Fan Fiction


Ek Rishta Aisa Bhi

Hello friends. First of all wish you a very.. very ” HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY ” to my all reader friends. From my side this part is a treat to all my lovely reader friends . It is a very important part of this story or I should tell , it is the most awaited part of my SS . I don’t know how will you accept it. But I am hoping for the best .

And one more thing friends, at the last chapter everyone has taken my words in a wrong way. Yes, I won’t write any SS/ FF . But that doesn’t mean , I am leaving TU and stopping my writing. I will write only OS/ TS. And I really hat sup to those writers who are writing FFs . How are you writing this much big big stories, yaar? I have no patience like you guys , to write a FF/SS . Tum writers ki charan kahana hai pehle dikhao mujhe , mujhe tum logo ka charan spars karna hai . Really you are doing a fav job yaar. For all writers a big kiss from my side ?.

Now I am stopping my bakbak and starting my story.

Here is previous part link:-


Story starts, from the first person’s shocking face . When he turned his face towards his behind to see the person…. a big sigh relief from his mouth where other person was giving him as a questionable look .

Person: ( lightly hitted his chest and said in a nervous voice) you scared me dammit . You scared me like my death L..A..K..S..H.( Yes the behind person is Laksh)

Laksh: ( in a low voice) but what are you doing here that also in this time ( seeing his wrist watch)

Person: Nothing…just calling him ( showing the caller id)

Laksh:( in a understanding voice) ohh… Then you got any news about that night

Person: No. Till now he can’t find anything ( again took a deep breath closing his both eyes)

Laksh: Then when have you thought to end this game ?

Person: ( started to walk crossing Laksh and stopped at a little distance from Laksh) don’t know, but till when I don’t get any information I won’t end it ( again started to move from there )

Laksh: ( holding his hand and turned his back to facing his front) ( in a declarative voice) ….you can’t run everytime like nothing happened …you can’t….at least not this time….S.A.N.S.K.A.R.B.H.A.I ( stretching his name in an angry voice )

( yes ..yes ..i know everyone already guess about . But still I am telling you, the person who was talking on phone is none other than our Sanskar , who is doing acting as a mad boy. First big revelation of the story end …now will go for 2nd one)

Sanskar: ( in an angry voice) then what you want, I will go and tell them from 9 months I was just doing an acting in front of them. Where are all worried for me? What will I say them, their Sanskar..who is a great son has cheated them from their back? Or I should tell them, I , the great businessman com great son of their is a failure, who has hidden his own identity from world because he is a coward. Who hasn’t capable to fight back with their enemies ( tighten his fist ) and ( turned his face opposite side of Laksh) doing drama like a mad boy

Laksh hold his arms in his hands and forced him to look at his face and said in a calm voice : Bhai, neither you are a coward nor you fear anyone. You are hiding it for a purpose and believe me bhai everyone support you if you will tell them about that night .

Sanskar:( removed his hands from his arms and walked few steps )I can’t…( ran his hand on his black hair ) I can’t risk their life for my one mistake. And what you think, I don’t want it. I am dying to tell them…i am dying to hug them..i am dying to….( couldn’t complete his words because now his voice is chocking . Now his own feelings has became heavier on him. It’s difficult for him also to stay away from his loveable family when they are very near him. He also doesn’t know when his tears betraying him and fallen from his eyes. He doesn’t want this life. Never in his dream also )

Laksh 🙁 from behind placed his hand on sanskar ‘s shoulder) bhai ( Sanskar immediately wiped his fallen without consent tears and faced Laksh with a smile but that wasn’t reached his eyes) you know , you are world’s best brother..son ( hugged him tightly) and I know you will be a best husband too ( when a naughty smile played on his lips)

This statement increased Sanskar ‘s anger more . Suddenly he broke the hug and parted him from the hug: ( in a stern voice) and for this I never forgive you

Laksh:( said in a free frank voice) I know how much you are regretting after marrying your LOVE ❤ ( sanskar was giving death glares to him ) and it is your PUNISHMENTS ( said in a serious tone)

Sanskar:( folded his arms around on his chest) : PUNISHMENTS …can I know , you are talking about which punishment and I will get it for whom ?

Laksh: I am talking about your LIE which you have told everyone about your memory loss. If that night I didn’t go to your study room then still now you make your drama in front of me also. ( gave an angry look )

Flash back starts

Midnight in MM

When Laksh is going to kitchen to bring water , he heard some noises were coming from Sanskar ‘s study room. So he went towards the room. When he stood in front of the entrance, a small lamp light was coming by the glass door . He quietly opened the door where a person sat on ground looking towards the window. His back was showing towards Laksh. When Laksh went near to him , he saw the person holding a girl’s photo on his hand and talking with this photo like a lover . And it wasn’t a surprise but the surprise was that the great Mr Sanskar Maheswari was talking like a teenager lover boy who himself doesn’t believe in love.

