Fan Fiction

Everything Is Fair In Love And War (Kanchi) Chapter 16

Quick note I want to change something that I said last time. Kabir had taken Sanchi to her room, but I rather have her stay in the guestroom where Kabir was
Kabir falls asleep with Sanchi holding his arm. Later in the night…
Sanchi mumbles something in her sleep…
Kabir, being the light sleeper he is, wakes up to her mumbling.

Sanchi(dream): Aman we are engaged…let go of me!!
Aman(dream): Exactly we are engaged
Sanchi(dream): What if someone comes??
Aman(dream): Phir aane do
Sanchi(dream): Maharajah!!
Sanchi runs and giggles!!! The dream flashes to the desert … all of sudden she starts crying irl
Kabir: What is she dreaming?? Engagement?? Aman?? Maharajah?? Who are these people?? Sanchi… sanchi
Sanchi slowly wakes up… and she quickly gets up!!

Kabir: Get up slowly
Sanchi: KABIR!!! What are you doing here?? Wait what am I doing here?? What happened??
She checks her clothes and
Sanchi: Phew !!
She notices that she is holding Kabir’s hand, she looks at Kabir
Sanchi: Sorry (and let’s go)
Kabir: It.. it’s okay
Sanchi suddenly starts feeling dizzy…

Kabir: Sanchi are you okay?? Sanchi!!
And she faints
Kabir: Sanchi???

He quietly fast walks to the kitchen and then gets a glass of water and some food… then notices everyone sleeping on the floor, he rolls his eyes and walks away…

Kabir: Sanchi get up *sprinkles water*
Sanchi slowly opens her eyes…
Kabir: Here eat this…
He helps her sit up and gives her the leftover chaat. Sanchi wipes her face.
Kabir: Are you okay??
Sanchi nodded her head

Sanchi: Thanks for the food
Kabir: If you don’t mind me asking?? Who’s Aman
Sanchi: My… ex
Kabir: Ex- … husband, boyfriend ??
Sanchi: He’s an ex
Kabir: Okay!! I umm didn’t know you were going through a heartbreak. Sorry…
Sanchi: There’s a lot you don’t know about me and my past!! … Can I ask you something now??
Kabir: … Fine
Sanchi: Why don’t you marry?? Your handsome, literally every girl, except me, is ready to marry you, and your mom… then why???
Kabir: Umm well … I… haven’t been able to move on from an incident in my life…
Sanchi: “Aww now I feel even worse”

She puts her hand on his shoulder and they have a deep eye lock
Kabir: Okay… I think I should head home…
Sanchi: It’s 3 in the morning!! You’ll disturb Aunty-ji. Stay here I will go to my room…
She starts getting out of bed …
Kabir: You shouldn’t get up so fast you clearly have a bad hangover…
Sanchi starts feeling dizzy and sits down onto the bed…
Kabir: Here lay down, I’ll go out to your living room
He’s about to leave Sanchi but she holds his hand….

Sanchi: Can you please stay??
Kabir: You aren’t a baby.
Sanchi: I don’t like being alone after a dream like the one I just had!! That’s why Sushant comes over at night or I just won’t fall asleep
Kabir: Which explains why you were cranky a few days ago, umm I’ll stay in here but…
He places pillows in between them and is about to lie down
Sanchi: Do you wanna change out of your pants??
Kabir: Umm …

Sanchi: Sushant sometimes leaves his clothes with me, by that I mean I steal his comfy clothes sometimes and sometimes he leaves them…
Kabir: Weirdos
Sanchi: Check that closet
Kabir: Okay

He goes into the bathroom and changes. Side note: Sanchi is wearing a short shirt, kinda like a crop top, and shorts. Kabir is wearing his white shirt and now black basketball shorts
Sanchi: Thank you for staying and the pillows!!
Kabir: You totally owe me
Sanchi: Fine with me depends what I have to do
Kabir: Let me come in the intern room
Sanchi: That I can’t do…
Kabir: You owe me
Sanchi: You don’t want to go there…
Kabir: Why??
Sanchi just smiles and turns around…

Kabir: I really hate you
Sanchi: Same here
Kabir: Honestly though why can’t I go in there
Sanchi: …
Kabir: You really are evil
Sanchi: Good Night

And they fall asleep again… let’s fast-forward to the morning… Sushant and Meera had woken up early brushed and left the house since they had some work to do at home…later Kunal and Isha woke up and so did Veer and Pragya. They look for Sanchi and Kabir…

Pragya: She’s not in the kitchen or laundry room
Isha: Not in the study
Veer: Kabir isn’t in any of the bathrooms
Kunal: He probably went home…
Isha: Let’s check the guest room
Pragya: Good Idea

So they all go towards the guest room and knock on the door but no answer,
Kunal: Okay so I guess we just walk in now
Pragya opens and door and they all walk in… to see the sun peaking through the curtains and … Kabir’s arm around Sanchi’s waist, Sanchi facing Kabir and the pillows in between … they were squished…
Kunal: Same Room
Pragya: Confused
Isha: No one tells Sushant
All: Agreed

They walk towards the bed
Isha: They look like an actual couple… so cute!!!
Pragya: Shut Up Isha
Kunal: Like Sanchi will even look at Kabir in a loving way
Veer: They hate each other …
Pragya: Should we wake them up??

