Enigmatic Life: Chapter 1

I looked around the dark, damp forest for any sign of human life, a hot searing pain twisted in my body causing me to wince in pain.

My leg was injured. I was soaked through to the bone and it hurt to even move.


I whipped my head around at the sound, what was that?
I tried desperately to crawl away, but my strength failed me. A dark shadow stood over me and my vision started to go blurry.

“Someone save me please.” Those were my last words before I gave in and fainted.

“What the…” I screamed. I was panting heavily and my entire body was soaked with sweat my hands shook slightly as I grasped the white sheets of my bed. Realization hit me like water in a desert. It had been a dream, I was okay. I sighed and let myself fall back into the cool fluffiness of my pillows.

I had a nightmare again that too such a peculiar one. Maybe it was some kind of omen…some higher force trying to tell me that I shouldn’t take a new job. I shook the thought from my head, I had come this far, I wasn’t going to give up on the job now.

I glanced at my watch and sighed. Four hours until the rest of the world woke. I knew that I should try to sleep, but I was too antsy and decided to crawl out of bed and run off all the negativity circulating in my mind.

My favorite running spot, with its towering oaks, swaying tulips, winding gravel trails and calm pools of sparkling blue water almost always calmed my mind and heart when I trotted through. The silent serenity of the park was a direct contrast to the chaotic state of my mind.

I breathed in the wonderfully fresh air of the park while I stretched the knots out of my tense muscles. Ah, the peace was already seeping into my body. After making sure that all my limbs were properly stretched I pulled my wispy black hair into a tight ponytail and tore off into the forest.

“Up, down, up, down.” The two words were steroids to my muscles and kept me running faster, and faster, long after the sharp blade of pain exercising brought about had dulled. My lungs were fire and my heart was a race car, beating wildly in my chest. Only one thought ran through my mind: run.

It was five in the morning when I finally finished running the trail and made it back home. The intensity of the workout sent ripples of pain through every part of my body, completely eradicating any thoughts of the nightmare or of my upcoming interview. When I sank back into bed, I quickly fell into a dreamless sleep.

BEEP! BEEP! I groaned at the sound of my annoyingly loud Pikachu alarm clock.

“Ah, Pikachu can’t you stay quiet for a little longer!” I yelled at my alarm clock and placed my pillow over my head. You might call me crazy, but I already know it. The cold glass cover of my watch rubbed against my face and I glanced at it. 8:00.

“No! No, no, no,” I was late! I fell out of bed, tangling my legs in my blanket and shawl in the process.

“Ouch!” I rubbed my butt, which was tingling with pain. I didn’t have time to nurse the injury, I had to get ready! My interview was at 9:00 and I still hadn’t showered, applied make-up or even eaten breakfast. Everyone knows that morning without breakfast makes a lousy day. What? A girl can crave food too!

After, showering and shampooing, I pulled on a pair of brown trousers and a simple black blouse in an attempt to look at least a little presentable. I let down my hair, which was wavy after being tied up in a ponytail so long. I applied a bit of make-up to my face and rushed downstairs to make myself breakfast. Only to see the time, 8:45.

“Damn!” I would have to skip breakfast today. Which meant that my day had officially started off on a bad foot. I grabbed my brown purse off of the kitchen table and locked the house up, before getting into my spanking new black Porsche. Courtesy of my uncle of course.

I lived 25 minutes away from the company that I was interviewing, I could probably get there in 15 with the speed built into my car, but I still wanted to inform the company that I might be a little late. I tried to focus on the road while reaching over into my purse to pull out my phone, but the phone was stubbornly lodged between my make-up bag and address book.

My eyes left the road for a split second in order to pull the phone out, that second, however, was enough to put me in deep, deep trouble. I had swerved into the other lane and directly into a black Lamborghini. I groaned and rested my head on my steering wheel. This was not good. Not good at all.

Within seconds, a mouthwateringly handsome man stepped out of the car, his black hair was moussed into a just-rolled-out-of-bed look that had probably taken him hours to perfect. He wore an impeccable black suit and a pair of dark sunglasses that made him look like a bodyguard.

An aura of arrogance radiated off of him and by the way he strode across the small distance between our cars I could tell that he was used to people doing anything he commanded. He wasn’t going to let me off easily.

He knocked on my window and gestured for me to roll it down. I heard the first word as soon as I rolled down the window, and I had a violent urge to slap the smirk off of his face.

“A woman, huh?” His smirk grew, “I knew that only a woman could drive that badly,” I seethed. Who the hell was he to speak so condescendingly about the entire female gender? I opened the door, forcing him back away from me, and stepped out of my car.

“Excuse me sir, but who are you to speak for the entire female gender? Have you personally watched every single woman in the world drive?” A look of surprise passed over his face at my confronting him.

“Yeah, I thought not.” Distaste laced my tone and words. “You probably don’t even have a license!” The man said, choosing to ignore my comment. He didn’t wait for me to respond, “I’ll mail you the bill for repairs-and let me tell you,” He paused dramatically, “it’s going to be big.”

His words hit me like a slap, I don’t have that kind of money! Then I remembered that I hadn’t given him my address, how would he mail it to me? But then again, he did look powerful, maybe he would track my license plate number? Anyway, I was in serious trouble. I decided to suck up my anger and try and get him to calm down, men like him liked being worshipped right?

“C’mon mister! It was just an accident, a handsome man such as yourself will surely let a woman off with just a warning.” I blinked my long lashes and gave him my best puppy dog look.

He laughed humorlessly, “An accident huh?” He looked at his watch and his eyes widened slightly, “Dang, my meeting I’m late. Look here,” he looked me up and down, “Woman, just scram.” With that he strode back over to his car and sped off to wherever. I stood and watched him leave, what the hell just happened?

I gaped at the modern looking building, I had heard that the company was highly reputable, but I wasn’t expecting this. The building stood at about 21 floors and was made entirely of glass that sparkled and gleamed like jewels, I could only imagine what the inside looked like. I recovered from my shock and walked into the building and up to the manager’s desk.

“Hello, I’m here for an interview?” The manger, a cute guy who looked to be around my age, smiled, “We’ve been expecting you, Mr. Carter is waiting for you on the 7th floor.”

His eyes sparkled a bit as the sun shone into them and I could see a faint trace of a dimple on his cheek. He was totally different than the grump I had just spoken to. My kind of man. I thanked him quickly before getting onto the elevator. The elevator was the newest model and the ride up was instant.

When I reached the 7th floor I went to a door with a nameplate marked, ‘Mr. Carter’ and knocked. Finally after a few seconds, which felt like hours. A voice came from behind the door, “Come in.”

Hey guys let me know your views. Do you like it?

This chapter is dedicated to a person who is a very good wattpad friend, and even edited this i_dont_know_okay_ 

I hope you appreciate my little effort. By clicking that little star on the side. =)





Writing is neither my passion nor my hobby but stress buster.

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