Eternal Love Story # Our Riansh (Chapter-54)

Thank you so much for your comments…. I hope you all will like the chapter


It had been 4 days since Sooraj was in jail, Veer was working on his case with his lawyer while all were busy with the arrangement of the baby boys naming ceremony

In these days baby got attached more with Riddhima and Vansh than Veer and Ruchi, he used to spend his whole either with Riddhima or with Vansh, who sometime due to baby had to stay in RV Mansion only but when baby stay with Riddhima he used to get jealous easily

In VR Mansion:-

At Afternoon:-

All were busy with the decorations as the function was in the evening while Sandhya and Uma were sitting with the priest in the hall discussing Riansh Marriage and all were busy with the decoration

Sandhya- So Panditji what is the date?

Kabir- Panditji thoda dur ki date nikalna kyunki humare bhai mein sabar bahut hai (Panditji take out the distant date because our brother had a lot of patience)

Meanwhile Vansh who was playing with the boy gave him an instant glare and Kabir being Kabir just showed him his tongue

Uma (whispering to Sandhya) – Is he taking out the date or is he making it… From half an hour he is counting his fingers like a 4th standard kid

Sandhya just shushed her up

Sandhya- Panditji….. We are asking for date (murmuring) not for 4 layer chocolate dip cake

Priest- 1 week means 7 days

Aryan- Panditji we know there are 7 days in 1 week, we learnt that in 1st class

Ishani- Oh you went to class

Aryan (murmuring) – Galti hogayi school ka naam lekar mar jaunga kabhi school ka naam nhi lunga (I made a mistake by taking the name of school I will die but won’t take school’s name)

Ruchi- Panditji this won’t end ever you tell the date

Priest- 1 week later

All (shouted) – Yeeeee……….

Priest was shocked or should say he was scared

Priest- I’m leaving now….

Without waiting for their reply

In the way he met Veer who saw him scared

Veer- Panditji kya hua (What happened) why are you scared?

Priest- Who are you beta?

Veer- Woh work….

Priest (interrupting him) – oh you work her beta God bless you, I understand how you handle them

Veer- No woh……….

Priest- Don’t be scared beta, I won’t tell them they were behaving like mad…. Ok beta I’m leaving now

Before Veer could say anything he left

Veer- He saw their madness today and is this much scared and I’m facing them from years……. God knows how I’m saving myself from my mad family its ok that my daily dose of medicine

He took a deep breath and entered into the Mansion and saw everyone smiling

Riddhima saw him and ran to him and took him into a tight hug

Riddhima- Bhai….. Got the date

Veer- That’s good but what you guys do right now

All looked at each other and then at him

All (in unison) – Nothing

Veer- Then why that priest was too scared he was calling you all mad

Angre- Bhai, Gandhi ji ke bandron ne kaha hai na bura mat dekho, bura mat bolo aur bura mat suno (Gandhiji’s monkeys have said don’t look evil, don’t speak evil and don’t hear evil)

Veer- He was right you all really mad

Ruchi who came just now from inside heard him

Ruchi- Whom you said mad?

Veer- Myself….(to Riddhima) Btw Miss bua….. Which name you decided?

Riddhima- Why should I tell you?

Vansh- Veer leave that go and search for another pandit after seeing their madness I swear he won’t return

Veer- Yeah you are right

Then all looked at the baby who took Vansh finger and then took it into his mouth making it completely wet from his saliva and biting it but neither he was saying anything nor he was taking it out

Vansh noticed everyone’s gaze and raised his eyebrows

Veer- Is he my child? I don’t remember when he came to me last time

Vansh- In the morning when you were leaving so don’t over react

All again got indulged in the work

In Evening:-

Everyone was ready for the ceremony and was in the hall and the ritual was going on

Priest- To bua aakar bacche ka kaan mein unka naam bolen (So aunt come and speak the child’s name in the ear)

Riddhima comes forward and took the child from Ruchi and whispered the name in the ear and gave him back to Ruchi

Aryan- What’s the name Riddhima?

