Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani 26th June 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Vasundra throws the mask aside saying she wanted Raaj and Rani to go to the secret room and find Sunanda that is actually her. They will never find Sunanda anywhere and soon she will snatch everything from them. She says it’s the room only where she will stay in her original face. She wonders why Rani didn’t come to meet her mom yet.
In the corridor, Rani wonders what’s going on in Sunanda’s mind till now. Rani had reached the door and knocks, Vasundra wears the mask and gets inside the bed. Rani comes to hug her and cries saying she thought she lost her for always. She says she must suffered a lot because of her. Raaj tells her not to worry, mom has returned home. Anandi comes with food for Rani. Rani feeds Sunanda with her own hands, she watches a burn mark over her hand. Sunanda cries saying Vasundra had tied her with steel chains, and beaten badly. Rani says she will bring medicine, Sunanda stops her saying she will apply coconut oil over it. Rani and Anandi were shocked and remind she has an allergy with coconut oil. Vasundra wonders what to reply to them now, then says this pain made her forget about everything. Anandi tells her to take rest now. Raja suspects all this, he tells Anandi and Rani to be cautious, and that lady is very dangerous. Vasundra thinks they don’t know what Vasundra is capable of.
In the room, Rani wonders what’s wrong in all this. Raaj comes to hug Rani from behind. Rani says there is something wrong, they have found Sunanda but Vasundra is missing. She says she found the gun and it was empty, it’s some trap by Vasundra. Raaj assures Rani he won’t let any of Vasundra’s plan to get completed. Rani hugs Raaj saying she really is happy that Sunanda is with them. Rani gets nausea at once, then faints. The family was restlessly waiting outside Rani’s room, the doctor comes to inform them that Rani is pregnant. Everyone cheers. Raaj hugs Chitra. They all go inside, Raaj comes to take Sunanda along who still stood outside. She comes inside with Raaj saying she is happy. Everyone bless Rani. Raaj caresses Rani’s face. Anandi watches Sunanda standing on a site, lost in her thoughts. She asks Sunanda why is so upset, she must take care of Rani. Sunanda comes to Rani and bless her, saying she is happy for her.
Downstairs in the hall, Raaj goes to look after Rani. Anandi comes to inform them about having decorated the room as Raaj wished. Raaj had to invite Sunanda to join them. Upstairs, everyone was happy with the decoration. Vasundra thinks they have to cry later. Raaj asks Sunanda if she liked it, Sunanda calls it perfect. Vasundra thinks she now understands what she has to do, she will turn this room a reason for Rani’s tears.
Raaj comes to the room. Sakshi was sharing her excitement with Rani. Raaj takes Rani’s hand to take her to a beautiful surprise. Outside, Vasundra was spilling oil over the stairs. She thinks she can’t let Rani live happily, Rani would slip over this oil and they would all be doomed. She watches Raaj and Rani walking the corridor together, Vasundra awaits a shower of tears happening soon. Sakshi comes behind Raaj and Rani, Chitra was coming upstairs. Sakshi slips over the oil. Anandi notices the oil, she calls the servants and scolds them about such a mistake in future. Raaj asks what if Rani had slipped over it. Vasundra watches them curtly. Raaj assures Rani he won’t let anything happen to her or their child to be. Raaj says there has been something wrong, he can’t take a risk for themselves; he wants to conduct a Havan.
During the havan, Raaj thinks there is something he is hiding from her but he must hide it until he has a confirmation. He looks behind and calls Sunanda forward to sit beside Rani. Vasundra thinks this will be a trouble. She assures she is always with Rani. Chitra and Anandi also insist on her to come forward and sit with Rani. During the havan, Vasundra was cautious and keeps on touching her face. Raaj keenly notices her. Vasundra thinks if she doesn’t take an action her intentions would burn in the fire of Havan. She takes a leave from Rani as she is unwell.
PRECAP: Vasundra injects a medicine in an apple saying Rani must take care of herself. Sunanda was about to feed the apple to Rani.
