Eternal Love Story (Part-2) #Our Riansh (Chapter-5)

Riansh or Ridbir…??

Author’s POV:-

Kabir looked at Sejal’s panicked state. He willed to take her in his arms and ask her the reason but every time her betrayal comes in front of him making him go blind. Kabir eyes fell on Arjun who was reading his book slowly mumbling the difficult words wrongly.

Kabir: Arjun, will you help me?

He asked and Arjun looked up at his face and nods.

Kabir: Go to her and talk to her. Please anything.

He said directing towards Sejal. Arjun got up and moved to Sejal.

Voice: Taking help from a kid.

He heard a voice and turned to find Angre who was sitting on the sofa beside him.

Kabir: No.

He said and looked at Arjun who was continuously talking to Sejal to divert her.

Angre: So arrangements are almost done. Tomorrow is the last day. Btw what are you both planning?

He asked and Kabir looked at him giving him shocked expressions.

Kabir: You don’t know?

He asked on which Angre shook his head.

Angre: I thought you know.

Angre said and Kabir kept his hand on his mouth.

Kabir: I thought you know.

Kabir said and looked at him.

Angre: Then what is she planning?

He asked from him seeing his shocked expression.

Kabir: She told me just that we’re marrying for real.

Angre heard him and both got confused.


Riddhima looked at the bridal attire in front of her, she moves to the mannequin which was covered with her dress. Her eyes got blurred due to tears, she caressing looks at it.

Riddhima: Vansh…

She whispers his name looking at the dress. As she heard a knock, she wiping her tears opens it and found Arjun who was standing there with the dull face.

Riddhima: Arjun, what happened?

She asked and picks him up. Closing the door she brought him in and made him sit on her lap.

Arjun: Mumma…what is happening downstairs? Why is Papa and chachu in that dress and Sejal Chachi she is also wearing the dress, it is just like yours.

Riddhima sadly looks at him and pecks on his forehead.

Riddhima: Umm… I’ll tell you soon baby. But you’ll have to go to bed as its too late now. Come.

She was about to lift him up but he looks at her giving his puppy eyes.

Riddhima: What now?

She asked and looks at him again as he was now looking at the dress.

Arjun: Are you going to wear this dress?

She nods at him and he gave her a wide smile.

Arjun: I want to see how you look in this. Please.

He asked and she smiles at his expressions.

Riddhima: Ok, but after that you’ll go back to bed.

He nods and taking the dress, she moves in the closet to wear it.

On the other hand exhaling a deep breath, Sejal looks at herself in the mirror while wearing the bridal dress and wiping her tears from the tissue forces a smile.

Covering her head with the veil, she sat on the bed with her trembling hands waiting for Siya to come and call her.


Riddhima came out wearing the bridal dress looking as enchanting as ever in that red dress. Arjun looked at her from top to bottom, he looks back at her face and smiles at her.

Arjun: Wow, Mumma you’re looking so beautiful.

She smiles at him and then signing asks him to sleep. He came and stood at the bed edge and kissed on her cheeks.

Arjun: Good Night.

He smiles and moves back getting under the duvet.

Riddhima: Good night.

Riddhima smiles and looks at his face. On seeing him taking deep breaths she assumes him to be asleep.

Riddhima: What will happen tomorrow?

She asks herself biting her inner cheeks with tension clearly visible on her face. Shrugging her thoughts, she sits on the chair and looks at the jewelries in front of her.

A sad smile crept on her face remembering the day when she and Vansh got married and how everything changed in just 5 months.

Flashback starts:-

Riddhima opens her eyes as the sunrays fell on her eyes. She looks at baby Arjun in her arms while Vansh’s head on her shoulder. All three were sitting in an uncomfortable position. A lone tear escapes her eyes when she remembers about the mishap that took place last day how just in an accident they lost everyone.

She looks at Vansh’s face, his eyes were swelled she even felt a pang in her heart seeing him in that condition. She wipes his tears which were on his cheeks, waking him up. He looks up at her face and passed her a painful smile.

They both hear Arjun’s crying sound and looks at his face as he got disturbed with the sunrays. Vansh took him in his arms and kissed on his forehead and looks at his face and saw him smiling. He gets up with him and made him lie down on the bed and he himself lies down beside him while looking at his face. Riddhima smiles at them. She getting up but gasps in pain and held her shoulder. Slowly she gets up.

Riddhima: Vansh, I’ll come in few minutes.

Vansh looked and nodded at her. She came out of the room and descending down the stairs to find none.