Riddhima- Arjun

Everyone praises her for the name

Vansh (whispered to Riddhima) – Why you kept this name?

Riddhima (whispered to Vansh) – What’s the issue?

Vansh (whispered to Riddhima) – I decided this name for our child

Riddhima (whispering and blushing) – Now shut up and decide something else

Vansh (whispered to Riddhima) – Btw How you got this name?

Riddhima (whispered to Vansh) – I have decided it a long time back

Vansh (whispered to Riddhima) – “Great Minds think alike”

Riddhima- Thanks for praising me

Vansh- I praised myself also

Riddhima- Who said your mind is great?

Vansh- I, me and myself

Riddhima- Then you are wrong

Kabir- Can’t you guys stay quiet for two minutes?

Vansh- Don’t you have your own girlfriend?

Kabir- I have but she isn’t interested in Romance

Vansh- So why are you disturbing my romance

Kabir- You were fighting not Romancing

Vansh- You are a child you won’t understand

Kabir- Don’t forget I played a big role in uniting you

Vansh- Shut up you can’t say a word to Sejal and you united us… Don’t joke

Kabir- She is different

Vansh- Then Even My Riddhima is different

Riddhima- Now Kabir you tell who is fighting

Kabir- He started

Vansh- Why you poked your nose?

Riddhima- You both are idiot… Bye

She left

Vansh- Just because of you she left now how should I convince her

Kabir- Take her on a date btw after 2 days your marriage preparation will start you both can’t meet each other

Vansh- Who said my best friend is there na?

Kabir- I won’t help you

Vansh- I’m not talking about you

Kabir- Then Angre?

Vansh- Naah

Kabir- Aryan he won’t help you he will give you the address of issue

Vansh- Not he even

Kabir- Then where you got your best friend?

Vansh- Window is there na idiot

Kabir- Yaa…. Anyway continue with your imagination

Kabir left making Vansh drown into his thoughts

Next Day:-

In Night (At 10 pm):-

Riddhima was in her room taking out her night dress from her cupboard

Suddenly a hand slid on her waist pulling her back she was very well aware about its owner but still with sudden action she got scared, she was pulled back and her back hit the large chest

Their romance was broken by a knock on the door, Vansh without waiting for her action turned her around and pulled her towards himself pinning her to the closet wall and closed the closet behind

She was about to shout and he cupped her mouth

Vansh- Haven’t you seen my handsome face before what’s the need to shout?

Riddhima just rolled her eyes and then gave him a look “What”

Vansh- Actually whosoever is there say that you are not hungry

Riddhima directs her eyeballs to her fingers and mumbling a sorry he removed it

Riddhima- I already had my dinner

Vansh- Then who must have came

Riddhima- Will you let me check and first of all open the closet door

Vansh- Why?

Riddhima- Someone must be waiting

Vansh- Ok fine just make that person leave and dare you to leave the room

Riddhima- Why should I do that?

Vansh- Or if you don’t (coming close) I can do many things

Riddhima hits him on his leg making him winch in pain and he left the side letting Riddhima leave

Vansh- Junglee Billi jab dekho katne ko daurti hai (Wild cat always ready to bite) howsoever she is she is mine

While Riddhima came out and opened the door to see Ruchi and Arjun

Riddhima- Bhabhi you here at this time?

Ruchi- Riddhima actually its daily issue

Riddhima- Oh my Arjun isn’t sleeping

And as she said Arjun forwards his hand towards her in a way asking to take him and Riddhima took him into his arms

Ruchi- So done

Riddhima- What done?

Ruchi- He will sleep today with you

Ruchi without waiting for her reply left the room

Riddhima took the baby in her arms properly and

Riddhima- Why baby? Why weren’t you sleeping?

Vansh who just heard these last sentence opened the closet and said

Vansh- Because you weren’t with…..

