks what is he doing so early in the morning when Bhim replies if he says his name then the lawyer would not be interested to talk with him but the lawyer asks if he is from the lower class, Bhim says he is just asking for justice so there should not be any say about what class does he belong to but the lawyer asks Bhim to walk away as he does not want to ruin his day after seeing the face of a lower class person, he leaves without even listening to what Bhim has to say seeing which Bhim leaves.

In the morning the neighbors are saying that the sun is shining brighter because the hopes of everyone have been shattered who thought that Bhim cares for them when in reality he is just a selfish person, Ramji turns to leave but Jija Bai stops him saying that he should stay here to listen to what everyone else is saying as this is the first time both him and his son have to listen to anything, Jija Bai explains he would get some patience to learn his lesson.

Bhim Rao is with a lawyer who says that he is such a big lawyer and should he go to the prison and fight for the right of a person from the lawyer class as it is not possible, Bhim Rao explains that he is such a big lawyer so it is his duty, when the lawyer leaves saying that being born in his class is in itself a crime.

The neighbors say that the Bhim Rao has committed a crime when still a child argues if everyone has been punished for his crimes in this Chawl, the neighbors say that this time Ramji is also going to defend Bhim Rao just as in the past but Ramji says this time he is not going to defend Bhim and they can give him any punishment that they desire, he returns back to his room while Rama gets worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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