Eternal Love Story # Our Riansh (Chapter-27)

Thank you so much guys for your sweet and lovely wishes and for your comments… I request silent readers to comment, it motivates us…..

Congrats Siri for gaining 10 points in SSC board exam I wish you all the success today and always! All the best for a bright future!

@Thebhooth, I know it’s too late to wish you a Happy Birthday, so instead I’m wishing you a happy day today and a fantastic year ahead….🎂🎂🎉🎉


At Indore highway:-

Vansh- Don’t you guys get tired of speaking? I wonder what you guys eat.  (Prapti di see I asked)

Riddhima- Your head

Vansh- What?

Riddhima- Actually, we both eat your head as its too tasty…… and through we get energy and we speak this much

Vansh- Have you lost it?

Aryan- No bhai, according to Riddhu di we ate your brain you have lost your brain na…. So we haven’t. Hence, Proved

Vansh- Shut up Aryan…… Stop your nonsense

Kabir- Vansh, Car had been picked up I got the message

Vansh- Ohk….. Its 1:30 pm after half an hour Ishani, Sejal and Siya will wake up till 2:20 or 2:30.

Aryan- Bhai we again need to stop as till then lunch time will be there

Vansh- Yes…. They will be hungry even

Angre, Kabir and Aryan (in unison) – Exactly

Riddhima- But, Vansh according to map, we are still in dewas and to reach Bhopal we need to wait for 2 hour more and in Sehore……

Vansh- there is one hotel and till then we need to control them that means for half an hour…I know… so?

Riddhima- Actually…. I am giving an advice…. Don’t worry its free of cost?

Vansh- Shut up and tell

Riddhima- First say please

Vansh- Riddhima…..

Riddhima- Vansh please bolo na

Vansh- No I won’t

Riddhima- Vansh

Vansh- Riddhima

Riddhima- Vansh

Vansh- Riddhi….

Aryan (cutting him) – Say it na bhai after all at last you will have to lose

Vansh- Shut up…. Ok fine

Aryan- See I told you……

Vansh- Aryan….. Riddhima tell na please

Riddhima- Chaloo abb tum itna please bol hi rahe ho to main bata hi deti hun (Ok….So as you are speaking so much please so I will tell you)

Vansh jaw dropped while rest chuckled on this

Riddhima- Ok…. So advising not only Vansh but everyone that p……

Vansh (cutting her) – Then why you didn’t asked them to say please

Riddhima- I wasn’t in the mood

Vansh- But you were in the mood while asking me

Riddhima- Ok just shut up and listen to me

Vansh- You again asked me to shut up me……

Riddhima- Are you really deaf or just pretending to be

Vansh- Say sorry to me first of all

Riddhima- I won’t

Vansh- You will

Angre- Guys…. Why you are fighting like kids of playgroup

Riansh (both unison) – Shut up Angre

Vansh- First say sorry to me

Riddhima- I won’t……….. I won’t……….. I won’t………

Vansh- You will have to

Kabir- Vansh…. Please our ears are hurting

Vansh- Ask her to say sorry

Kabir- Vansh…. Please….. Riddhima tell

Riddhima- I was just saying to put on your seat belts and of others as I am going to increase the speed of car

Vansh was about to say something

Riddhima- Dare you to give me your rubbish I very well know how to drive safely you just need to follow your safety rules

Vansh- Ok fine….. But you know how to drive?

Riddhima- Just now was I speaking Chinese that you didn’t get it…..   I said I know how to drive as I won many racing competition in Paris

Vansh- I am talking about real one not of toy car

Riddhima- Are you challenging me?

Vansh- Not yet…. But now yes….

Riddhima- You are going to pay for it

Vansh- Ready…..

All had pulled up their seat belts tightly while Aryan did of Ishani, Kabir of Sejal and Angre of Siya

Riddhima- Direct me the way as it changes

Vansh- Just now you challenged me now asking for favor

For last time she glared at Vansh and he nodded and she started driving

At RV Mansion:-

At 2:15 pm:-

Ruchi and Sandhya were in the room and Ruchi after waiting for long to confirm no one is going to come soon dialed to VR Mansion

After two ring Uma picked up the phone

Ruchi- Mom… I Ruchi…..

Uma- Ruchi….. How are you dear…? Finally you called….

Ajay was passing from there hearing Ruchi he came running to her and snatched the phone and kept it on speaker

Ajay (crying voice) – Ruchi….. How are you my child…..? After such a long time you called… How is veer and my would be grandchild

Ruchi (crying voice) – Everyone is fine dad….. You never called…..

Uma- We are bounded by the promise….. Otherwise why won’t we….

Ajay- You are our only lovely daughter

Sandhya- Everything will be absolutely fine

Ajay- Hope so…. Anyway you got any information from Angre as in presence of Vansh he isn’t able to call me not even Kabir

Ruchi- Yeah Dad they all are fine………..

