Fan Fiction


Helllooo im back to irritate u 😉

So lemme start the story….

Girl’s pov:

New school, new environment, new class, new ppl….im  so sacred……..
Would i be able to survive here…. i was feeling neverous, automatically my hands started sweating and i clutched my skirt tightly for support….. i was searching for my class room 11th -A sec.  I took baby steps while climbing the stairs i dashed on person due to my careless… we both fell with thud…. he scolded me, i just closed my eyes from dropping the tears down my cheek… i just replied him in feeble voice sorry….. he left,i sat on the steps holding my bag…. mummy, first day itself bcm worst day for me… i picked my bottle had a sip to control my emotion, stoop up adjusted my dress and walked further to my class…. ahhhh i found my class on third floor, corner class next to the stair case…
I entered the class, mam was discussing sumthng may b syllabus, i gave her letter and she gave intro about me as new comer and all welcomed me with a gloomy face…
I took careful steps and reached last bench which was empty in girls row…mam again started her class, but to my disappointment i felt someone glaring me for a long time…..
I turned too see the owner of the glare omg he is the same arrogant boy who scolded me while i was climbing the stairs…. he gave me wicked smile while his friends were giving me winks… i gulped saliva in fear, turned towards board and started listening mam’s class….
Bell rang…..
I was feeling uncomfortable bcz im an ambivert, i rested my head on the desk head was facing outside, where i can see birds chripping, tress whistling and clouds playing hide and seek with sun….
Waahhhhhh…. i love nature they are my soul…. the first rain drop touching the earth and it creates a magnificient “petrichor”……. the winds were blowing midly touching my face…..
There was tap on my shoulder, yea i turned…….
Shock it was him again…. he was staring at me like i ate his chocolate…….
Before i could react, mam entered the class with good morning students…..
God is real i have witnessed his presence today by saving me from this stupid arrogant boy through my course teacher…..
He moved towards his desk which is nxt to me in boys row…….
Mam cleared her thought, started taking attendance calling out names, i got to know his name its Sanskar…
I glared at him, rolling my eyes…. few names got registred in my brain….
She pointed at me asking about my name, i spoke” Swara “with simple smile on my face… he was glaring at me, where as his friends were filling his hears something which made him more angrier…. from his facial  expression i learnt that may be his friends were talking about me in his ears…..
Rest of the hour we stole glances in betwn while his friends were smiling at me….
I dont know whats cooking up btwn the boys gang but sure something fishy…..
Lunch break :

I was feeling shy to start a conversation with girl’s sitting infront of my desk, thank god she herself spoke….
Hi im angel,she forwarded her hand…
I was feeling happy, next minute i shook my hands with her “im Swara”……..
She gave me a wide smile indeed she was an angel to me….. nxt minute rest of the girl’s gave me their intro and viceversa happend….
I had lovely time with them, in no time i became close with angel and few others…..
Bell rang reminding us about next hour….

Last hour of the day :

Wow it was free period…. i was feeling comfortable bcz angel sat next to me, akshita and neha were sitting by facing my desk and their backs to board….
We started talking, they asked me about my family,
Im the younger one,have elder bro and papa is a businessman and mom is a home maker….
Since papa has an opened branch here,we have shifted to this city…..
All were listening to me keenly…
We talked about random things……
Bell rang i was so tired to climb down three floors, but i have to….
We descended down the stairs, i went out looking for my car but saw sanskar and his gang were standing near the gate….
May b  they were planning something????
Noo….. i was scared but i have to go out, so i pulled angel along with me towards gate… he was glaring at me, oh god what did i do?? I was taking glances at him and at same time chatting with angel…..
Soon we reached the gate, angel gave me a hug & bid bye….
God!!!!! please save me from this fellows….
I was holding the frill on the bag and moving my head here and there searching for my car….
Boys started walking towards me,thank god driver bhaiya saw me and reached my place before these boys can approach me…
I hopped on to my car seat and closed the door with a thud… i can clearly see their faces through the black cooling paper stuck on my car window……
I gave huge sigh…..
My school disappered from my view…..

Evening house :
Mom and bro was pestering me about first day experience in this school… i narrated them entire story… my mom and bro was laughing at me….
I got irritated, y ru laughing at me???
Bcz we are feeling pity on that boy bcz he got stuck with this bubbly bear, may b he got hurt so he was glaring at you…
U !!!!!!!! She was running behind her bro, for teasing her…..
Bro and sis had cute fight…..
Day ended ………

Swara’s family :
Shekar and shomi and bro – ajay working in his own software company……

So how was first chapie???
Hope ur ok with it……

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