Eternal Love Story # Our Riansh (Chapter-4)

Chapter- 4

In Paris-

Varun was trying his best not to cry as it will make difficult for both of them to leave each other. After watching tears in her eyes he stood up and hugged her to calm both of them. They were hugging each other for a long time and then he broke the hug and wiped her tears and said

Varun- Riddhima…please don’t cry I don’t wanna fall weak…so was this the reason why my baby was sad from morning….right?

Riddhima- Yes….I will miss you

Varun- I will also miss you baby…but what’s the need we can talk to each other daily……

Riddhima- Yeah and promise me you will video call me as well and that too daily and yeah you won’t roam around your that intern friend Kiara…..she is such a flirty girl always try to flirt with you……sometimes I wish I could smash up her face so that she can’t talk to you with that rubbish face of hers ….Dare you to even talk to her while i m not here

Varun (laughing) – Ok….Ok…I won’t each see her …Happy now..

Riddhima (pouting) – No….I need one more thing that take a leave tomorrow

Varun (confused) – Why?

Riddhima(smiling)- Because at morning you will accompany me to mall for shopping so that you can carry all my bags and help me in suggesting clothes…..So Dr. Varun Sharma….(forwarding her hand)Deal Done?

Varun(shaking hands)- Done…

After this they intertwined their fingers and moved to their car and left for their home ….while in car they were stealing glances of each other and then Riddhu’s home came so they hugged each other and bid a bye to each other

Meanwhile in India-

After they left from the orphanage after giving money for the charity and then they went to VR Mansion and then with Ajay they discussed about their plan’s implantation and rest important thing………and then departed to their bed

Next Morning-

Vansh and Angre left for their work and as in evening they need to start with their plan

While working Vansh was reminiscing his father’s words

Flashback starts-

Vansh- What dad??? tell us we will surely do that 

Ajay- Tomorrow his children’s are coming from Paris….and you all need to stalk their children means that not his son his daughter Riddhima with all three of her friend, I heard that she is a chirpy girl and love to live her life to the fullest……so that means that you can easily stalk her daily routine as she will always be out of her home and then you need to kidnap her just before the court hearing day and keep her at any of our safe place with her acknowledgement that you guys had kidnapped her

Vansh- Dad how can we do that it may turn disastrous if we got caught

Ajay- I know but that’s the only way we can get a sufficient time.

Flashback ends

Angre shakes him and says

Angre- Vansh are you thinking about Riddhima and Dad

Vansh- Yes…. Angre after we gathered her information yesterday it’s clear that she is innocent how can we stalk her and then kidnap her

Angre- That’s true bahi….but for dad we need to do this even I’m not understanding why do we need to kidnap her and even her friends and keep her with us for more than 2 months it can be even done in a week

Vansh- I know Angre we need to do that but even I’m not getting why we need to kidnap her for such a long period because court hearing can be easily shifted for months

They were confused but they need to do that they completed their work and meanwhile Aryan and Kabir were completely busy in gathering all the information about Riddhima, Ishani, Sejal & Siya.

While in Paris-

Riddhima, Ishani, Sejal & Siya left for shopping with Varun

They broke the group as Riddhima and Varun were in need of sometime alone, They bought many clothes and then Varun and Riddhima left earlier and went to her home

They entered while Ruchi and Veer were spending sometime while talking to their child who was in his mother’s womb and were talking

Veer- Ruchi you know it will be a baby girl just like you,…… my cute baby

Ruchi- Ok…..From where are these humors arising that it will be a baby girl it will be a baby boy and will be in my team….He will be handsome like you but intelligent like me

Veer- No way I need a baby girl…Girls are cute rather than boy

Ruchi- You never told me that you changed your gender how can a boy even say girls are cute I always heard boys don’t like girls

Veer- Baby girls are different they are cute rather than you all, You all are like a wild cat always ready to punish we mens and point out ours mistake just like any opposition party playing in an election

Ruchi- Now I’m a wild cat you……………. now to that’s final I want a baby boy who will be in my team

She then sit on sofa with her cute pouted face and watching this Riddhima and Varun who were standing on the entrance door started laughing while Veer watching Ruchi angry started trying to calm her anger after that they left for packing

At 2 pm-

All were in the hall and were about to leave just then-

Siya- Riddhu, Where is Varun?

Veer- Yes Riddhu, he was with you when you were packing and he told me that he would accompany us till airport?