Update Credit to: Sona
Thank you Archana and thank you Asha. You greetings are welcome and mean a lot. I’m tired at the moment, I was the Energizer Bunny for a couple of hours… ? Archana, that’s some interesting news concerning Eisha, but have you heard anything for Sartaj?
No dear..No news of Sartaj..Well rageshwari the ex vamp of etretr slated to be a positive parallel lead of kundali bhagya..She is one of pragya’s sisters…anyways good to know u had a great Eid…take care…:)
What nonsense is this!!!! Topaz and Asha, I’ve now checked the TV listings and you both are correct, I’m not seeing ETRETR on ZEETV schedule. …i don’t know what is happening here. How unprofessional of ZEETV!!! I’m going to wait to see of its an error on the TV listings, if we don’t see episode tonight, I’ll email OZEE TV… Let’s wait till later….
Naz I know you are very tired after that Marathon cooking session and need atleast 2days rest to feel like going into the kitchen again,my god.,friend ,how did you manage to cook so many delicious dishes? Ofcourse,the effort is worth it if our guests enjoy the meal and I know your daughter’s friends have thoroughly enjoyed the scrumptious feast prepared by a super chef.One thing I must tell you Naz that in addition to being a super mom and super friend,you are a lovely kind hearted person ,that’s why you are a dear friend not only to me but to many on every forum you comment.
In your previous post you mentioned what all your brother-in-law and in laws did to you when your children were very young.You were exposed to so much negativity at a young age.Even I faced the same problem from my in-laws and their relatives ,as ours was a love marriage .They never helped us in anything.And now after 31 years,my husband says that I should have the big heart to forget and forgive.Naz,I am more than willing to do that provided they realise and feel sorry for what they did to me and my children.But tell me friend,,even now after 3 decades ,if there is absolutely no change in their attitude and no sense of remorse in them ,still should you be generous enough to forgive?Friend ,in all these years,I
have learnt to maintain a discreet distance from them as I don’t like unpleasant arguments.The fictious negative characters like BRM and Vasundhara are nothing compared to real life villains,they just damage lives beyond recognition.You and I have the will power to kick back and that ‘s why we are what we are today.
You and I have so much in common in personal experiences, that’s why so many moons ago when we first talked, we became friends on this forum, I still remember our conversation… You know something Lakshmi, I live within a 2 mile radius of my in laws but I feel as if I live in another part of this world because it’s like 20+ years I’ve managed to not see anyone and I’m glad it’s this way. I haven’t stopped my children from talking to their father’s family but they don’t care to have anything to do with them. My kids passed through a lot and they haven’t forgotten. I can’t forget seeing my son trying to eat food my mom brought for us in that burnt house and crying silently by the table ,candle on the table, no electricity in the house..it hurt badly……all these years Lakshmi, in spite of all this, I’m blessed with a permanent smile, I inherited this trait from my dad, no matter what the situation, I always smile. Out of every bad thing, something good comes out of it….i can forgive but I won’t forget and I certainly have absolutely nothing to do with that family, I keep my distance. …you and I have been through a lot and those experiences have shaped me into the resilient woman I am today ,it has made me stronger and I try to help anyone within my capabilities….its life’s experiences which moulds the mind and thinking and I’m so happy on my own now…with my two children….
As for Etretr.both the serial and the channel are in doldrums.There is no effort whatsoever from the actors,you can not blame them,the script itself is lifeless.And I am once again shocked at the Zee’s callousness and unprofessionalism.Hardly 2 weeks are left,what is that they are going to achieve by discontinuing now?Anyways,ETRETR has lost its sheen longtime back ,now by doing so,Zee seems not to care about professional ethics.
Naz,after KLKAH ,Star Plus is airing an interesting historical serial ‘Aarambh ‘means The Beginning.After Jodha Akbar’s unceremonious exit,I never cared to watch another serial of that category.But this subject is interesting.,it is about how the Aryans crossed the Indus In 1500Bc to fight with the Dravidians and establish themselves in the Indo Gangetic Plains,This shows the conflict between a very proud Aryan prince and a dusky beauty ,Devasena,the Dravidian princess,in other words another Raja and Rani.I watched the first 2 episodes and they are very good,the graphics are awesome.See if it will be of interest to you.
