Teaser: Read Here
Part 1: Read Here
Epi 2
*Veena music*
Ragini singing follows.
All claps. Performance is over.
Ragini smiles and gets off from stage with smile. She is coming out.
“Autograph please..!” She is blocked by a guy, it’s Laksh.
Ragini just bends her head and keeps going away,
Laksh: hello miss, I asked just autograph. Bcz, I’m your fan.
Ragini turns back.
Ragini: why mine?
Laksh keeps coming at her,
“Why means, can we find any girls who are traditional these days, that too playing a veena.. wow wow. I’m your fan. So, small autograph..!”
Ragini smiles hesitatingly,
“Autograph plz..” Laksh forwards a book. Ragini takes and signs.
“Thank you..” Laksh about to complete… she runs away being nervous.
Laksh smiles and looks at book her name, ‘Ragini’. “You made this sign not on book Ragini, but on my heart..!”
In Baadi,
The arrangements are started. Ragini just comes.
Janaki:: Ragini, why did you go today?
Ragini: It was competition maa..
Janaki: now, get ready..
Ragini starts getteing ready. Then she sees herself in the mirror, in red lehenga.
“Mr. Groom. You are finished now. You will die looking at my beauty..!” Ragini blushes.
….In MM,
Sanskar along with Sujatha and Rp are about to start.
San:: mom, let’s go fast…!!
Uttara: mom, bhaiyya seemed to be hurried mom…
Sujatha and Rp laughs on other side Sanskar blushes.
Sanskar and his family reaches the baadi. His eyes are searching for his only love… but, he was not aware that already a beautiful pair of eyes were watching him. Ragini was looking at Sanskar secretly from the window. Sanskar shifts his gaze to that way and Ragini hides behind wall blushing. Sanskar smiles as if he understood that Ragini was watching him.
They sit in their places. Just then Laksh comes with flower bouquet.
Laksh: dude… congo man..!!
He is about to hug sanky but sanky beats him in tummy.
San:: why so late idiot..??
Lak:: late.. but on time. Lucky is never late..!!!
“Sanskar.. come fast. Bride is coming..!!” Sujatha shouts.
San:: ok, see my would be now. She is coming.
Laksh nods his head in smile.
Sanskar goes to stage. Laksh keeps looking…
Then Ragini comes. Laksh shocks. He leaves the bouquet in his hands.
Sanskar and Ragini smile looking at each other, they exchange rings. Laksh gets tears and his heart shatters.
“The one whom he dreamt for, the one who thought is his life, the one whom he loved a lot is going to become someone’s wife. His heart burns. His eyes showers fire. He wanted to take away Ragini but, he couldn’t. While Ragini and Sanskar are laughing looking at each other, it’s stabbing him into pieces. When Sanskar touched her hand, he wanted to kill him. His own friend..!”
On other hand, Swara looks at Sanskar and shocks. She remembers…
“Sanskar..!! Plz.. i love you..!!” Swara was requesting him.
“Why don’t you understand swara..!! My parents choice is my choice. They choose Ragini for me and she is my wife..!!” Says Sanskar and goes away.
Swara looks on with tears.
Fb over.
“Ragini is going to marry Sanskar..!” She shocks.
Screen freezes on Ragini and Sanskar happy face, Laksh burning face and Swara’s shocked face.
To be continued…
Awesome sis
Asthu…it’s amazing dear..waiting for the next part…post soon…
superb yaar…feeling sad for swara and laksh….next part asap
Feeling Sad for Laksh…
what a fabulous episode
Fantabulous dear
awesome astu dear….loved it alot…feeling bad for laksh…eagerly waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear…
Nice keep going
Superb sis…
Two were broken!!! Waiting for the next part
Omggg!!!!superbbbbbbb yaaar….loved raglak part? let’s see now wt”ll laksh do??? Fabulous update dear reallly????keep rockng n stay blessed sweeety??
Fab and wonder what lucky’ll do now xx
Interesting episode and loved Raglak scenes
intrestin plz espcly raglak scene..