Eternal Love Story # Our Riansh (Chapter-21)

So first of all @Amyra Happy Birthday once again🎂🎂🎉🎉 Many Many Happy returns of the day…..

So guys I did a mistake in last chapter there it was  am and I had written pm…. Sorry for that

So let’s start the chapter


At 2 am:-

They reached hotel

Vansh- I’m coming and yeah I need to disconnect the call because I have to confirm ok….. What will you guys eat you tell me I will bring first and then will go to pay the bills

Aryan- Italian pasta and 6 pizza with 7 cold drinks and….

Vansh- Aryan I’m single person I can’t split myself into two wait and I’ll bring in two time or you have to wait too longer because

Aryan- longer one is ok…

Angre- No Vansh….. Bring in two times

Vansh- Hmm…

Vansh leaves and enters hotel, all three gets connected through their phones

Voice- You blo*dy idiot………….

Aryan- Ishani, Say a bit slowly if Vansh bhai heard it na we would be in grave danger

Ishani- Ohh Sorry….. Wait… Why am I sorry…? What was the need to say to Vansh bhai to bring all together…?

Aryan- That was your punishment…. Remember you pinched me while I was speaking

Flashback start:-

Aryan- Where is this Amravati and when we will reach there?

Vansh- Next place is that only there is one hotel which is for 24*7 then we will drive till 44 pm and then you guys will drive because I’m tired of driving since 12 pm and super hungry

Aryan- Even I’m…. God only knows how I am surviving… ouch

Vansh- What happened?

Aryan- A mosquito bit me…. she is too small and then to disturbing me … Btw till when we will reach there

Flashback ends-:

Kabir (laughing) – She again pinched you…. Ouch…..

Aryan laughs

Kabir- Sejal what happened now…

Sejal- You idiot…. You flirt….. I wish I could kill you….

Kabir- Aww… Baby you can’t

Sejal- Oh Just Shut up….. And Aryan, for her mistake you were about to punish us all….

Aryan- No I thought if Riddhu di will not eat you won’t eat also….

Sejal- Yaa… But she is unconscious what can we do….

Voice- Btw Aryan Bhai, your sense of humor is too good I was only knowing how I was controlling myself from laughing

Aryan- Siya…. After all I’m Aryan…. Everything should be fantastic about me

Ishani- Yaa… Everything is fantastic except brain… Siya you were trying to hide your laughter and I was getting irritated

Aryan- Only intelligent can understand talks of other one….. Right Sejal…

Sejal- I don’t know…. I want to live with Kabir…. I don’t want to die this early….

Aryan- Ohk Ohk… I forgive you Ishani… I know you aren’t too intelligent like me

Ishani- Hello Mr. Aryan, I don’t want your forgiveness idiot…. If you weren’t my boyfriend then I would have killed you

Angre- Anyway guys…. We must appreciate their talent they were controlling there unconscious drama in a very good way….. Even we were trying to wake them up….

Ishani- Yaa…. I remember what you called me that I’m heavy and how will my husband handle me

Kabir- Aryan, You will have to handle me

Sejal (snapping her fingers in front) – Oh Mr. Great CBI Officer Kabir…. Don’t forget what are we …..?

Kabir- Yaa…. My mom

Sejal- Hey…. I’m not your mom I’m your Girlfriend

Kabir- Yaa… That only forgive me……

Ishani- Angre, Had you told mom and bhai that we are all ok….

Angre- Yaa… We told them….

Siya- I’m worried for Riddhima di… She hasn’t even taken water since morning….. And we will eat

Angre- Chill Siya…. She is unconscious we will make her eat something once she woke up…..

Kabir- Guys…. Get back to your position Vansh bhai is coming…

They get back but due to sudden change Ishani got a bit scared and her heart beat rose

Aryan- Ishani, Slow down your heart beat

Ishani- Hey Idiot…….. It’s an involuntarily muscle humans can’t control there heart….. First go to school then talk to me

Aryan- Shut up Duffer…. Bhai is here

Ishani- Let bhai go I will teach a good lesson

All chuckle on this and Vansh arrives to Karyan’s car

Vansh- Take Aryan, You were too hungry first you only eat…. Take Kabir…. Rest I’m bringing

Angre (on call) – Bhai had you eaten

Vansh- From where this Angre is talking

Kabir- Bhai, actually we were getting bored so we again connected and are just talking

Vansh- Ok…

Aryan (shouting) – Bhaiiiii….. Ouch

Vansh- What happened Aryan you are shouting then hissing I’m not miles away say slowly, Idiot…

Aryan- Bhai what to do that mosquito likes my blood….

Angre- Vansh….. Leave him…. Had you eaten anything

Vansh- No Angre….. Don’t worry I’m bringing for you….

Angre- When will you eat bhai?

Vansh- Riddhima is also hungry how I can eat…. You guys eat wait Angre I’m bringing rest it will take a bit time

Kabir- Vansh pass this to Angre, We will share fr0m Aryan

Vansh- We??

Kabir- I… I mean I will share from Aryan…

Vansh- Ok….

After giving he leaves back to hotel

Ishani- Aryan……

Aryan- Ishani, we will fight later on the so called honeymoon trip…. Let me eat …. Take Ishani

Ishani- I don’t want to

Aryan- Why?

Kabir- Take Sejal….

Sejal- Even I don’t want to

Siya- Even I won’t

Angre- Why?

