Categories: Ek Mutthi Aasman

Ek Mutthi Aasman 2nd December 2013 Written Episode Update

Ek Mutthi Aasman 2nd December 2013 Written Episode, Ek Mutthi Aasman 2nd December 2013 Written Update

Scene 1
A policeman says to Vitthal that your son is free a guy came and talked to inspector and got your son with him. Vitthal asks who was that guy ? Inspector says it was Raghav’s man. Paki says wow he has helped you second time.
Vitthal says you’ve helped us too. Paki says lets go i’ll drop Vitthal says no you should go home.

Scene 2
Paki goes home and nettu asks where were you ? Paki says i went to kalpi’s house to study. Nettu says i’m telling you stay away from these poor people. Paki says i cause them problem to them pakiya got arrested because of me. Nettu says oh poor him how long he’s gonna be in jail. Paki says he’s already free Raghav’s man got him out. Nettu says raghav ? She says yes.

Scene 3
Kamla is angry at

pakiya for doing the fight. Pakiya says but Paki was a guest here and i did that for her. She tells Vitthal that she will be back soon.
Nettu tells Sahil that Raghav is doing too much for kamla’s family. Nettu says i’m scared sahil i don’t know what is he planning.

Scene 4
Kalpi is in temple she remembers Prem insulting her in the hotel. Then her father begging in front of police inspector. She says this is insult how will my dad put this all up. I feel so helpless. I want to take my family away from here. I want to give them a good life that’s the aim of my life. i wanna be successful. i wanna fulfill dream of ai.Prem is at his site. laughing saying have you seen what can i give you. His secretary comes and tells him that all his flats are sold just in one day he has made the history. Mr.Gupta comes up. Prem says have you given my message to raghav. Prem says see my project is so successful all falts are sold. Gupta says i know and i know how this is possibel. He says i know because of me. Mr. Gupta says no because of Raghav Singhaniya. He has bought all the flats of your building through different people. Now you will construct it and he’ll be the owner. Look down prem sees down where his name is being replaces by raghav’s. Gupta says yes, Now he will sell them for higher rates.

Scene 5
Nettu goes to Paki’s room. She asks what is my doll doing. Paki says i was watching TV. ‘Doli Armano Ki’ is on the TV. Nettu says yes i keep thinking about you the man of your dreams. They hear some breaking voice. Sahil has broken the vase. Nettu asks what’s wrong. Sahil says your son has started the journey of our loss. People are making fun of our name. Prem is drinking. He says da you are over reacting just one project doesn’t make any difference. Sahil says just one project is enough to bring your name down on earth. Nettu says to prem don’t worry my son this was your first project everyone makes mistakes. Prem says even though this is my mistake i’ll get all the loss from raghav and i know very well how to do that.

Scene 6
Paki is apologizing kalpi for what happened. Kalpi says i know you’re always ready to help us but it always ruined our life. kalpi goes to canteen and a guy behind takes her laptop out of her bag and leaves. When kalpi goes back and can’t find her laptop she starts looking in the bag and asking people around. She is so worried she asks everyone in the cafe but no one knows she’s in tears.
The guy who took he laptop is sitting outside and put his usb in the laptop. Paki is right there in front of him and she look at him and says hey excuse me, but the guy run leaving the laptop on the bench. paki takes the laptop.

Precap The same guy who took kalpi’s laptop tells prem that he hacked the college’s system and got the papers. He saved one in kalpi’s laptop. Prem says good job now raghav will have to come in front fo me.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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