Entangled Life Riansh OS (Part-2)

🥀Entangled Life- II🥀


Riddhima came out of the car and jumped down from the wall. She took a deep breath and moving further from the garden area. She looked at the bodyguard coming towards her holding his gun.

Riddhima: Oh no…Riddhima you are dead now.

She said and saw darkness around so moving to a corner hid herself behind the plants. She saw him checking pointing his gun in each and every corner. She closed her mouth with her hands and then when she saw him leaving she took a deep breath.

Moving to the side, she looked at the pipe. Slowly keeping her feet on the holder she held the pipe and looked around and then got up.

Riddhima: What does love do with a person!

She said and kept her hand on the window and jumped in. She stumbles and was about to fell when she held the window in the nick of time and took a deep breath.

Changing her dress, she came down and made an angry face to make Rehaan think she is angry on him.

Rehaan: Are you still angry with me?

Rehaan asked and stood beside her.

Riddhima: Yes.

Rehaan held his ears and looked at her.

Riddhima: I don’t want to talk to you bhai. Where is Aarohi di?

Riddhima asked looking around.

Rehaan: She went back. Sorry Riddhima.

Rehaan said and looked at her looking at him.

Riddhima: I’ll forgive you but you’ll have to make my favorite dish. Will you?

Rehaan nodded and pulled her into the kitchen. She smiled at her brother and then stood in front of her as she saw him wearing his apron.

Riddhima: Bhai I have a question. What work does di do?

Riddhima asked and saw him as he was chopping vegetables.

Rehaan: I didn’t get your question.

Rehaan asked frowning at her question.

Riddhima: I mean what work does di do as a secretary?

She asked and he nodded at her.

Rehaan: She helps me by telling me my routine, goes with me in the meetings, and arranges those files I gave her and many things she does which I say. But being a doctor why are you interrogating for a secretary?

He asked and she looked at his gaze.

Riddhima: Nothing like that bhai but that means from Monday morning to Sunday night, di is the one who takes care of you. I must say what would have been your condition without di

She said and chuckled at her thought while he glared back at her.

Rehaan: May I know what does that mean?

Rehaan asked and saw her laughing.

Riddhima: Bhai, nothing…Don’t worry I won’t tell anything to di.

Riddhima said and moved back smiling.

Rehaan: Really?

She nodded and smiled at him.


Riddhima entered in her assigned cabin earlier than her given time. She smiles and moves to Vansh cabin. On knocking she heard his come-in, entering she looked around. As the cabin was neat and clean, with well-designed interior, bright paints with a texture was giving it a good look.

Riddhima: Good morning sir.

Riddhima smiled but got no smile in reply making her sad.

Vansh: You’re work will be told you by Angre. Give me the schedule after 10 and meetings which are after 4 pm they should be postponed and after that even you can leave if your work will get over.

She sadly nodded and moved out of the cabin.

Vansh: Ragini….Come with a cup of coffee.

Riddhima closed her small fists on hearing Ragini name from his mouth but then nodded and left from there.

Riddhima: What am I doing? You have to be calm Riddhima, you can’t just go and propose him.

Riddhima took a deep breath and moved to Angre’s cabin.


It has been 3 weeks since Riddhima joined the company and tried many ways to know Vansh but his cold behavior was just making her work as a waste and Vansh was still a complete password coded book for her which was getting difficult for her to decode. Even on not knowing what a secretary does, in these three weeks she had learnt so many things.

Riddhima: Just one week more and I’ll have to leave this job and Vansh also.

She wiped her tears and came back to her room. Laying on the bed, tears started flowing from her eyes.

Riddhima: What I did, I did but what will I do now? What reason will I tell to the company for leaving the job suddenly? As I’m 100% sure, Vansh’s behavior will be same for next week also.

Riddhima mumbled to herself and then came down.

Rehaan: Riddhima where are you nowadays? Wasn’t it your one-month holiday still you’re busy somewhere? What’s the need of it, you can join back from tomorrow. You came to spend time with me and when I went to call you I found a note “do not disturb”. What were you doing?

Rehaan asked and Riddhima realized that she took these holidays for her bhai.

Riddhima: Bhai, nothing but see whole day I used to be busy and at night I have my dinner with you right. Don’t worry It’s just a small work I’ll finish it soon.

Riddhima smiled and sat on the chair.

Rehaan: Since morning I’m roaming alone as even Aarohi is leaving earlier nowadays.

Rehaan said sadly and gained a chuckle from Riddhima.

Rehaan: Ok shut up… btw Riddhima I know I shouldn’t be saying this right now as it’s too early.

Riddhima looked at him through her eyelash as she saw him tensed.

Rehaan: One of my business partner wants you to meet his son. There is no hurry if you will say no then we won’t talk on this topic further. Promise.

Rehaan said suddenly making her choke on her food. She looked at him shocked and took the glass of water he was forwarding her. Her eyes filled as she remembered how she first saw Vansh, him helping her. But then she remembered that she’ll have to give it a last try to her luck at the end of this week.