Coming to the kitchen, she took a pan and tearing the packet of milk starts boiling it.

Voice: Riddhima.

Riddhima looks up to see Uma standing there with a smile which wasn’t pure.

Riddhima: Good morning Mom.

She said and Uma nodded at her with a smile.

Uma: How is Vansh and Arjun?

She asked and opens the fridge taking out raw vegetables. Looking at Riddhima’s face, she got her answer.

Riddhima: Mom, don’t exert yourself I’ll ask servants to prepare.

Riddhima said as she saw her taking knife and chopping board. Uma heard her and nodded at her.

Uma: You don’t worry and even you should rest. I’ll ask servants to send everyone’s breakfast in their rooms.

Riddhima nodded and saw her leaving. She took the bottle of milk and moves from there.

While passing from the corridor, her phone rang. She looks at the screen and saw Sejal name flashing. Keeping the bottle on the table she picked it up and waited for her to say.

Sejal: When are you leaving?

Sejal asked the question directly and Riddhima was shocked with her attitude even on knowing the situation here, she is behaving like this.

Riddhima: Sejal you know the situation here, right?

She asked and got nothing in reply.

Riddhima: Fine, I know you’re not my old friend Sejal. So better I shouldn’t be anyhow friendly with you. As you know the situation here, I’ll inform you before doing anything but I’m not going to anything now.

Saying so she disconnected the call and grabbing the bottle she was about to move when she saw Kabir in front of her.

Kabir: So you’re going to agree to her?

She looks around tensed and blinked her eyes telling him yes.

Kabir: What about Vansh and Arjun?

She looked at him tensed and again she remembers about yesterday. She without saying anything to him leaves from there.

Entering her room, she found Vansh playing with Arjun by nuzzling his nose in his stomach while Arjun was laughing out loud. She smiles at them and closing the door came and sat on the bed.

Riddhima: Vansh

He looked at her with a smile and raised his eyebrows.

Riddhima: You can go and freshen up till breakfast is coming.

Vansh nods his head and looking back at Arjun removes his fingers which was in his hold. He leaves from there.

Riddhima looks at Arjun who was playing with his fingers while throwing his legs in air and pouting, she smiles and picks him up and places him on her lap. He looks at her with his big eyes and fingers in his mouth. She fed him milk through bottle and plays with him.


After a month, Riddhima looks at Vansh who was getting ready and looking at himself in the mirror. She smiles at him and feeling her gaze looks at her.

Vansh: What?

She shook her head at him and coming close to him kissed him on his cheeks. He smiles at her and held her by her waist, she smiling looks at him.

Riddhima: What?

She asks and he leans close to her lips while she moves back keeping her hand between their lips. He frowning looks at her again. He removes her hands and moves back.

Riddhima: You need to leave, right?

She asks and he nods at her after thinking. He waves his hand at her and leaves the room. Riddhima smiles and moves to the cupboard when she felt his hand on her waist. She turned back and he entangles his leg with her making both fell on the bed.

Without telling or doing any movement, he took her lips in his and started sucking it. She was still in shock by his sudden actions and looks at his eyes while he was smirking in the kiss. Slowly caressing her waist, he makes her open her mouth giving him entrance. While he was sucking her lips and exploring her mouth, she brought her hand to his hair and clutched into her fists. She slowly responds to him in the kiss while sucking his upper lips and when he leaves her feeling her short of breath.

She starts taking deep breath to calm her breathing rate. Vansh looks at her and saw her raising her eyebrows.

Vansh: You were the one to start.

He said and giving her a smirk.

Vansh: Now Bye.

He said and winks at her and leaves from there making her red.

Flashback ends-:

Reminiscing everything a lone tear escapes her eyes. She wipes them and just when she heard a knock. Opening the door, she looks up to find Kabir standing there. She let him come in.

Riddhima: What are you doing here?

She asked seeing his tensed face.

Kabir: Riddhima think for last time, are you sure we are marrying in real?

She nods at him and saw him growing tenser as if his last hope got over.

Riddhima: Why? Is there any problem in marrying me?

She asked him and looks at him waiting for his reply.

Kabir: Any there are many…

He mumbled slowly but was audible to Riddhima, who chuckles at him.

Kabir: Riddhima, It’s not the time to joke. Last time are you serious?

She again nods and he left the room.


Sejal took a deep breath and closes her eyes. A knock came on their door. Opening the door, she found Ishani there. She smiles at her but she didn’t get anything in reply.