Laksh said in mind: One minute bhai is talking with normally that also with a girl’s photo.

Laksh:( in a trembling voice) Bhai ( it was a voice of all emotions where u can get love , shock , care )

When Sanskar heard a known voice from his back, he stood up immediately on his place and turned to face the person.

Sanskar: Lucky ( a whispering voce came out from his mouth) yo…..

He complete his words before Laksh cut his words in middle: you are fine. (walked towards him and immediately took him in his embrace) bhai you are fine ( said in a joy voice and caressing his back like a small boy where Sanskar is shocked to seeing him before himself) when, how why don…..he couldn’t complete his any question for the sudden happiness which has entered in his life. His bhai has stood in front him with well sound good .

Laksh: You stay here, I am just coming within one minute calling all of them. They will more happy than me. Wait a minute here only ( when Laksh turned his heel towards the exit door Sanskar hold his wrist)

Sanskar: Don’t call them

Laksh gave him a confuse look where Sanskar stood there in an emotionless face.

Laksh: But why? Why don’t you want to tell them about your health. Wait a minute ( now his face changed in a confuse look to strict look) you have done this ..i mean you have done knowingly your memory loss drama or I should tell you did the accident drama too .

Sanskar : Laksh ( shouted his name on his almost top of voice but the night’s darkness hidden it under its sheet ) how did you think that, I will do this cheap thing that also with my family

Laksh: It’s you bhai , who has forced me to think like this? Why bhai…why are doing this acting …for whom bhai ?

Cried like a child in front of his bhai. For him he is not only a brother. He is everything for him . When he known about his accident ..then coma…and lastly his memory loss only he knows how he has felt that time? How he has controlled himself not break down in front of anyone but it has not helped him to break him in night inside his room . Every night he has cried for his bhai and now he is getting to know it’s an acting of his brother.

Sanskar hugged him very tightly and caressing his back smoothly for calm down him . After sometime he became calm and said in that position: Why you do this bhai? Today also you won’t tell me.

Sanskar: ( took a deep breath to relax himself and parted him from the hug) : But first you promise me, you won’t tell about it before anyone

Laksh nodded his head as a ye

Sanskar: Promise me Laksh

Laksh: I am promising to you bhai, I won’t tell about it anyone

Sanskar closed his eyes for a second and then started to tell about that night to him .

Sanskar : In my accident day……

( I will reveal about I later)

After Sanskar end the whole matter

Laksh: But bhai..

Sanskar: Now don’t ask me anything about it because I myself also can’t tell more about it

Laksh:( in a understanding voice) it’s ok bhai. I understand your situation. Don’t worry everything will be fine very soon ?

Sanskar gave him a happy smile

Laksh: But one thing I am not understanding ( Now Sanskar gave him a questionable look and raised his right eyebrow like ” now what” ) mean who is the lucky girl with whom you were talking in this time in this dark room ( laughed loudly imagining his bhai’s words and position again)

Sanskar gave him a death glare .

Laksh : Don’t look me like this bhai. Still I am not believing the great Mr Sanskar Maheswari has fallen love with a girl . Who him self maintain a distance from every girl or I should tell from love ❤ now he is behaving like a teenage lover boy ( again laughing sound echoed in the study room where Sanskar rolled his eyes like ” what ever” )

Sanskar: Now stop laughing or I will surely be a mad

Laksh: Okk..ok I am stopping now. I am also going now. Because I don’t want to disturb you in your romance. So bye bhai ( waving his fingers in front of him) and good night .

Sanskar is just looking him like you are “unbelievable ”

When Laksh reached near the entrance . He turned his face to see his brother, who is now watching his lady love with a smile

Laksh: Bhai( sanskar looked towards him) bhabi is very beautiful ( gave a wink ) and ran from there where “Laksh” a shout was hearing from study room.

( from that night Laksh saw Swara ‘s photo Sanskar ‘s hand . And when he met her in temple and known that she is Ragini ‘s sister . He did make this plan)

Flash back end

Laksh: So for your lie you are getting your punishment.

Sanskar: Ok.. But I don’t understand why did you bring Swara in between this?

Laksh: Because this is your punishment

Sanskar: Punishment!!really !!! Can you explain how??

