Eternal Love Story # Our Riansh (Chapter-7)


In RV Mansion:-

Riddhima- So listen…..We very well know how to distract someone so it’s to simple to distract them…..they will accompany us till mall and café.. after that we won’t tell them about our whereabouts…. Remember how last time we distracted them.. And rest bhai is there to help us na.. even bhabhs is their

Siya- Yaa….I remember but dad will get tensed about it

Sejal- Siya, Don’t worry… we will convince him soon…

Ishani- Yaa.. and after all till when they will be upset with us

Riddhima- Ok so at café we will drop a message about our plan to bhai and bhabhi and at that time he will not even dare to refuse to us

They all agreed and departed for their respective rooms. After they left the room…Riddhima latched her door and sat on the bed’s edge and took her phone and dialed Varun’s number

After 4-5 ring he picked up the call

Varun- Hey…Riddhu… How are you?

Riddhima- Varun….. I’m absolutely fine.. U??

Varun- Even I’m great…. Actually

Riddhima- What happened is there any issue… Had I disturbed you…?

Varun- Relax Riddhima… But eventually yes I was going for a surgery so may we talk at night

Riddhima- No Varun…. I won’t be able to talk actually we all are going out for some fun time… so today is impossible

Varun- No worries… Tomorrow morning.. Will that be fine?

Riddhima- Yaa…Absolutely… Ok bye!!!

Varun-  Bye…. Do Enjoy!!!

Riddhima- Yup…. Love you… Take care

Varun- Love you too baby!!!!!

She hang out the call….and went to washroom for changing….. After half an hour she was ready and they all left…

Their outfits:-  





Meanwhile at VR Mansion:-

All were In Kabir’s room-

Vansh- Yes Kabir….You called us in room anything urgent…??

Kabir- Obviously Vansh…. Otherwise I would have come but I need all of you here so asked you all to come

Angre- Did you get any info?

Kabir- Yaa… I got the info actually some of my detectives whom I had asked to secretly keep an eye on RV Mansion… gave me an mind-blowing info

Aryan- What’s that?

Kabir- Actually.. Today they had planned to go out for enjoying?

Vansh (anger) – Kabir what’s important in that… They will surely go with their bodyguards…

Aryan- Yaa bro….. Then how will we be able to stalk them?

Kabir- Let me complete first.. I got to know that even last time also… Riddhima, Sejal, Siya and Ishani was completely successful in distracting their bodyguards so even this they will surely distract them…. And then

Angre- And then we will stalk them till they are successful in distracting them after that we can see them and

Aryan- Kidnap them tonight only…

Vansh- No we won’t kidnap them today… because court hearing is day after tomorrow

Kabir- But today they will be alone why won’t we kidnap them easily?

Vansh- Because Vansh Raisinghania doesn’t do anything easy..

Kabir- Vansh don’t be a foolish guy… it’s easy to kidnap them today

Vansh (teasing tone) – Kabir… Now I think you are too eager to kidnap them or

Aryan (teasing tone) – or Spend time with one of them

Angre- Exactly what’s so hurry that you forgot our complete plan?

Kabir- There is nothing like that… I’m saying this because it will be easy guys

Angre- Kabir… Dad asked us to kidnap them without their acknowledgment… If we kidnap them today they will surely get suspicious of us and at any case we got fail in this we will easily get caught and then our whole plan will go in vain..

Vansh- Exactly so we need to first gain their trust or friendship and then we can easily kidnap them without their acknowledgement…. Ok?

Kabir- Ok…. So we don’t know where they are going.. but I can guess any how as they came from Paris they will surley go to club… So we must get ready accordingly…

Aryan- At what time they will be leaving from RV Mansion

Kabir- After half an hour from now

Vansh- Ok…. So after half an hour we will be leaving.. meet me at the entrance directly

After Half an hour

Their outfits-





They all left for their work i.e., to stalk four of the girls….

In Mall (At 4 pm)-

All the four headed towards the mall entrance while boys were staying outside as they were with their bodyguards

Vansh’s POV-

I don’t think so I will be able to see her today till they reach the club and that to there is too less chance that they will be visiting the mall…. But why am I eager to meet her… I haven’t seen her ever in my life…. Then… let’s take a small power nap…

At 6 pm-

It had been 2 hours since we are here…. God knows how much these girls want to shop… Whole mall must had been bought by them till now… still they won’t get satisfied

I wonder one day what we boys are going to wear if they’ll kept on shopping for these hour

Let’s see… I feel pity on there would be husbands…. They won’t get any chance to romance because they won’t get satisfied from their shopping only…… Pheww… but why am I concern… This girl will make me turn insane

Vansh’s POV ends-:

At 6:30 pm:-

Girls arrived and sat in their car while bodyguards were following their car soon they reached to the café

“Café Coffee Day”


This time even boys stayed outside the café just Angre went inside as they were tired so he went to bring coffee for everyone

While Inside Café:-

All girls were sitting and while there bodyguards were standing outside. They were discussing how to distract them

Siya- So Riddhu, Had you planned anything how to distract them or was just firing the arrows in the dark.

Ishani- Had you planned anything or we came here to do that only already half an hour had been wasted…..

Riddhima- Chillax dear… I had planned everything…. See there are three bodyguards with us and I know how to drive so firstly we will force them that let me drive the car and they all will sit in their other car and then we will mislead them to some other direction as they don’t know where I mean which club we are going….ok?

Siya, Sejal, Ishani (unison) – Ok

Outside the café:-

Riddhima was successful in convincing them because they weren’t aware about last time incident.

Riddhima to Bodyguards-

Riddhima- Actually we girls want some private time of ours so….. I know how to drive… You guys can follow us easily… Please Please….. We want to talk please

Bodyguard 1- But Ma’am… It’s sir order to not to leave you for even a second

Bodyguard 2- Yes ma’am, we can’t leave you all alone

Riddhima- So.. when we are asking you to leave us you guys can follow us after that in club you would be with us only…

After sometime they agreed

All this was heard by boys who got impressed by their mind game but as car was standing in the middle none of them was able to see Riddhima…. after that all headed towards the cafe while Riddhima was driving their car after them was their bodyguard and at right side was Raisinghania’s in which Angre was driving….. After some misleading they left the bodyguards behing and as the bodyguards weren’t having their phone number…. Meanwhile Ishani dropped the message by Riddhima’s phone to Veer and Ruchi after many request they accepted to help them in convincing their dad but made them promise to return before 12 pm

At Club:-

As this time there wasn’t any bodyguard after girls, Boys even went in

As all girls were tired of such a rush and high speed driving so firstly they all went to bar counter to get themselves drinks and boys even tried to get themselves their

Vansh went to to girl who was wearing white crop top and jeans with a high pony tale….. Vansh was just aware that she was one of those four as her back was facing he went to her but wasn’t able to see her

Vansh- Hii

Girl (turning to Vansh) – Hello

He get lost in her deep black eyes and breath taking attire but then coming out his dreamland says

Vansh- I’m Vansh…..  Vansh Raisinghania… U??

Girl- Some great personality had said “What’s in a name? that which we call a rose,By any other name would smell as sweet.” 

Vansh- Then to what should I call you

Girl- Ok….I’m….

Precap- Riansh dance and Vansh beats a boy

Guys!!!!!! Do comment and tell me your guesses with whom Vansh meet Riddhima, Ishani, Sejal or Siya??

And yeah I won’t end it now…. Sorry for that

I apologise for any grammatical mistake…………..


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist 💖💖💖

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