Ragini realized her postion she leaves sanskae nd backs off ..ragsan looks at themselves who’s r totally wet..nd ragini body clearly visible due to her transperent wet shirt..ragini quickly covers herself with her hands…
Ragini:u idiot..see what u did
Sanskar:u only first poured water on me..nd now u r yelling at me
Ragini:i jst thrown small amout of water but ..u makes me wet fully..
Sanskar:who told u to pour water on me ha..fault is urs na so u should regret
Ragini(shows her finger):uuu
Sanskar looks st her body..
Ragini realized ,she removed her hand from herself nd quickly wrapped herself with her hand..
Sanskar sees her nd understand her situation..
Ragini:what sorry ha..now how can i go to home like this..
Sanskar sees someone who was passing in that way , looking at ragini…He drags her nd hugs her by covering her front nd his both hands covers her back…ragini felt goosebumps all over her body by his tight hug …sanskar signals to that man like go…the man left…ragini came to sense nd asks what he was doing leave her…
Sanskar:dont shout..this d only way to cover urself..
Ragini:how much time i will be like this…anyone can see they would mistaken..leave me
Sanskar:i dont have any interest to hold u luke this..i jst want to help u..if u dont want then go show ur body to all..saying he leaves her nd walks..
Ragini:hello where u going leaving me like this..she followed him
Sanskar:u only asked me to leave so..
Ragini:so u left me like this..how mean u r
Sanskar:k wait here i will come in 2min
Ragini:where r u going
After 3 min sanskar came with dupatta..
Ragini:dupatta..where did u get it
Sanskar:i saw someone was working leaving dupatta aside..i stolen it
Ragini:what ?u theft it
Sanskar:ha..if u dont want i will return it..
Sanakae wrapped that dupatta around ragini while ragini looks at him…
Ragsan reached home…sanskar about to go to his room..
Sanskar:no need to say thanks..its k
Ragini:thanks..my foot…u did wrong so u saveed me thats it..
Ragini:what..take ur dupatta
She throws it on him nd leaves to her room while sanskar glares at her nd murmers she will never change..
Sanskar was watching tv in hall nd ragini was sits nd reading novel…he was watching horror movie..ragini gets scared listening those sounds..
Ragini:can u plz stop that movie..
Sanskar:y should i stop..
Ragini:u should..i knw u love devils bcz they r ur relatives na…
Sanskar:very funny
Ragini:stop that
Sanskar:no..do u knw ,in villages witches will roam at night..
Sanskar:ha..they r very dangerous
Ragini:what they will do
Sanskar:they will torture u..
Ragini:me?..what i have done
Sanskar:they wr not like unmarried girls..so u r unmarried na thats y..i heard frm sudha aunty..they killed 2girls last month
Ragini(gulped in fear):really.but im here since 1wk na.they didnt come
Sanskar:vo..they come at some special nights..today was amavasya night so they will come today..
Hearing this ragini was shivering..sanskar supressing his laugh…
Sanskar:r u scaring
Ragini:no..y should i..i knw u r lying..
Sanskar:so u r not scaring..
Ragini:no..im brave enough..
Sanskar:k good nighr..have a good sleep saying he walks to his room while smiling mischiviously….
Ragini walks to her room..but sanskar words ringing in her mind….she cant able to sleep..heavy wind passed windows r banging..which makes ragini got more scared…she comes out of her room nd knocks sanskar room..
Sanskar(opened d door):,what happend..y r u disturbing my sleep this time..
Ragini:vo..can i sleep with u
Ragini:i mean can i sleep in ur room
Sanskar:y ,what happend to ur room
Ragini:vo..fan was not working in my room so
Sanskar:so..u should sleep in hall..there is fan na
Ragini:i cant sleep in hall
Sanskar:k u sleep in my room..i will sleep in hall
Ragini:no..u should sleep with me
Sanskar:r u fine
Ragini:ha..plz let me go inside ur room
Sanskar:k i will go to hal
Ragini:areh i said no na
Ragini:vo..i was scaring
Sanskar(teasingly):someone said im brave enough..now she got scared..
Ragini bowed her head..
Sanskar:k.i will let u in my room
Ragini smiles nd about to go inside..
Sanskar:say sorry
Sanskar:for that dupatta wali scene
Ragini(reminds how she throws dupatta on his face):sorry
Sanskar:i cant hear
Ragini(bit loudly):sorry
Sanskar:once again
Ragini(irritated):sorry..can i come
Sanskar:no..hold ur ears
Sanskar:then go to ur room nd njoy with witches..