She told him everything about their whereabouts

Ajay- Thank God everything is fine and Riddhu didn’t reacted at that time but I really found it fishy that she didn’t objected for it

Ruchi- No dad after that we got Riddhu’s call and Veer convinced her….

Ajay- Ok…

Ruchi- But I’m afraid of Vansh bhai….

Sandhya- Exactly…. If plan flops

Uma- Then history will surely repeat itself

Ajay- History will have to repeat itself but every person’s position…. But we can’t do anything at that time but now we will

Uma- Take Care Ruchi…… As Vansh still thinks that you are in America and yeah don’t come at all in front of him

Ajay- Take Care beta…. We love you… Bye

Ruchi- Take Care Mom and Dad…. Love you too….

She hanged up the call

Ruchi- Mom, its 2:40 let me bring something lunch time had already passed

Sandhya- Oh Madam You are pregnant you aren’t holding a pin but a baby…. Many Servants are there sit here and even I am not that old…. I will bring

Ruchi nods

In Car:-

At 2:20 pm:-

Vansh was directing the way to Riddhu

Vansh- Take left than straight and then keep going

Riddhima- Is your geography too strong?

Vansh- Why?

Riddhima- You know each and every direction without even looking at Google map….

Vansh- I used to come till MP for business deal

Riddhima- By walking

Vansh- What why will I do that

Riddhima- The way you are telling I was shocked…. Even I don’t know the route of Paris in this way

Vansh- It is called experience

Riddhima- Ohh…… I felt you are road constructor

Vansh- You are mad…..

Riddhima- See staying with you for such a longtime I turned mad….. God knows how I will handle you for rest of the days

Vansh- You will handle me or I will handle you

Angre- Aren’t you guys tired of speaking

Kabir- Angre they aren’t speaking they are fighting for baseless talk

Aryan- Now I felt you guys can’t stay for a minute without talking

Vansh- Aryan, stop them……..

Aryan- Whom?

Vansh- Your mind horses they are running very fast……

Riddhima- Done…?

Vansh- What?

Riddhima- Your talk…. So tell me further way which turn now?

Vansh- Take left and then straight after that right and then straight and we will reach there

After 10 minutes:-

They reached were about to reach Sehore and Meanwhile first Sejal waked up, then Siya and then Ishani but as Vansh had earlier instructed three boys they asked them to be calm about which girls were already aware of……

At 3 pm:-

Riddhima- We reached there….. Finally

Vansh- Madam as we reached now so you’re free of cost advice is over and can we remove the seat belts

Riddhima- Normal Language is known by me, there wasn’t any need to be formal

Vansh- Ok fine…. Come out…..

Riddhima without saying a word came out and Vansh glared at Kabir, Aryan and Angre by which they understood that he was asking to convince them as now after club meet all were friendly with it

He moved out but he was very less aware that rather than convincing them they were working on the mission to unite Riansh

Kabir- As we know that you are aware of everything….

Sejal- Shut up and we have less time discuss what will we do

Angre- We can’t do anything now

Siya- Eventually we truly did a mistake

Aryan- Mistake? What?

Siya- Bhai is now mere attracted by Riddhu di and we tried to make him jealous

Angre- Exactly how will he be jealous when he don’t love her

Aryan- Plan was of Ishani

Ishani- So what even you agree

Aryan- You gave us the idea

Sejal- Guys we don’t have time….. Kabir and Angre have you thought something

Kabir- Wait

Sejal- Ok think

Kabir- Aray wait wala wait nhi wait wala wait (Not wait one wait but wait one wait)

Aryan- In school I only learnt one spelling one W-A-I-T….. Which are you talking about?

Ishani- Thank God, You went to school…..

Sejal- Guys please…. Kabir say in language which we know

Aryan- Exactly

Kabir- Array I am saying wait till we reach Darjeeling we can’t do anything first we need to make them again in love because in Car you all can see they keep on fighting

Siya- Exactly have you ever seen Fire and water coming together

Aryan- Who is fire and who is water

Siya- Vansh Bhai is fire and Riddhu di

Sejal- Don’t say that Riddhu is water she is an

Kabir (cutting her) – an erupting volcano

Sejal- Exactly…. And don’t worry we have three months for surgery….

Siya- Hmm….

They agreed and all boys came out where they saw Riddhima and Vansh talking and roaming there together and were talking

Angre- I guess they need time that’s more important

Aryan- Exactly…. But we need to do something to bring them close

Kabir- Anyway guys, It’s about 3:30, all are hungry…

Aryan- How much you eat Kabir….

Kabir- Oh my my….. Who is saying? As if you are living on air and water and saving resources

Aryan- Shut up and move

Precap- cute Fight

Do comment guys and tell me your guesses about the precap

Sorry for any grammatical mistake……………


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist 💖💖💖

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