Categories: Fan FictionSirf Tum


Ansh : Ranveer , Suhani is mine .

Ranveer : Stop this madness Ansh. She doesn’t likes you .You forcefully put the engagement ring at her finger.

Suhani : Ranveer

Ranveer : Suhani !!!

Meanwhile some one points out pistol at Ansh’s forehead and it was none other than Ria

Ranveer : Tum Suhani ko lekar jawon, Ranveer. I will deal him. Jawon

Ranveer lifts Suhani in his arms and walks…

Ansh : You were planning to kill Suhani naa ? How you changed ?

Ria : What will we get by doing these Ansh ? I thought by killing Suhani Ranveer will become mine. I pushed her in lake too, but Ranveer saved him. Ansh love should not be grabbed forcefully. They both are our college mates, our friends. By manipulating Suhani’s family against Ranveer what you did is not right ,Ansh.

Ansh : Ria , I would snatch Suhani and make her as my wife.

Ria : What will you gain by doing this ? Suhani will never accept you whole heartedly if you did this . She will hate you to the worst. Please stop it. And still if you are planning against to do anything then I will forget you are my friend. And I will shoot you, Ranveer.

Ranveer : Perhaps you are right. Ria, I need to meet Suhani’s dad.

Ansh and Ria meet Suhani’s dad

Ria : We are sorry for doing this. We misguided you regarding Ranveer and Suhani. They were never planning to elope from families, actually we made us you to believe that Suhani is always grooving with Ranveer and Ranveer didn’t made any vulgar videos of Suhani , all those were said by me and Ansh. We cropped images of Suhani and did all those of stuffs. Ranveer and Suhani never crossed their limits. Infact post studies they were ready to present their love before their families. They wanted a marriage with their family’s approval only.

Ansh :When I find you shattered  even after Suhani tried to explain things , I felt to utlilize that chance. So I pretended to be a gentle person and I told I will marry Suhani. Uncle I am sorry for doing this cheap deed to your daughter. In my madness and obsession I crossed all limits . I am really sorry.

Rakesh : How dare you both did this to my daughter ? Ria you are her best friend naa ? You didn’t think as a girl at her place , Ria ?

Ria : I am sorry uncle.

Rakesh : Where is my beti ?

Ansh : I shot at her forehead, she is been hospitalized.

Rakesh : What ?



Suhani : Dad

Suhani hugged him tightly

Rakesh ; I am sorry , I believed that Ansh blindly ,but now I realized truth. I am sorry beti.

Meanwhile Ansh came there. Seeing him Ranveer pulls him in anger

Ranveer : Why you came here again ? If you try to do any harm to Suhani, I will not leave you alive, Ansh

Ansh ; I am sorry Ranveer. If you want you can slap me , I don’t mind.

Ria : We are your culprits, Ranveer. I am really very sorry Ranveer. Ansh and me never understood that Love comes from heart. But now we both knows it after seeing you both together. Because of Ansh’s fear Suhani ran  from the engagement and escaped with you . You didn’t stopped engagement as Rakesh uncle didn’t give you a chance to tell you anything. And sorry it was me only who pushed Suhani into lake . But when I saw you saving her I understood her life is really important to you, whatever happens you will never leave Suhani.

Ansh : I am sorry Ranveer , I am really very sorry.

Ranveer and Suhani hugged Ansh and Ria.

Suhani : Now I got my Ria back. You should also get your love when the right time comes Ria. Never misguide relationships and love, as they are valuable.

Ranveer : Ria, Ansh ….. We doesn’t need to be enemies as we are friends. Ansh please understand obsession can never be called as love. Love is a bonding of two hearts and it’s an understanding with each other. You should not force any one to love you. Instead of it a person should feel when she sees you that she can love you . And it will certainly happen in your life.

Rakesh : Ranveer beta, I am sorry for telling those bad words to you , I felt you as wrong there.

Ranveer : Uncle as her dad you was concerned for her .I have no regrets and infact I am happy that now happily you have accepted her .

Rakesh : I will feel more happy if you hold her hand .

Ranveer smiles and looks Suhani

Sirf tum sirf tum…..plays

Ranveer holds Suhani’s hand, Rakesh smiles and moves from there. Ria and Ansh also goes from there

Ranveer : Are you ready to emerge with this fire cracker , Suhani ?

Suhani : Always , Ranveer . I will combine it with tender water drops .

They both looked passionately

Ranveer ; You have to shower very much water drops on this fire , throughout this life.

Suhani : No problem , I am ready to do it.

Ranveer holds her hand

Ranveer : I will ask your hand to your dad after getting success in our careers.

Suhani : I will wait till that moment , Ranveer. When it will happen I will shower at your flaming fire as misty rain .

Ranveer : I will also wait to have that rain drops at me.

They both were travelling together as emerging fire and water as they knows one day they have to be combined together.

AN : I thank silent observor for telling about this serial. This was truely amazing and the unconditional love of Suhani and Ranveer are expressed through eyes and some emotional scenes which was worth watching. I tried to get that feel again here as in the promo Ranveer said “Aag ko Paani se Ishq Karaya “and I have tried to do that. I hope readers liked this story. Thanks to all.

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