Riddhima: Bhai I know but I’ll see him after 2 weeks.

Rehaan nodded and Riddhima know two weeks will be needed one for her job second for her heartbreak, she sadly chuckled at her luck.

Rehaan: Riddhima, I’m thinking to try to propose Aarohi. Will you help me?

Riddhima nodded happily.

Riddhima: Definitely bhai and all the best.

Riddhima said and he smiled at her.


Riddhima entered in the office and taking her file moved to Vansh’s cabin. She knocked but when she didn’t get any reply for many times she entered in. Looking around she didn’t found anyone.

Riddhima: Is he on leave? His office why will he need a leave.

She said to herself and turned around and her petite form hits with the hard wall in front of her. She stumbles back and too support she held the wall but on realizing he was Vansh her legs slipped and she fell on the floor with him over her.

She looked at his chocolate brown orbs, deep, dark, holding thousands of flowing emotions in them, thousands of secrets which she is willing to unfold and know, only she. She was just lost in his eyes while he was looking into her eyes to search sometime to emotions but it wasn’t possible. He knew he was getting close to her, her sweet behavior with him. She never left him even when they were in some problem, rather she helped him out of it but his aura, ego and few relations were making him stop to agree to his feelings.

Vansh: Ragini.

He said and saw her still looking at him.

Vansh: Ragini…

He said in a bit high tone gaining her all attention.

Riddhima: Yes sir…

She said and then saw him getting up, he didn’t gave his hand to her and she got up taking the files.

Vansh: I’m the boss that doesn’t mean that I can take leave any day.

He said moving to his chair. She nodded at him looking down. She knew if Rehaan will get to know of her working with a fake identity in someone’s company then what he will do is out of her imagination.

Riddhima: Sir, your routine.

She said forwarding the sheet with the file to him. He nodded and took it from her.

Vansh: You’ll have to make the presentation for the meetings of next week. I’ll check it then only and about last meetings held today, you’ll be accompanying me.

Vansh said and gained a nod from her. Signing he asked her to leave and she did without any question and following his orders was now her routine. Next week meetings, he will have to handle alone.

Vansh looked at her leaving and threw the files on the table and got up from his chair frustrated.

Vansh: What was I doing?

He asked himself ruffling his hands through his hairs. Riddhima was about to come back to her cabin when she felt dizzy she was about to fell down when someone caught her in the nick of time. She looked up to find Angre.

Angre: Are you ok?

Angre asked and she gave him a smile.

Angre: Have something you’re looking tired? Come I’ll take you to your cabin.

He said and took her to her cabin. Making her sit on her chair she looked as he held the telephone and dialed a number and called someone.

Angre: What will you like to have?

Angre asked and sat on another chair.

Riddhima: Nothing I’m ok…

Riddhima said and he looked at her.

Angre: Ragini, you do so many works in a day without going for lunch. As if you are trying to do something which is not possible for you

Angre asked and Riddhima looked at him closed, he is a great observer. Just then a girl entered in the room.

Angre: Ragini tell her what will you have. And you please make her eat something, she is not well.

Riddhima nodded and he left from there. She looked at the girl and asking her to bring a cup of coffee with a burger she saw her leaving. She closed her eyes and tears came out.

Riddhima: I can’t…I can’t do it anymore. It’s getting difficult.

She said and then gulped down the glass of water. She turned and looked at the laptop screen and started working on the presentation.

After a while, she moved to Vansh’s cabin. Vansh looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

Riddhima: Sir my work is done and about last meeting it’s after 30 minutes.

Riddhima said and closed her eyes to gain some energy.

Vansh: Ok…Ragini you know you’ll be accompanying me right?

Riddhima nodded at her and then kept the files there.

Riddhima: Sir as per right now schedule, the meetings which are assigned next week their presentation are ready.

Riddhima said and looked at his confused face.

Vansh: Why are you in so much rush?

He asked her and they heard a knock, Vansh said a come-in and saw Angre coming. Angre entered and gave his tab to Vansh who was checking it out. Angre looked at Riddhima who was caressing her head.

Angre: Ragini, How are you now?

Angre asked and she looked at him.

Riddhima: Better sir.

She smiled at him and then waited for Vansh to sign her to leave.

Angre: Don’t feel like.

Angre said looking at her condition. Weakness, dark circles around her eyes and sad face was making her look weaker.

Angre: Are you skipping your food?

Angre asked and Riddhima shook her head. Vansh heard them conversing silently although it was audible to him still he ignored.

Riddhima: Sir may I leave.

Vansh looked at her and nodded. He saw her retreating figure and left from there.

Vansh: Angre, you can leave for home after the meeting. I’ll come after sometime.

Angre nodding left from there.


Riddhima entered into the meeting room, connecting the pen drive she took the glass of water and gulped down. Her phone started ringing, she looked at the screen to see Rehaan’s name flashing. She about to pick it up when she saw everyone entering so she disconnected it and moved to a side.

She looked at Vansh who sat on his chair while Angre was showing the presentation. Riddhima smiled looking at Vansh, who was carefully looking at the presentation.