Ragini murmerd u r dangerous than them
Sanskar:did u say anything
Sanskar:k do
Ragino holds her ears
Sanskar:do sits up
Ragini glares at him
Sanskar:common fast..im getting sleep
Ragini helplessly doing sit ups sanskar smirks…
Sanskar:bas bas..come inside
Ragini walks inside nd jumps on bed..
Sanskar:hello madam..that is my bed..get down
Ragini:then where can i sleep
Sanskar points towards floor
Ragini:what floor
Sanskar:ha..no more argues..sleep..
Saying he fell on bed nd sleeps..ragini spreads bedsheet on floor nd says in mind now time is urs but i will get time oneday that time i will see u mr sanskar..saying she lay on floor….but she still feel scared.she feels some wierd sounds..she gets up nd lie on bed besides sanskar..she holds sanskar frm back tightly nd closed her eyrs tightly…sanskar who was awake widened his eyes by ragini act…she buried her face in hiis neck due to fear…sanskar feels her hot breath nd her increased heart beat…a bright smile appears on his face…
Hope it was not boring…
Omg? it’s interesting day by day
Thank u dear
and the cover pic is nice varun’s simle is magnetic
Thank u dear
It was amazing when will u update next
Thank u dear..i wil update on saturday r monday
so sweet and romantic.if i said u should not feel bad ur a romantic qeen. What r u doing r u studing \working plz say na ur really so romantic and i read crazy ff . Ff based on love after marriage are really super….. And one more thing i will call u as romantic queen only again dont feel bad. Because ur romantic scene impressed me in such a way
Thank u dear..i didnt fell bad dear..
doubt r u marathi and yesterday admitted in hospital due to high fever and lack of blood in my body im fine and im in 10th floor its really nice to see the racecourse.
No im a telugu girl..get well soon..take care dear
Thank u
Soooo cuteeee??
Thank u dear
Thank u dear
omgggg amazinggg yaar ab next part jaldi jaldi
Thank u dear
fabulous dear…loved it alot…..last scene superbbb…waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear….
Thank u dear
Awwwwww amazing
Thank u dear
i had an idea i had plot it if u want u can writen it as story however im not going to write it because nxt 12 and after 12th music class so i cant instead u write i will very happy story plot; sanskar,swara,laksh r friends study at same collage.swalak love each other. Sankar was in us for a yr. One day sanlakswa come and introduce themself to rag but she does not reply and go to class. Swaragsanlak r same class but they r not friends swara does not like rag because of her character. But san feel some strange connection to rag.every day night rag use to cry seeing an album. One day swalaksan saw rag with a pug and ask fr friendship but she does not accept. Rag pug got missed she started to cry sankskar cannt see her cry so he find and give the dog. Rag with some intension become san friend. Rag used to put some medicine in san food which cause him great head pain. San find it and slap rag .rag burst out in tears in say she did to make him forgot his past
past is ragsan r lovers rag is d/o of great bussinessman but her father want her become bussinesswoman not singer. But san came and changed everthing and they fall for eachother but rag father set goon and beat him which results in his memory loss will they unite?
Intersting dear..but im writing 2ffs now ..i will think after these twi complete..if u get a free time u shoukd write dear…im sorry dear
Awesome loved it
Thank u dear
no problem but how to type the story can we type story in my mobile because in my lappy no net. And one more think i dont know how to post
Here is d link to post..
If u have notepad on ur mbl..u can write there nd paste here..or else u can directly write here….before u could post u have to register in tu
romantic queen when i share this story with my cosin sister she started to laught and she said she never had this types of story i her life. Is it boring that much…..say plz
Sryi didnt get u
Nice. Waiting for hug ff too..
Frds one help.. I have read old ff of ragsan Reality..it was too good but oly 17 episodes r available I want to read the rest can anyone tell me where can I get the link.. .i dnt know where to ask.. So I used dis ragsan page. .sry guys
Thanks dear…i completed hug ss..i think u missed last shot…about ragsan reality ff i thonk she wrote onlu 17 episodes…she dodnt comlete that ff
Thank u dear
Nice last part is good keep going
Thank u dear
Thank u dear
Awesome. I just love it. Especially the sanskar’s concern towards ragini when they were drenched in water. Waiting for ragini’s reaction to his prank.
Thank i dear
Superb chala bagundi …famous scene of Telugu movies
Thank u dear
Awesome ??
Thank u dear
It’s not boring sis.This part is very very cute & romantic.Loved it loadsss sis
Thank u dear
Amazing awesome fabulous fantastic superb nice interesting good one yaar lahari i cant find more words express this part yaar… Actually my self dictionary is running in error??
Want ragsan to feel for eachother yaar…. Keep going
Atlast update soooooooooooon….
Thank u so much dear..?????
It’s now super interesting
Thank u dear
Fab and sorry for late comment xx