Fan Fiction

In the end all I really want to hear is….I love you (prologue)

A group of boys can be seen ragging a junior …..

One of the senior held few hairs of the junior saying – ewe so much of oil ….. Have you made them bath with oil ….

Other senior – ary dude look at his dressing sense …. Looking like 80s ….

All members laugh and give hi5 to each other while the junior stood there knowing his head ….. His body was shaking in fear ….

Senior looks at his scared face and smirked – poor baby getting scared …. Chalo let’s have some more fun ….
He looks at his other gang members who smirked looking at him ….

Senior – so your task is that ….. The next person who enters inside campus weather a boy or girl you will kiss him…. Ok

Boy looks at all in horror while seniors full concentration is on gate ….

After few min a girl enters wearing black jeans top ……

Senior – shut yaar if it was a boy than we would have more fun but anyways …..

He points one of his friend to call the girl

Girl comes near them looking confused …

Girl – what do you want ……

Senior – we don’t want anything but my bro wants ….. Right …. He said keeping hands on boy shoulder ….

Girl looked at boy and she clearly understood he is been forced by them ….

Girl – what does he want …..

Senior – a kiss ….. They all smirked ….

Girl – oh really …. Actually my dad is one of the trusty of this college ….. Let me call him too ….. So that he can also see ……

Now it was time for girl to smirk looking at scared faces of seniors …..

They all immediately left from there ….. As soon as they left her sight age burst out laughing

Girl forwards her hand for handshake – hi ….. I’m Swara ….. What about you …..

Boy looks at her in shock ….. It’s the first time some one is talking to him sweetly ….. He was continuously staring her …..

Swara snapped her fingers on front of him getting him out from his thoughts ….

Swara – what happened ….

Boy nervously – nothing …..

Swara – hey ….. There’s no need to be nervous now ….. They’re gone …. So now can we be friends ….

Boy looked at her for sec then nodded happily ….

Swara – so your name …..

Boy – sanskar ….

Swara – oh …. Which year

Sanskar – first ….

Swara jumped in happiness listening him
Swara – wow ….. Same class …. I got friend in first hour itself …. I’m so so happy ..
She said extending her hands in air

Sanskar smiled looking at her childish nature …. He was some where happy as she is his first friend ….. Yes first …. Because of his looks no one ever did friendship with him ….. He was always alone in school …..

Swara – now chalo …. We are getting late ..

All the way to class swara was talking continuously and he was silently listening her having a small smile on his lips …
So friends how was it ….
N I’m not giving intro as you will get to know about the characters more as story goes on …..
Till next part bye ….
See you soon ….

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