So back to story…happy reading ….
Pragya return to stage and search for abhi and he is no where found…she want to ask about him to purab..but cant..
Bul;di..are you seraching for abhi..
Pr;me..searching him.
Bul;sorry ..i thought so anyways ..he has gone…and look till now you havnt talk with vijay na..di just go and mingle with him
.soon you are getting married na…
Bulbul leaves…
Pragya look at vijay..he came near her..
So..what you feel now..
Vi; do yoi wish to stop this marraige..then can talk openly..
Pr;did i tell so..
Vi;there is nothing to tell about this pragya..i can watch it with my eyes..what you want…its abhi.only you love him..and after all this happened too you still love him and need him..but your past make you to stop right…
Pr; knew everything..
Vi;what you think pragya..abhi will hide everything and make me to get engaged with you..then you mistaken him…he is open minded person and will not hide any truth..and i still now have no feelings for you ..but i knew how badly abhi needs you and you need him..and i wont compel you to do that…you can take your own time..but before getting married with me..just erase all his memory and enter into my life…
By saying so ..he leaves..
Screen shifted to abhi who is sitting in bed..
Chashmish…my you what i like in you most..your ego..attitude …your childish antics…i have seen so many girls..all will tried to be attached with me for my looks and accept me whatever i said…but its you only talk against me and make me fool…that attitude is what i like most..when i came to knew you are twins..and asked you about that ..that time too you show attitide..that moment i decided that my love is you..and i dont want to wait a long time to confess my feelings ,thats why i tell it through kiss…but do you knew when my lips touched your cheeks..its like an electric shock passing through my body…after that each day i follows you and make you annoyed and irritated..whenever i tries to be close with you..everytime you escape easily bringing priya in between was the greatest mistake that happened in my life..when i tried to kiss you while we watching just take your face by watching that and my kiss landed on priya..its fun for you and shame for me..i ask apology too..but i dont knew that priya too started to feel for me and mistakes that i loves her…when i said that doubt to ask me that its my foolishness…you always tease me infront of everyone but loves me secretly and express it too like that hide the fact that you loves me from everyone..its all make our life hell fuggi…
He takes a photo of pragya.. you remember our tour..ofcourse you wont remember that as its really an important moment in our life…
Abhi starts thinking..
Fb shows..
A toursist bus is shown..
When peeping inside it..purbul abhigya priya along with lot of friends…
abhi is sitting next to priya and beside her pragya is sitting…priya was too happy to sit beside abhi..but our abhi was too sad that pragya is just ignoring him..abhi leans back to seat and takes his hand secretly towards backside and moves towards pragya…pragya who sees this just move away..which make abhi to touch priya…priya look at abhi and winks…
Abhi just get up and leaves…pragya started to laugh…as they reach destination…all gets down from bus..but abhi stops pragya by holding his hand..
What are you doing abhi..look what will happen if someone see is like this..
Ab;i dont care fuggi..look its are just neglecting you knew how much iam happy to be with you..but you are just…
Pr; baby..look its study tour we are not alone..and i cant be close with you before them as if they doubt us so..
Ab;so what..we are lovers and will get married na..
Pr;haa..for that take long time right and i have 2 sisters…i must think about that too na..
Abhi make a pout…pragya kiss at his cheeks and moves abhi pulls her close to him which make pragya to hit at his body..abhi moves his hands towards her hip and pulls her …both look at each others eyes..and all of sudden abhi kissed on her lips …it was full of passion..both pour their love in that..and break the kiss…pragya runs out pulling abhi…
Abhi smiles..and wipes his lips..after sometime…
A campfire was step up all are sitting around it doing some food has ready all have it…
Fb ends..
Its that campfire changed my life…if no one detoxicate that soft drink then…
Fb shows..
While that time..abhi sees priya ..and sees she feels uncomfortable…abhi move towards her..
Ab;priya what happen..why you look so
Pri,abhi..i dont knew ..i feel dizzy..
Abhi smells her..
Ab;priya..i thinks these guys have mixed something in your drink..
I will drop you at holding priya abhi moves towards room ..abhi make her lie on bed ..and covers her with duvat and leaves out by closing door
Fb ends..
Ab,that night..still i dont knew you was behind all this..its because of him my life become hell…who take advantage of her unconsciousness and make her pergnant..the day which she came to knew the fact i still remember..
Fb shows..
Screen shifted to abhis house..
As dadi is not at home..abhi calls pragya ..both are enjoying their lovely moments..
Ab; you knew how much i miss you these days..why you always neglect me yaar..its really pains me lot..
Pr:arrey dramebaaz..stop this drama..i knew your emotional blackmailing for kiss..pragya kissed at his cheek..
Ab;too happy you so much..
Pr;love you too..oh god..i want to leave priya will wait for me..
Ab;again she comes in between..
Pr;dont talk a word against my sis.
Ab,k mam..go safe..pragya hugs abhi and leaves..
Priya was there hidingly watch all this and comes out as she leaves..
Ab; has gone to meet you..
Pri;you cheater…and holds his played with mine and my sis dont you will do like that…
Ab;what are you saying..
Pri;abhi..dont attack infront of me..i are big you knew when i came to knew iam pregnant iam too happy and reach here to tell you..i thought you make take me in arms and twirls in air…but you…
Ab; preganant..
Pri; you dont knew how am get pregnant too.
Ab;what are you saying..
Pri;abhi..atleast dont tell that you are not reason for can you forget our tour night..we become one soul..
Ab;are you in sense priya what are you blabbering..
Pri;abhi..the day you let me to reach home and shared a night with me..first i feel awkward ans thought its not a crime that i shared bed with my love.whom going to become my husband..but you..
Ab;look you are mistaken..i havent do so..and havent love love is my fuggi only..
Priya wiping her tears .
No abhi..i will tell her all truth and wont make her feel same what i felt from cant dump her like me..and goes..
Fb ends…
It was that day you suicide by jumping from our college building and everyone calls me a killer..even my fuggi too..when she too havnt believe which make me to tell that its me who is reason of death..and cries..
Episode ends..
Ohh mine so sad fr priya poor abhigya loved it love u darlu??????
Oh soo sad for Priya and poor Abhigya that guy who made her pregnant who is that guy haritha di pls say na don’t separate Abhigya please.
Superb! Interestinggggg too!