Ishani: Come Pandit ji is calling you.

Sejal nodded and was about to follow her when Ishani held her hand.

Ishani: Wait…you can’t go like this.

Sejal raises her eyebrows and Ishani smiling covers her half face.

Sejal: Why are you doing this?

Sejal asked and looked at her confused.

Ishani: Arey Sejal, half of your face is visible right? Why to worry.

She said and holding her shoulder brought her down. Looking from the veil she saw Vansh’s sherwani which she only gave him in the morning. Smiling she sat beside him.

Sejal: Vansh…?

She got an hmm from him and relaxed as she got confirmed that he was Vansh only.

Sejal: Nothing.


Angre knocked on Riddhima’s door and looked at Siya standing beside him. As the door open, they saw Riddhima there in the bridal attire. Siya passed her a small smile and from behind saw Arjun sleeping.

Siya: Riddhima, can I stay with him tonight?

Siya asked looking at Arjun and then at Riddhima.

Riddhima: Even I was about to ask the same thing from you. You can.

Riddhima said and Siya smiled at her.

Angre: Bhabhi, come.

Riddhima nodded and covering her head with the veil moved with them.

Coming down, each and every stair made Riddhima remember how she left Vansh while descending down the same stair. Sitting under the pavilion, tears came out of her eyes. She looks at the holy fire.

Flashback starts:-

Riddhima hears of Angre and sat on the bed with a thud. Some felt something breaking inside her and it was her heart. Tears automatically came out of her eyes and she cups her mouth in shock. Angre felt devastated seeing her condition.

Riddhima: Who did this?

She asked in completely shock while her voice held that pain which is unbearable.

Angre: One of Vansh’s rival. Vansh is in hospital.

She heard him and wiping her tears. She grabbed her car keys from the side table and picks up Arjun in her arms.

Angre: Bhabhi, I’m coming with you in my car.

She nods and moves from there. Getting in the car, Riddhima wipes her tears to drive safely as even Arjun is with her.

Entering the hospital, she gave Arjun to Kabir who was standing at the reception talking to someone on phone. While Riddhima moves to the receptionist.

Riddhima: Vansh Raisinghania?

She asked and stood there waiting for the receptionist to tell.

Receptionist: Room no. 105

Riddhima didn’t waited to let her say anything more and ran from there. Coming to the she opens the door with a jerk and found Vansh sleeping with tears stain on her cheeks. His head was bandaged, different tubes were attached to his body while he was taking deep and heavy breaths.

She moves to him and touched his cheeks waking his up. He looks at her and saw her sad face. More tears came out from their eyes. She hugged him in the same position.

Riddhima: Vansh…

She mumbled slowly in his ears while he caressed her back.

Riddhima: Mom and dad…

She said and broke down in his arms. He hugged her tightly forgetting about his pain and bandages. As she was told that mom and dad are no more and due to blast in the car there was no traces of their dead body even.

Vansh: Riddhima….Arjun, where is he?

He asked when he didn’t found him with her and she broke the hug.

Riddhima: He is with Kabir.

Vansh nods and she held his hand sitting there. With his other hand, he wiped her tears knowing they had already lost so many people in their life that even losing anyone else, it would be difficult for them to handle themselves.


Riddhima looks at Sejal’s message

“Time has arrived and better you fulfill your promise or you know the consequences will be worst. Last 2 weeks you had Riddhima and then there should be a proper good bye.”

Riddhima read her message and threw the phone on the floor breaking it into several pieces. She was trembling in anger. Hearing the breaking sound, Kabir who was passing-by grew tensed about her and knocked on the door.

Riddhima: Come-in.

She yelled on top of her voice. Kabir entered in the room and saw Riddhima sitting on the sofa taking deep breaths. His eyes fell on the broken pieces of phone he exhaled a deep breath thanking god that it was just her phone.

Kabir: Was it Sejal?

He asked knowing none can make Riddhima this angry other than Sejal.

Riddhima: Who else can be there? She is again asking me to leave.

Riddhima said and held her head in tension.

Kabir: On the price of?

He asked and she looked at him.

Riddhima: Arjun’s life.

She said slowly and Kabir grew angry making a disgusting face. Riddhima looked up at him.

Flashback ends-:

Riddhima looked at Kabir’s hand in front of her. Keeping her hand over it, she starts the further rituals.


Precap:- Revelation

Hope you liked it…

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Sorry for any grammatical mistake…


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist 💖💖💖

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