Riddhima’s POV starts:-

Vansh, I don’t know how will he react when I will tell him that my complete identity is a lie for him? What will he do when I will propose him? Will he cancel my license or he will send me to jail, in the name of fraud I’ll be sentenced to 5 years imprisonment. But that will be ok, after all I did this for him. I saw him getting up as soon as Angre closed the presentation and lights got turned on.

Voice: So the deal is done Mr. Raisinghania.

Do I need to say whose voice was this, since I was of 5 months I’m hearing this voice. In whole Mumbai, Vansh got bhai only to do his deal. My bad luck.

Riddhima’s POV ends-:

Looking at Rehaan, she squeezed her eyes. Riddhima turns and was about to leave when she heard Angre’s voice.

Angre: Ragini.

She didn’t turned back and stood like a statue there waiting for him to come in front and as he did, she raised his eyebrows.

Angre: Where are you going and where is the file? How will Boss do the deal without those file? Being his secretary you are supposed to handover the file to Mr. Rehaan. Do it as I have to leave for some work.

Angre said and left from there leaving her shocked. Moving back to the place she took the file and then took a deep breath, she turned back and saw only Vansh and Rehaan standing there with some employees.

She moved to Vansh and kept the file on the table. She was about to leave but to her bad luck Vansh called her.

Vansh: Ragini, meet me in my cabin.

She nodded while turning her face to the opposite side.

Vansh: Turn back.

She heard him and then shook her head.

Vansh: Miss Ragini Mehra, turn back.

She heard his voice and turned back. Vansh looked at her as she had squeezed her eyes shut. She opened her eyes as she didn’t get any reaction. Looking around she saw Rehaan wasn’t there, she looked at Vansh.

Vansh: What?

She shook her head confused.

Vansh: Leave it, you’ll be accompanying me to my family function as some of the business associate will also come there.

She looked at him shocked as it was impossible for her.

Riddhima: Sorry sir, I can’t.

She said and he raised his eyebrows.

Vansh: I need a valid reason.

She bit her lip confused of it.

Riddhima: Because I’m getting engaged tonight.

She said without even thinking twice and then looked at him as his face was expressionless.

Vansh: Ok then. Congratulations.

He said and taking his phone left from there. She sat on the chair with a thud.

Riddhima: You’re gone Riddhima. I had said that I’m engaged, but now how will I propose him tomorrow?

She said to herself and then kept her head on the table.


Riddhima looked at Rehaan who was showing her his dress.

Rehaan: Tell which one will look good on me. Tomorrow I will tell Aarohi that how much I love her.

Rehaan said in excitement and Riddhima nodded still confused what will she say to Vansh?

Riddhima: Bhai, where were in lunch time?

Rehaan looked at her.

Rehaan: I had gone for a business meeting and Aarohi said she had some work in orphanage.

Riddhima nodded and then got up.

Rehaan: Arey tell.

Rehaan asked she looked at the dress in his hand and picking up a red one she gave it to him.

Riddhima: I know Aarohi di will say yes.

Riddhima said with a smile and left from there.


Next day, Vansh entered in his cabin after his last meeting of the day, he was scrolling through his phone when he felt something soft under his feet. He looked down and frowned on seeing a red balloon in his cabin. He looked around and saw the room decorated.

Vansh: Who’s there?

Vansh asked and looked around. He turned back and saw Riddhima on her knees.

Riddhima: I love you Vansh sir. I mean Vansh.

She said looking at him while he just gave her shocked or expressionless face.


On the other hand, Rehaan looked at Aarohi arranging files in front of him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Aarohi: Sir, work is done. I’ve to leave urgently.

Aarohi said and then turned back and saw Rehaan on his knees.

Rehaan: I love you Aarohi.

She was shocked from his sudden proposal and looked at him. He was clueless by her expression.

Aarohi: Sir woah…. I..I…

Rehaan in excitement got up and looked at her.

Rehaan: Tell.

He said and she closed her eyes.

Aarohi: Sir I’m engaged.

Aarohi said and looked at his expression. He didn’t said anything for a while and then nodded with a smile.

Rehaan: Congratulations…You didn’t told me anything so I…..Its ok who is the lucky person?

She didn’t expected him to change his role so suddenly. She forced a smile and looked at him.

Aarohi: Will tell you soon.

She said and left from there. Rehaan looked at the rose in his hand and then threw it.


Vansh looked at her and then bend down to her level. She was shocked to see him bending. He held her hand and took the rose from her.

Vansh: Ragini, see I don’t know how you fell for me. But I’m sorry I can’t accept your proposal.

Vansh said and forcing a smile looked at her. She gave him questioning look and removed her hand from his hold and he looked at her.

Vansh: You may leave.

She was shocked by his sentence.

Riddhima: But at least tell me the reason.

He heard her and turned around.

Vansh: I’m engaged.

He said and she got another shock.

Vansh: One second, even you’re engaged. How can you…?

He turned around and looked at her. She shook her head and left.


Hope you guys liked it.

Do comment if you liked it…


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist 💖💖💖

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