Fan Fiction

Evading The Beast – Chapter 1

Evading The Beast
Chapter 1

Maheshwari Group Of Industries. One of the top most influential companies in world and it belongs to me. Sanskaar Maheshwari. The well known PLAYER or as said by people BEAST. Well why do I care. Rich. The word defines the power, personality and character of a person. And I am RICH and that’s enough.

Presently I am walking towards my office with securities all around me avoiding me from media and yet making me the center of attention with every pair of eyes directed towards me. Famous I am and influencing and dominating I look though.

BORING and TYPICAL wasn’t it. Then let me rephrase myself. I am not in my office but I am in Circuit. An underground fighting competition and also named as DEATH. You must have heard of Do or Die. Well it is not the same because it consist a difference. It’s Fight or Die. LOVE is not of my concern but this place is does worth of my Love. Shirtless and a balaclava on face was what I was dressed as.

I noticed some girls looking at me and my lips according to it’s functioning forms my famous panty dropping smirk and I see them all swoon and squeal. Celebrity aren’t I. But my eyes being the wanderer they are spotted something unusual. A girl wearing a simple white sleeveless flow down top and a red long skirt with her hair tied up in a side bun and face with minimal make up.

Beautiful. The word that came at the very instant in my mind seeing her. She defined beauty. MINE is what she’s gonna be. But my eyes caught a different sight. Her face had fear with the tear stains and yet they blazed with fire igniting in them.

‘Sanskaar or Scorpion to say’ I hear my name called.

‘The fight begins in next 10 minutes. Ready are you!??’ He asked

‘Ready I am’ was the only answer.

10 Minutes went just like a hurricane and the my name was heard and I entered into the cage in which the death game was played. I saw Tiger. My opponent in front of me with a smirk on his face which would be soon upside down as the frown of Lose.

And here the game begins when my eyes caught those caramel brown eyes again freezing me to the spot and I feel a stinging pain on my face and the metallic taste of blood floats in my mouth which I split on the ground which was blo*dy any way.

He approaches me with long strides and is about to hit my face again when I catch his fist turning his hand around and elbowing him hard on the stomach making him release a huge yelp while my smirk takes back it’s place on my lips when he holds me by my legs and is about to drop me on the ground when I act fast to take him down on ground and he screams in pain.

He again lifts back himself to stand straight bringing back his arrogant smirk back on his face which I reply back with mines. He aims for my jaw and I act fast to catch his fist while he elbows me in stomach making me yelp at the contact.

‘TIT for TAT Scorpion’ He said with that annoying smirk growing bigger.

‘You don’t know what you have got into Tiger’

And I stride towards him with fast steps and before he could defence or act for his safety I push him down the ground hard and punch his face continuously not giving him a chance to react back and he is left unconscious and I stare at my blo*dy fist.

The crowd erupts into cheers and the announcement is heard.

‘And the fight is won by Scorpion’ and the noise gets doubled and I walk out the cage of death seeing my friend Mike standing there with towel and water to get myself washed and I am no less than grateful of him for this. I wash my face and gargle my mouth to get rid of the metallic taste.

My eyes spot those caramel brown eyes again and they caught mine back. They held a sweet innocence and yet the burning fury. I see her leading her way out the Circuit and legs leads me to her making me follow her but I get stuck in the crowd. I get lucky enough to lead my way out but as I reach the spot I see her disappeared into thin air.

I then lead my way to my baby and here I reach. You may all be thinking who this baby is!?? Aren’t you. Then let me introduce you to my baby, my bike. Well odd isn’t it but who says I am common. I drive away to my favourite place. The beautiful creation which people say is been created by GOD. And here I reach.

Peaceful it feels being alone in this beautiful nature and soothing wind touching you to your heart diving in your soul and the each feel of the stroke of wind was soft caress to your skin and I lied down drowning into the beauty closing my eyes feeling the ecstasy but yet the feeling of emptiness filled inside me. Those caramel brown eyes haunted me.

She was a really special. She was so different. So hypnotizing, tempting. She is someone whom destiny has stored for me. MINE is she. And I will get her soon. And for this I should know A to Z about her and I very well know who could help me in this and could provide me the details of her. I take my phone and message him.

My dear Anonymous I am coming for you in your life fast and hard. Destruction of you would submit you to me. Sweetheart be ready because BEAST is coming for you. What Sanskaar wants… Sanskaar gets.


Heyy everyone. Thank you for your lovely response and support for me and your comments and encouragement were a boost for me to write further. So here I present the first chapter of Evading The Beast. Hope you like it and sorry for any mistakes.


Weird, Crazy, Kiddo And Crack Yet It's Me.

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