Fan Fiction

ELITE SERIES – Shivika – Tempting Mr Oberoi – Chapter 5

Heyy everyone, I hope you liked the previous post… Thnxx for comments and to my silent readers as well
Chapter 4 here
Annika meets Swara
Shivaay was sitting in his office, nursing a glass of wine when his brother entered through the door.
Mahi : Drinking in the office? Isn’t that frowned upon?
Shivaay : Not when he is the owner and chairman of the company.
Mahi : Ah, The perks of being a business owner.
Shivaay : Why are you here? If it’s to tell me that we have another sibling, I really am not ready to hear about it now.
Mahi : Don’t worry. We remain a meager trio. What happened to you anyways? Feeling bad that you have to stay without a girlfriend? Missing Natasha?
Shivaay met his brother’s eyes.
Shivaay : Without a girlfriend? I proimised to be discrete and proper, Mahi. I never said I would change my ways.
Mahi : Fair enough. After all, your reputation shouldn’t become obsolete, Should it?
Shivaay scowled. Though he had been somewhat reckless dating many girls, he really wasn’t that bad as people made him out to be.
Mahi (sighing) : She looks so much like her.
Shivaay : If you mean Swara looks like our devil of a mother, then I just hope that she hasn’t inherited her traits as well.
Mahi : She’s terrified that she’ll turn into that woman.
Shivaay got up, went to the minibar, handed a glass of scotch to his brother and filled his own with some more wine.
Shivaay : Her fear proves that she’ll be nothing like that woman.
Mahi : Still, She fears marriage and life here.
Shivaay : We shall have to change her mind. Once we get her acceptance in the Elite, We shall convince her to stay here. She is our sister.
Mahi : Speaking of her acceptance, Miss Mishra was an excellent choice of role model.
Shivaay just nodded and raised his glass to his lips.
Mahi : How did you get her to accept the role?
Shivaay : Does it matter?
His twin raised an eyebrow and smirked.
Mahi (a teasing tilt to his voice) : Now that you’ve asked me, It’s extremely relevant.
But Shivaay didn’t offer any explanations and still smiling, Mahi left. Shivaay watched him leave and then cursing, he cleared his schedule for the afternoon and went to his favourite club, One favoured by all of the Elite.
Shivaay sat at the bar, waiting for his burger and he cursed his brother for being able to discern any matter concerning Shivaay.
Miss Annika Mishra.
He had thought her a boon—a woman with an unparalleled reputation who had simply appeared. She was the perfect solution to the problem of preparing Swara—or so he had thought. But then he had kissed her.
And the kiss had been rather magnificent.
He scoffed at the thought. He had been frustrated and taken aback by the arrival of his sister. Any kiss would have been a welcome distraction.
Especially one so freely given by such an enthusiastic, enjoyable partner.
Shivaay’s eyes lit with desire as he thought of Annika in his arms again. He was lost in his own world dreaming about the kiss when one of the waiters set down his burger in front of him with a loud thud.
Shivaay glared at the impertinence of the fellow, then turned to his plate and took a bite as he considered the strange events of the night before. He could not deny the fact that Annika Mishra, a girl with an easy but shy nature with an unusual name—to whom he could honestly say he’d never given much thought—was rather intriguing. She certainly was not the type of female who would ordinarily interest him. In fact, she was quite the opposite of his standard preference— exquisite and confident.
Then why did she so intrigue him?
Shivaay was saved from having to consider the question further by an eruption of rude and loud noise from across the room. Eager for some distraction from his disconcerting thoughts, he turned his attention to a group of men eagerly calling out bets.
Shivaay shook his head. He hated the custom the club had that allowed people to make bets on some occurrence or so, all so that they could gain some money.
Leaning forward in his chair for a better view, Shivaay quickly figured out the focus of the men’s interest, Mr Daksh Khanna, Elite number 19. With him at the center of the betting, there was little question as to what the topic must be—Daksh’s seemingly endless search for a wife. Several months ago, Daksh’s father had ordered him to get married within the next two years or else he would lose all his inheritance. And so, Daksh was desperately searching for a wife since then.
Typically, Shivaay found the boisterous Daksh to be insufferable, not to mention drunk, but considering his own need for diversion, he made an exception. He stood and approached the group.
Shivaay : Good afternoon, Mr Khanna.
Daksh stood up, a drunk grin on his face.
Daksh : Shivaay Singh Oberoi! How surprising to see you here at this time of day? Would you like to join our discussion?
Without waiting for an answer, one of the other drew a chair for Shivaay as Daksh turned back to his friends.
One friend : How about Piya Sinha?
Daksh (sneering) : She’s not part of the Elite, You fool. Would you have me marry someone who’s half Elite? Never.
Another : Kala Amarnath?
Daksh : She’s like 35 years old and she has a kid. No thank you, I may be desperate but I don’t need someone else’s child to add to my burden.
Uninterested in the unkind conversation, Shivaay turned to leave the room. He had almost reached the door when a voice called out, above the rest.
Voice : How about Akshat Mishra’s sister?
Shivaay froze. Couldn’t he be rid of her?
Daksh (gloomily) : Can’t. She’s all set to marry Omkara.
Voice : No, not the pretty one. Her elder sister. What’s her name? Anushka?
Another : No, She has a very different and nonsensical name. Something very unusual, I guess. Like Angangana.
Shivaay (whispering and turning around) : Annika!
One of the other men corrected him and Daksh stood up, a drunken bravado on his face.
Daksh : That settles it then lads. I’ll marry the Mishra girl, become part of the Elite 12 family and get my inheritance. The girl is sure to love my attention on her. After all, the younger is getting married first. Who wouldn’t be upset by that?
All of his friends cheered as Shivaay’s lips thinned at their spiteful and unkind display.
Daksh : Who all will accept wagers that the Mishra girl becomes my wife by January?
4 months. The same gamble Shivaay had with Swara. 4 months. He knew he had to step in then.
Shivaay : I’ll take all your bets.
Daksh (cheerfully) : Hey man! Have you come to wish me? Did you say you would like to place a bet?
Shivaay couldn’t imagine a single situation in which the woman who had marched herself into his home last evening would consider Daksh anything more than an irritation. He’d never seen a wager so easily won as this one.
Shivaay : No! I’ve decided to take all the bets, Daksh. If Annika marries you, which she’ll never do, I shall give you eighteen lakhs. But she will refuse you. I know she will.
A rustle of surprise went through the crowd as Daksh spluttered his surprise and anger.
Shivaay nodded calmly at the gathering and exited the room, leaving everyone completely speechless.

I’ll start posting this story on wattpad from Friday onwards. Please show your support there as well
Username : Egeria_Anjali
In this chapter, I’ve spoken very rudely about the names Annika and Angangana.. I mean none of it. It’s just necessary for the story.
If I’ve hurt anyone, Please don’t take offense. It’s not my intention to deliberately hurt someone.



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