Before he could say he saw Arjun there and

Vansh- Oh so my love enemy is here

Riddhima- Vansh he is a child

Vansh- That’s the issue he is way cuter

Vansh saw baby smiling face and jumps on bed beside baby

Riddhima was shocked by his reaction

Riddhima- My bed

Vansh- Shut up (to baby) Hi Baby….

Baby who had put his finger in his mouth pulls it out and moves it to Vansh beard spreading his wet and small fingers on his face

Vansh gave him a kiss and rubs his nose in his arms and as he did baby feels ticklish from his beard and started laughing and Riddhima was smiling at her bond

After a while Vansh was busy playing with the baby and Riddhima came out from washroom after changing her clothes

Riddhima- Vansh? I’m asking fourth time why you came here

Vansh- I’m telling you fifth time will tell tomorrow

Riddhima- Then leave na…. It’s late

Vansh- I’m not leaving I will stay with my baby

Vansh again rubs his nose on baby’s palm

Riddhima- What do you mean?

Vansh- Are you really this innocent or every time you do acting? Btw in Simple words I will stay here tonight

Riddhima- Then leave for guest room

Vansh- No I will stay with the baby

Riddhima- Then I’m leaving

Riddhima saying so moves to door but stops in her way after hearing his voice

Vansh- Go and tell everyone the reason tomorrow for sleeping in the guest room

Riddhima- I will tell that you were in my room

Vansh (smirking) – Then bear there teasing session

Riddhima took a deep breath closing her eyes to calm down her anger

Riddhima- Why every time you push me in these situation?

Vansh- I don’t know

Riddhima- Really an idiot

She moved to the cupboard and took out the mattress and moves to couch shocking Vansh. Vansh got up from the bed after putting pillows on the side of the baby so that he couldn’t fall

He moves to her and pulls her towards himself

Vansh- What do you think you are doing?

Riddhima- Making bed over here

Vansh- No need I will sleep here

Riddhima (smirking) – So what do you think I will sleep here

Vansh- Oh so it’s for me

He left her after kissing on her cheek he sits on the sofa while she was making the bed

Vansh- Riddhima I have a question

Riddhima- don’t ask

Vansh- I want to ask that where were you the night when you faked your death

Riddhima- Dr. Armaan’s place

Vansh pulls her towards him making her fall on him and

Vansh- Why?

Riddhima- Because only he, bahi and Dr. Samiara were aware about the plan

Vansh- What was the need to stay at his place?

Riddhima- No wait I should have stayed with in VR Mansion in your room right

Vansh- I don’t have any issue

Riddhima hits him on his chest and

Vansh- I meant in hotel, your farm house

Riddhima- I can’t they would ask for ID card and in farmhouse caretakers would be there…. Right?

Vansh- Yaa Right

Riddhima looks at him as he wasn’t leaving her

Riddhima- Now…

Vansh- Now?

Riddhima- Exactly now

Vansh- Do you want me to do something?

Riddhima- Yes

Vansh (excited) – What?

Riddhima- Leave me

Vansh- Never

With an instant reply he makes his grip on her more tight and pulls her closer to him making her close her eyes

Riddhima- Idiot, I asked you to leave me Arjun is alone on the bed

Vansh- Oh that way

Riddhima- Yess…. Now Good Night

Vansh- Good Night Kiss

Riddhima- Idiot That’s morning kiss

Vansh- I will take that tomorrow morning now give me good night kiss

Riddhima kisses him on his cheek and he gives her back and loses his grip

Riddhima got and moved to bed and taking Arjun in her arms slept under Vansh

Vansh (to himself) – Tomorrow definitely it will be your best day I will make sure that

Vansh closes his eyes

While moon gazes at them waiting for the havoc

Episode ends

Precap- Engagement and Date

Do comments guys if you like the chapter 😀😀

Sorry for any grammatical mistake……….


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist 💖💖💖

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