Categories: Ek Mutthi Aasman

Ek Mutthi Aasman 21st January 2014 Written Episode Update

Ek Mutthi Aasman 21st January 2014 Written Episode, Ek Mutthi Aasman 21st January 2014 Written Update

Scene 1
Kalpi goes to the college and stands in front of her God, she hears everyone talking about their results.
Kalpi and Paki both are looking for the numbers in the sheet Paki is looking from the bottom and finds her name on the top. She shouts and says yes I am first in whole college. She looks at Kalpi then and leaves. Kalpi is looking and wondering why her number in not on the list. She thinks if she has failed. She says this is not possible.

Scene 2
Kamla is cooking Kalpi’s favorite dishes. She has bought her a new jeans, top and skirt.
Pakiya brought gifts for Kalpi. Kanta comes in asks Kalpi that Kamla is giving party tonight, Kamla says let her come first. Kamla prays to her God to give her strength.

Scene 3
Kalpi is in college

is is disheartened she says this is not possible I can’t fail. Paki says I canj’t believe this as well. What will I say to Ai she has all her hope from me. Paki says Kamla will understand if there is some problem. Kalpi says you are first and you passed you won the challenge and got your Kamla maa. Paki says you are Kamla maa’s daughter why will I want you to flunk in exams. Kalpi says let me go to office. Paki says I wanted to be first but never wanted you to fail. I am not happy at all.
Kalpi goes to office and asks him to check. She says this isn’t possible. I have been topping exams since 2 years this is not possible. Please recheck my papers. The teacher says there is a process for everything here get the form of rechecking and submit it.

Scene 4
Kamla is waiting for Kalpi. Pakiya comes in. Kamla asks where are you coming from. Kamla is really worried.
Kalpi remembers Kamla saying that my children will not live our lives. She recalls showing her good results to Kamla. That Kamla saw a dream of her becoming a madam and being so strong in front on Nettu that Kalpi won’t work. She in on the edge of building and is about to fall Paki stops her. She asks what did people say ? Kalpi leaves. Paki says why don’t you understand I am trying to help you. She wonders what will happen to Kamla maa if she gets to know that you failed.

Scene 5
Vitthal is looking at his phone he wonders why Kamla didn’t call her maybe Kalpi has not reached the chowl yet but where she can be. Is it like she has not topped the exams but she must have cleared it with flying colors.
Kamla asks Pakiya to go the college and check. Kamla is really worried she plans to call Paki. Paki is in her room. She gets startled with Kamla’s call. She disconnects it, Kamla is worried why is she not attending the call.
The boss comes to Vitthal and says what’s wrong. Vitthal says I just wanna go home early today. He says this happens with the people who are here on a source. You have to complete the work and then can go.

Scene 5
Nettu gives Manda a saari any says wow you are so clever that’s why people don’t like you. Nettu says Kamla’s daughter doesn’t like her what can be more for me ? Nettu says Kamla will get to know now that the dream of hers has been broken by me. Kamla’s daughter will be a servant like her mom.

PRECAP- Kamla is at Nettu’s house. Wishing KPaki. She says I am so proud of you. Nettu says have the sweet Kamla but ogh you must be sad. Kamla says sad for what ? Nettu says Kalpi has flunked.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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