Riddhima- Yes bhai Varun was with me, but he had already left as he got an important call from hospital for a surgery

Veer- Ok so let’s go

He said to Raju Kaka (their home caretaker)

Veer- Raju kaka…..take care of yourself we’ll be back soon

He nodded and they bid goodbye to everyone(their mansion’s caretaker and servants) and then left for airport


Their flight was one hour late so they were waiting for it

Then At 4 pm, the announcement was made and they boarded the flight and left for journey…

Meanwhile at INDIA-

All Four were in Aryan’s room

Vansh- Aryan you can easily make your room a mess no……give it a look

Aryan- What’s wrong bro…see how adorable my room is looking

Kabir- Adorable…..yaa actually how adorable it is…..I wonder your would be wife must had to be proud on you for gifting her such an adorable room on her first night

Angre- Yaa actually…..she should be given a bravery medal for handling such an adorable husband and room

Vansh- Guys we need to discuss for Riddhu and her friends

Aryan- Bhai You are too fast, from Riddhima you changed to riddhu in just a single day…..interesting very interesting

Vansh(glaring)- Are we going to discuss this over here seriously ???…forget it….Kabir had you broughtt……

while saying this Vansh’s foot got on something and he slipped and fell on the floor

Vansh- Ouchhhhhhh!!!!!!! Aryan

They started laughing and then after sometime made him sit on the bed

Vansh- Aryan…..we are gonna discuss this later but first of all we need to clean this mess otherwise next time will be someone else

They cleaned the room and then all sat on the bed

Vansh- Ok so……….Aryan and Kabir had you guys brought nay information for (glaring at Aryan)RIDDHIMA AND HER FRIENDS

Kabir- Yes Bro…..we got some info but not too good

Vansh- Why?? You guys could easily get any info but why not hers

Kabir- Bro…she left for Paris three years back due to some reason but before leaving Veer had destroyed all important info of her from the record

Angre- Veer?? Who is he???

Aryan- He is Riddhima’s Brother, he is Sooraj and Sandhya’s son, he is an interpol officer and soon to become dad as his wife is pregnant

Vansh- What’s the reason of them to come back?

Kabir- Sooraj uncle had called him here for this case only

Vansh- Ok….tell me about Riddhima like where she goes, time, do she go in any public place

Aryan- Yes Vansh bro… dad told she is truly a chirpy girl and loves to meet new people she is a Psychiatrist but aims to be best dancer even someday before or should say yesterday she got first position in dance competition in Paris and just before that she was about to get Kidnapped but must say she is a sharp girl  She easily escaped from his clutches

Vansh- How so that we can easily fight back from her while kidnapping?

Kabir- Day before yesterday her results were about to be announced but that day her college’s dean’s son’s health got worst so the results were postponed for next day so everyone left even she too but she forgot something in that room so she again went in auditorium and then someone tried to kidnap her but she befooled him and then to save himself/herself from getting caught he ran away?

Vansh- and after all this Veer hadn’t taken any action that’s interesting………..anyway do she went to any public place

Aryan- Yaa…she goes to club and mall sometime alone sometime with bodyguards or should say police officer

Vansh- Ok…… we get ready we are going to meet her day after tomorrow as police officer before that as tonight their gonna reach India

Angre- According to you what we need to do Vansh?

Vansh- What’s the time of their flight

Aryan- At 4 pm…..light was scheduled to take off

Vansh- So According to me….flight will reaach India at 1 Pm so at that they won’t go to their Mansion they will check in a hotel…..that’s it we need to follow them till they check in hotel

Aryan – Bro…what i was saying that just to follow them why we all need to bother us ……we can send any of our men after them

Kabir- So you are afraid that after waking up till 2 pm you will get dark circles

Aryan- Noway Kabir……I am a bodybuilder

Vansh- Yaa…a bodybuilder who can’t even hold 10 kg dumble….

Aryaan- Bro….i can that day in gym i just got distracted

Angre- Distracted or was trying to flirt with a girl

Aryan started glaring them and They started laughing which was later even accompanied by Aryan

Angre- That’s ok guys but what will happen when we will kidnap them they and there tantrums who will face them

Aryan- Obviously…..we all

Precap- Back to  RV Mansion and Party

Guys!!!! Do comment and tell me your views on the story and I wanna tell you as from this episode two characters are on a long break i.e., Varun & Tara, Tara might be visible in some upcoming episodes for few minutes or scenes but Varun will be on leave and all scenes will be of India only

Sorry for any grammatical mistake


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist đź’–đź’–đź’–

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