Laksh: Because for your this so called memory loss drama, I thought to forgot my love …my Ragini. If that day I don’t know about your drama then now I forget her . And she would have got married to another guy or so far she had become a mother of a child. For your stupid act I was going to loose my Ragini for always. So how I leave you so easily when I have tortured that much in my past

Sanskar:( crossed his arm in front his chest) : Can you put some light on your words, how your and Ragini ‘s matter are relating with me and Swara

Laksh: I know…i know you can’t understand my words …after all I am very smart ( pulled his collar where Sanskar gritted his teeth seeing his over loading acting) ok ok don’t frightened me by your devil look. For you only , I thought to forget my love. Now it is your punishment to staying with your love but holding your emotions when she is totally belonging you…when you are having full rights on her but also you are not touching her….. You will wanting to kiss her but won’t. You want to showering your all love on her but you won’t doing this . I want to see your this helplessness. ( sanskar was giving him ” seriously” look)

Sanskar: But for this she hates you Laksh. And I am seeing, nowadays how much badly she is behaving with you . Why you did this? She will never forgive you for this.

Laksh: I don’t care about me bhai. I have just only known that, my brother need her. And she is only one , who can smooth his pain at this time. And about her hate , she will forgive me bhai when she knows about me . ( he was giving himself a false hope where he has known that she won’t forgive him)

Sanskar: And Ragini , she can forgive you after listened about deal

A sadness covered his face immediately:( in a sad and guilt voice) I don’t know bhai. If I will go to tell truth, then I am not thinking about that day . I don’t know how will she react after hearing it. But I can’t see her hatred towards me bhai ( in a chocking voice) I lo…ve her bhai. I love her so much

Sanskar immediately took him his embrace where he is crying again thinking the worst dream in his life

After sometime Sanskar broke the silence which created by both of them before sometime: But I couldn’t understand, how Sekher uncle agreed for this marriage. Means how can a father sell his one daughter’s happiness for his other daughter. I have never seen a cheap person like him. Really he is a disgusting person. I won’t forgive him in my whole life to destroy my Shona’s life with a mad boy

Laksh:( in a casual tone) but he knows that, YOU AREN’T A MAD.

Sanskar: What ?but when ?and how? U haven’t told me about it, why ? And who did t….

Laksh: Just close your mouth now bhai . I don’t want to create a romantic scene here where I will place my finger on your lips to closeing your mouth or I will kiss you to shut your mouth. It will look like ( imagine himself on that position …just shook his upper body for a NO where Sanskar was giving ” I will kill you ” look) So listen big bro ( placing his right hand on his shoulder) when I told papa about this deal in my office after that he left from my room without telling anything. But after five minutes when I got to know from my peon that papa got a heart attack . I ran towards him . And half an hour when doctor told me about his condition, I didn’t think to hide it more from him . So I told about you. After that he approved for this marriage.

Sanskar: Means Sumi maa also has known about it

Laksh: No..only I and Sekher papa has known about it. And your secret is safe with him.

Sanskar: ( said with a little smile where his hand caressing his hairs) you are a totally mad

Laksh: Thank you for your complement. But I must say bhai, your tough time is coming because your princess isn’t an ordinary princess who will easily accept the things. You will have taken a hard time to impress your princess.

Sanskar:( said with a proud smile) and I love to do that. Because Sanskar Maheswari loves to deal the toughest one

Laksh: Ya…ya I know and I think all business world also know that. Ok now good night bhai. If my wife will wake from her sleep and she will panic when not get me at her side

Sanskar: Bye and good night

Both left from there with a happy smile unknown the fact that one more pair eyes was watching them from their back . After they left the shadow person came out from one pillar

Shadow: ( said with a smirk ) Wow! Mr Maheswari I would definitely say this is a good planning game from you. But you don’t know you are playing, with whom ?

He dialled a number on his phone but disconnected it in middle: Ahh not easily I will give this information. I will use your truth on my plan. Two times you have escaped from me. But this time I won’t leave you THE GREAT MR SANSKAR MAHESWARI ( said in a dangerous voice)

Screen frozen on Shadow person

Precap: Sanskar ‘s pov


So friends today I revealed on Sanskar’s past. And somehow I showed you Laksh and Sekher ‘s pov also. Now I want everyone tell me , did you like the twist. Means , how did you take this revelation? And please..please…please you will also tell your pov on Laksh and Sekher. And I am telling you , I will surely punish Laksh and Sekher for their deeds. But I don’t know, how much level you want to see their punishment. I also don’t know, I can fulfil it or not . But it is sure , I will punish them for their deed. So now tell your views. Please this time don’t be silent. I want to know your feelings about this chapter.

Thank you

Have a nice day ?


I am a fun loving girl and love kids very much. For me they are the pure soul and trustworthy

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