Chapter 1:
“Annika, I have to leave. Will you be safe?” Gauri asked. She also worked with Annika at the dance studio.
“Don’t worry Bhabhi. I’ll be fine. I’ll just clean and close up.” Annika gave Gauri a quick hug and cleaned up before she closed the place. Annika was craving some Panipuri but she didn’t want to walk all alone out in the dark, not knowing what type of people are out there.
Just then she remembered that Shivaay owed her a favor. She called Shivaay. By the second ring he picked up.
“Shivaay. It’s Annika calling. You still owe me a favor. Can you pick me up?”
“Yeah, sure. Just tell me the address.” Shivaay was curious to know what Annika was going to ask for as a favor.
Annika texted Shivaay the address and waited for him. After a while, she saw some lights coming from a car. She smiled when she saw Shivaay coming out of the car.
Shivaay walked up to her and asked, “So what’s the favor you wanted?”
“I want to eat Panipuri.” Annika replies in a child-like manner.
“That’s it?” Shivaay asked, shocked. Annika nodded. ‘I thought she was going to ask for clothes or something, like other girls. But no, she just wants Panipuri. She’s…different.’ Shivaay thought.
Annika noticed Shivaay was lost in his own thoughts. “Shivaay, where are you lost? Come on, let’s go get some Panipuri.” Annika hopped into Shivaay’s car. Shivaay unknowingly smiled at Annika’s antics. They drove to the nearest stall they could find.
Being all excited, Annika ran to the stall, leaving Shivaay behind. By the time Shivaay reaches the stall, Annika was already enjoying Panipuri.
Annika saw Shivaay watching her eat. “This is some amazing Panipuri. You should also have some Shivaay.” Annika requested.
“No thank you. I don’t these oily, spicy food.” Shivaay said. Annika was sad that Shivaay wasn’t eating anything. She then got a brilliant idea.
“How about a challenge?”
“What type of challenge?” Shivaay was intrigued when he heard the word ‘challenge.’
“Have you ever watched ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi?'” Annika asked. Shivaay shook her head ‘no.’
Annika looked at Shivaay in awe. “How have you never watched that movie? Don’t worry. I’ll show it to you one day but for now, the challenge. So the challenge is that we’ll both eat Panipuri, but the winner will be the one who eats the most Panipuri. The winner can ask the loser for a favor. So are you ready for a challenge Shivaay?”
“Shivaay never backs away from a challenge. Challenge accepted.” They shook hand to make it official and both were given a plate of Panipuri.
“3…2…1. Go!” Annika shouted. Annika was fast, but Shivaay was faster. They both were stubborn, no matter how much they ate both of them would not quit. But Annika couldn’t take it anymore.
“I can’t eat anymore. You win Shivaay.” Annika said defeated.
“Ha. Shivaay always wins any challenge.” Shivaay boasted.
“Oye, you just ate some Panipuri, you didn’t build some Taj Mahal. Anyway, you won. I will grant you one wish. Choose wisely.”
Shivaay was making a thinking face. He was taking to long, which made Annika more annoyed. “I haven’t decided yet. If I want something I’ll tell you. Ok?”
“Okay.” They were sitting in silence when Annika remembered something. “Shivaay I have a question to ask you. Please don’t get offended.”
“Ask me anything Annika. I won’t get offended.” Shivaay said.
Annika took out the business magazine she bought earlier. “Are you Shivaay Singh Oberoi?”
Shivaay recognized the magazine, it was for businessman of the year. “Y-yeah.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? Did you not trust me?”
“No, Annika. That’s not it. I didn’t want my first impression to be, ‘Hi, I’m Shivaay Singh Oberoi’ and have you think that I’m just a businessman who’s just rich. I didn’t want you to think about my surname, I wanted you to think that I’m just Shivaay. Shivaay who’s just a normal person.” Annika could understand Shivaay, since she was a Singhania, one of the top class families, but she hated telling people that. She always had parent issues and she didn’t want people questioning how grand her life is when she had her own family problems.
“It fine Shivaay. I was just curious. Thank you for telling me.” Annika smiled. They left and Shivaay decided to take Annika to her house. She told him the directions and he followed. They reached Annika’s house and Shivaay was shocked to shed the Singhania mansion. Annika saw this and knew what was going on in his mind.
“Annika, care to explain why I’m infront of the Singhania mansion when you were giving me directions for your house.”
“Shivaay, I’m not just Annika. My name is Annika Singhania. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t know how and I don’t like it when people ask me about the way I live. The assume I have the most perfect life but that’s not true. Only very few people know about my true identity. I’m sorry.” Annika looked down as she didn’t have the courage to look into Shivaay’s eyes.
Shivaay held her chin and lifted her face to make her look at him. “You don’t have to be sorry. If I hid my identity then why do you have to be sorry if you hid your identity? I might not know the whole story behind it, and you don’t have to tell me. It’s fine. Maybe one day you will but I won’t force you to. I just have one question for you. Do you want to be friends?” Annika smiled at Shivaay.
“I would love you be your friend. But right now I need to go home. Good night Shivaay.”
“Good night Annika.” Annika got out of the car and walked to Singhania mansion. She walked straight to her room, not noticing that Om and Gauri were gone.
She was about to go to sleep when she received a message. She checked her phone to see a text from Shivaay:
Good night ?
She replied with a ‘good night.’ And slept with a smile on his face.
I hope you guys can forgive me. I’m sorry I took so long to update. I really am. I’m sorry if this chapter was boring. Next couple of chapters will be interesting.
Anyway Gaurika went on a date. Would you want me to include the date in the next chapter?
nice thought Simrat..keep going and loved the part..
Thank you ? made my day
Thank you
loved it dear waiting for this from a long time please continue this
waiting for the next one
Thank you ? will update soon
loved it dear
waiting for this from a long time please continue this
waiting for the next one
It is nice
Thanks ?
awesome yar post soon next one we were waitting
Thank you so much ?
Do update with gaurika’s date part
Will do ?
Loving the story so far, both are humble people
Thank you ?
Its just nice simrat….. Love this plot a lot…..?
Thank you so much ?
Loved the update
Awesome… Waiting for the next part….
Thank you ? will try to update soon ?
totally in love with this story.. will be waiting for the next..
Thank you ?
Very good storyline…Anika and Shivaay stories are always so exciting and amazing.
Thank you ?