Enigmatic Life: Chapter 3

I finally made it to the 8th floor, after all the craziness in the elevator. I turned Mr. Lamborghini’s words over in my head. Was he serious about doubling the amount of money I had to pay him? If so, how was I going to manage? I didn’t want to ask my uncle for any more money, and I wouldn’t get my paycheck until the end of the month.

I made my way over to the secretary and waited patiently while she spoke to a very angry sounding person on the phone. She twirled a lock of her lush black hair as she spoke, when she saw me standing there she rolled her almost golden colored eyes at me. The person on the other end finally hung up and she swirled her chair around to me.

“Yes, how can I help you?” Her voice was light and airy, it reminded me of a warm yet windy spring day.

“I’m looking for the C.E.O’s office.”

A look of amusement passed through her eyes, making them look like sparkling jewels. “Oh, Mr. Sarna? He won’t be in until 10. But, his office is down the hall on your right side.”

“Okay. I’m Twinkle, the new P.A by the way.” I said, deciding to introduce myself to my co-worker.

She shook my hand, “Nice to meet you, I’m Rina. Feel free to ask me any questions you have.”

Hmm, a pretty name for a pretty girl.

“There’s some great hot chocolate in the canteen, you should go try some before Mr. Sarna gets here,” Rina added.

“Thanks, I’ll go get some.”

With that, I got back onto the elevator. I could tell that riding the elevator was going to become a regular occurrence. The elevator reached the ground floor before I realized one very important thing, I didn’t know where the canteen was.

I decided to just ask Reyansh since I was already on the ground floor. I strutted back over to his desk and leaned on it.

He was intently focused on his work and didn’t notice me standing there until a few seconds passed. When he did, a smirk grew on his lips.

“Miss me?”

I rolled my eyes, but a smile rose to my lips, he was just so irresistibly cute!

“No, I actually wanted you to direct me to the canteen.”

He sighed dramatically, “And here I was thinking that you’d come to ask me out.”

“Just show me to the canteen,” I said and punched his arm lightly.

He got up from his seat and walked around the desk. It was my first time seeing him drawn up to his full height. Let’s just say that the rest of him was just as handsome as his face.

“This way madam.” He said mockingly gesturing towards a hallway I hadn’t noticed before. I punched him again.

As we walked across the main lobby and to the canteen, I noticed Rey’s eyes staring at someone waiting for an elevator. I glanced over to where he was staring and gasped. It was Mr. Lamborghini again!

He stood with a group of other important men this time, his black coffee-stained suit setting him apart from the rest of them. He noticed me staring and shot a glare so deadly, that I knew he wanted to kill me right then and there.

I looked away and scurried to catch up with Reyansh who had walked off without me.


A lot of thought had obviously been put into the layout and color scheme of the canteen. Everything was white and black and the 40+ tables were arranged in a black, white pattern.

Reyansh lead me to a white table near the middle of the canteen and pulled out a chair for me. I blushed a bit at the gesture, no one had ever done that for me before. He waited for me to be seated comfortably before taking a seat across from me.

He rested his hand on the tabletop and clasped them together. “So what does the madam wish to eat?”

I laughed at his insistence on calling me a madam. I was a 21-year-old girl for god sake! Not an aging rich woman! “I’ll have a cup of hot chocolate and vegetable sandwich please.”

Reyansh smiled, “Ah, good choices indeed. I’ll be back in a bit with your order.”

“Oh, no you don’t have to get my food, I can get it.” I tried to stop him from leaving the table.

“Just sit down and relax. It’s no problem.” Reyansh said, gently pushing me back into my chair.

This guy was going out of his way to get me to notice him.

A canteen server brought my order to me with a note from Reyansh.

Had to get back to work. Date? -Rey

He had scrawled the note on a napkin, and his handwriting was chicken scratch, but I found myself smiling. It was such a sweet gesture. If it had been anyone else they would have left without letting me know.

After eating my sandwich, and drinking most of the delicious hot chocolate, it was 9:50, and time for me to make my way back up to the 8th floor.


I nodded at Rina as I passed her on my way Mr. Sarna’s office. She mouthed the words, “Good luck” to me as I rounded the corner.

I stood in front of the heavy brown door and took three deep breathes. This was it, I was finally starting my job. I opened the door only to gasp at what I saw.


Guys please let me know what do you think?

like it? hate it?




Writing is neither my passion nor my hobby but stress buster.

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