Kabir- Exactly what happened

Sejal- Riddhu di and Vansh bhai is hungry how we can eat….?

Siya- Exactly…… I won’t eat

Aryan- Eat a bit guys because instead of chloroform you guys will faint like that only and I won’t carry this heavy fat

Ishani- I’ll sue you up on the charges of calling a girl fat

Aryan- You won’t

Ishani- I will

Aryan- Ishani….

Ishani (glaring) – Aryan

Aryan- Ok fine

Kabir- You are scared of her Aryan

Aryan- No…. (Mumbling) but a bit afraid

Ishani- That’s the reason I ask you to go to school first then talk to me

Aryan- I won’t I’m happy in my life

Ishani- Exactly that much happy that you don’t know the difference afraid and scared….

Sejal (pissed) – Guys…. Now please be quite now

Siya- Yaa…. Let them get married here only then you guys can fight like husband and wife

Angre- Exactly you guys fight like cat and dog

Kabir- You three eat something I promise I will personally ask bhai and Riddhima to eat something

Angre- Yaa….as soon as she wake up and as far as its concerned I gave her a dose a just 12 hours

Aryan- So she will wake up till 5 am only… Don’t worry

Sejal- No wait…. Angre bhai After Vansh bhai brings keep for them also and Riddhima as she wake up make her eat something and give her the dose for 24 hours sleep in that only

Angre- Ok….Now you guys eat before bhai comes

They eat and Vansh arrives to give them more

Vansh- Are you guys truly this much hungry that you ate everything this fast or are these girls even eating with you ….

At these all three got choked and the food which Aryan was eating he had to spill it out of window

Vansh- Chii… Aryan… You… You are truly an idiot… Anyway I’m going to pay the bill and bring the cold drink and to check whether the car is arranged in Indore or not

And saying this he leaves and the girls wake up and started eating

Aryan- Bhai was saying we are hungry but after seeing them nobody can say that….

Kabir- Aryan surely you have a death wish

Ishani- Indeed

Aryan- Ishani I want to know something

Ishani- Shoot

Aryan- What I don’t have gun it’s with bhai….

Ishani- Idiot question…..Go to school….. Wait not now answer me…. If you would have a gun you would have shot me….(crying) You don’t love me Aryan… exactly in these much time you would have found someone else

Aryan- No Ishani…. I’m Sorry…. Now stop crying and eat

Ishani- Its ok I forgive you because I’m hungry

Aryan- Kabir these girls’ normal mood swings are worse than pregnant ones….. I feel pity on Veer bhai

Siya- Bhai loves his wife

Angre- What do you want to say we don’t love you?

Ishani- We don’t think because the way you guys greeted us in club

Sejal- Exactly no hug it felt like we met you for the first time

Kabir- Aryan, they meant we should hug them in front of bhai

Aryan- And he won’t question us

Sejal- It could formal even

Kabir- Come I’ll give you a hug now

Sejal- Shut up

Angre- Don’t worry Vansh had already done his romance

All (in unison) – What? When?

Angre- When he was taking out her phone

Siya- You guys are saying as if you were less

Aryan- Now be quiet and lie down bhai is coming…. Angre keep the food beside you…

They nod and got back to their position

Vansh arrives and got in the car and connected to the call

Angre- Bhai What’s the news…..

Vansh- Car is ready there Angre…. Aryan and Angre see at the back of car, phones are kept there save all the important contacts now and we are throwing these phones now here only as after this we will only stop in Indore and as per my guess we would reach there early till 9 pm only

They agreed and after throwing their phones started driving

At 4:30 am:-

Aryan- Kabir…. Where are we now?

Kabir- Aryan, It’s just half an hour we started driving we have just exited from Maharashtra now….

Vansh- Don’t worry Aryan… After Indore you two will only drive

Angre (shouts) – Vanshhh….. Ouch….

Vansh- Now Angre you don’t tell me that mosquito is here also

Angre- No bhai it’s another one

Vansh- Anyway why were you shouting?

Angre- Actually Vansh we did a mistake bhai

Vansh stops the car

Vansh- Now what happened

Angre- Vansh actually the dose which I gave to Riddhima was just of 12 hours so she will wake up after 20 minutes…. Sorry bhai

Vansh- No Angre

Kabir, Aryan and Angre (in unison) – Yes Bhai

Vansh- No Angre…. I can’t

Kabir, Aryan and Angre (in unison) – You have to

Vansh- She is a Lion

Kabir, Aryan and Angre (in unison) – You are also a lion bhai

Vansh- Forget about lion, I can’t handle her she will kill me and this Aryan, idiot he told her that we kidnapped her

Angre- Bhai she must be hungry she won’t say anything first of all you two eat something and then I will give her the second dose

Vansh- Give her of 24 hours

Angre- Will that be ok….. I mean her health

Vansh- What else can we do Angre?

Angre- Bhai we could convince her….

Vansh- No Angre…. Don’t forget we are kidnapping them…. No more discussion

After 15 mins:-

Riddhima woke up

Riddhima- Van….. Vansh…. Pan…Pani (water)

Vansh- Riddhima….

Precap- Riansh romance

Do comments guys and tell me about chapter…

Sorry for any grammatical mistake ………..

Sorry I won’t be able to update tomorrow so I’ updating it today as I had to prepare for my entrance exam of Saturday….Sorry …


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist 💖💖💖

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