Oh OK thank-you Lakshmi, I’ll start watching because I love historical serials…it’s always interesting for me to know what has happened before my time……this must have slipped my attention but I’ll make the effort. Thanks a lot for telling me.
I am a bit confused by this episode. I am thinking that I missed something along the way. How can Rani be pregnant if they havent had a wedding night. Can anyone shed some light?
hi everyone after very very long i have come to this this forum …. Belated EiD wishes to all of you…
Hoping all of you are fine ..
yesterdays EPi ( 26th june episode ) really left me in surprised with what crap the writers has shown..
Rani out of the blue moon becomes pregnant .. ( they have never shown raj and rani together , when ever raj used to come to rani room she used to shoo him off, and he himself admitted that he never kissed rani how will he get intimate, only one time i saw them together was just 2 episodes previously that he was going to kiss her and assuming he kissed her.. she became pregnant… the writers and directors has gone above the theory of conception and conceiving, the ETR writers has proved that they do not have intelligence and is insane and are not professional writers in what they have done. . just to show this crap the channel shouldn’t have given 2 months extension .. i feel i have been too loyal to the show ( due to the amazing chemistry of sarrtaj and eisha) which i presume the show doesnt deserve it.. :(. seems like the actors are not interested to act further in the show and they too look fed up.
its so sad to now the story has been completely deviated and destroyed from the original track.. i hope next time sarrtaj and Eisha really looks into the story and take better project… i heard Eisha is taken up a project in star plus show Durgaa.. (never got a good review of the show.. neither the show is a prime tie show.. isnt she risking her career , in any case its her wish but i personally think she has to rethink on her decision)
@Allybrew i have the same doubt how did rani get pregnant..lol
Alleybrew,you haven’t missed anything.As you said there was no wedding night but Rani is pregnant.Actually the writers should explain how it is possible.In season 2 ,there used to be a romantic scene every second day between Raja and Rani/Naina and in season 3 when it is required, not even a single romantic moment,leave alone wedding night.I think the writers want us to assume that Raaj and Rani have already consummated their relationship.
Thanks for the update. I thought I had missed something while trying to keep up with the episodes online and the ones that are shown locally. I think you are right and I think that I figured out the episode that they want that assumption to be taken form. Raj, Rani and his friend were coming up with a plan and Raj pushed his friend out of the room to spend some time with Rani and started chasing her around the room. They ended up on the floor but the scene faded out before it could be determined if they shared a kiss. I guess the writers do want us to assume that more than a kiss occurred. And you are right that did happen last week. Oh the magic of conception on television.
Yes,Ssree,,all of us have been too loyal to the show just because we adore this cute couple.But the fact is the writers /makers don’t deserve them,they couldn’t give them a meaningful and reasonable storyline.Deterioration of the story started with Rani’s death in season 2,what followed after that we all know.Had it not been for these impractical tracks,we would have enjoyed ETRETR for some more time.What a waste really!Hope to see them together in a better show
My goodness Ssree, you were certainly missing for a long time!! I guess ppl caikiss and hey pregnant now.. ? ? ?… Do you know of a saying that you can’t get pregnant by a kiss,?? Well, writers here have made it possible ? ? ? ? we were starved in trying to see a little romance between this beautiful couple, don’t know if writers did this intentionally or because Eisha refused to do romantic scenes and we all know of the age related fiasco created by her so anything is possible… But we all missed the romance… Happy to see you here after so long… Take care friend.. Till we see you here again…
Typo error… 3rd line should read… I guess people can kiss and get pregnant now… Sorry for error…
Hi friends..Romantic scenes were the USP of this serial..But since it is ending makers are least bothered about the ratings..So we viewers have to assume they consummated..N all tv actors/actresses are a bit uncomfortable with intimate scenes..They are not as bold as film actors..In the beginning Sartaj used to be very shy of Romantic scenes..Both eisha n poonam (lovely) confirmed they were bolder..So makers I feel should not put actors through intimate sequences unless utmost needed..But since serial is ending we all should be happy that in last episode raja Rani will have a kid..:)