Isha: But before… we need pictures !!!
They all quickly take a bunch of pictures and … the girls jump on the bed, but then groan because of pain!!
Isha: Remind me not to drink tequila shots next time
Pragya: And the vodka for me!!
Isha: Yeh to Kumbhkaran ki behen nikhil

Pragya: I think we should just leave them alone…
Kunal: I am going to leave a note for Sanchi and
Veer: When she texts us we can send her these pictures…

Kunal quickly writes a note and then they all quietly leave!! Kabir and Sanchi are sound asleep in each other’s arm… aww so cute!! Let’s see what happens when they wake up…

10:30 AM!!!
Sanchi opens her eyes while stretching and…
Sanchi: AHH!!!
They both look at each other and noticed their positions and sit up
Sanchi: Oops…
Kabir and Sanchi just started laughing… Sanchi slowly stops and notices Kabir laughing
Sanchi(starts staring): “First time I’m actually seeing him laugh so openly. Never knew he had such a pretty smile”
Kabir: HELLO

Sanchi: Huh!!
Kabir: Okay I know I am handsome but staring is rude !!!
Sanchi: Handsome and you…good one!!! Hahahaha
Kabir: You can say whatever you want I saw you!!
Sanchi: Ugh I just wanna stay in bed and watch movies on Netflix…
Kabir: Just say Netflix and Chill
Sanchi: With you… disgusting
Kabir: Watching movies with colleagues isn’t allowed??
Sanchi slapped her forehead!!

Sanchi: You really need to use the Urban Dictionary !!!
Kabir: Why??
Sanchi: You really don’t know what Netflix and Chill means !!!
Kabir: Noo..
Sanchi does the hand motion for s*x
Kabir: Listen … I’m old
Sanchi: Agreed !! 32 dang!!
Kabir: What does that and Netflix and Chill mean??
Sanchi: OMG, she starts laughing…
Kabir sitting there confused “turns” her by the shoulder. They stare into each other’s eyes.
Kabir: What does it mean??

Sanchi: “Oh god this is gonna be awkward” Can you just search it on urban dictionary??
Kabir: Fine…
After 5 seconds
Kabir: Ohhh
Sanchi: I’m sorry but you gotta get up to date with slang terminology
Kabir: You should know that I don’t have the time for useless nonsense!!
Sanchi: Lemme see your phone!!
Kabir: Why??

Sanchi: Do you have a flip phone??
Kabir: Very funny, iPhone 7 Plus
Sanchi: Same!!!
Just then her phone beeps
Sanchi: Shit!!!
Kabir: What happened??
Sanchi: I was suppose to start on my office today!! Ugh but I love sleep!!!
Kabir: I also love sleep!! Do you mind if I continue sleeping here?!?! You have a very comfortable bed !!
Sanchi: Only for two conditions
Kabir: Why two??

Sanchi: My bed and my house
Kabir: What are they (he laid down again)
Sanchi: You have to help me with my office and accept that I totally got you last night and you were starstruck by my looks!!
Kabir: I will never do the second one, first one sure…
Sanchi: Get out!!!

Kabir: I was totally starstruck by your looks and I did fall for your trick and I will help you later in the afternoon with your office!!
Sanchi: Ha!! Have a nice nap!!
When Sanchi was about to get off Kabir pulls her,
Kabir: This isn’t over…
Sanchi: If you say so…

Sanchi heads out the room and sees a note from Kunal…

On Note:

Sanchi quickly checked everyone’s snapchat and saw pictures of her and Kabir with the caption Waiting For Explanation… She texts the group

Sanchi (message): What the hell guys??? Sushant will kill both of us…
Kunal(message): He can’t see out story
Pragya(message): We aren’t that mean…

Sanchi(message): I’m too tired to deal with this!! Guess what?!?!
Isha(message): What
Sanchi(message): I got Kabir to help me and he accepted that he fell for my trick and that he was starstruck when he saw me
Veer(message): HOW !!!

Sanchi explains everything!! And then heads to shower…
Sanchi: Ok I gotta quickly make lunch, so then after I can go do my office work!!

Sanchi takes a shower and when she checks her phone she sees 3 missed calls from Kusum
Sanchi: Hi Aunty Ji is anything wrong??
Kusum: Gollu hasn’t returned yet..
Sanchi: Actually woh yahan hai kyunki Kabir ne zyada peli so I let him stay in my house for the night!!
Kusum: Phew I thought something happened!!!
Sanchi: No no he’s sleeping right now!!!
Kusum: Thank you!!
Sanchi. No problem
Kusum: Tell him to come home when he wakes up
Sanchi: Sure

Kabir’s House
Kusum: Arre wah Bhagwan bhi mera saath de rahe hai!! Mujhe pata hai ki Sanchi hi mere Kabir ki liye sahi hai!!!

Back to Sanchi’s house…
Sanchi: I should ask if he wants breakfast …
10 seconds later…
Sanchi: Kabir do you want breakfast ??
Kabir: No
Sanchi: Your mom had called
Kabir: Okay
Sanchi: You sure you don’t want breakfast
Kabir: Can I sleep??
Sanchi: Still Rude

Sanchi quickly makes breakfast, eats and now is waking up Kabir!!
Sanchi: Do you mind waking up KABIR KAPOOR
Kabir: Hush!!
Sanchi: You mom had said to come home!! If you want I can drop you!!
Kabir: I’ll go!! Thanks for letting me stay!!
Sanchi: See you at the hospital!!
Kabir: Your office right?? (He slowly gets up)
Sanchi: Yup
Kabir: What will be doing??
Sanchi: You’ll see

Kabir leaves and Sanchi quickly makes the bed and cleans up around the house… so let’s see what happens when Kabir confronts Kusum…
Kabir comes home smiling to find Kusum waiting for him at the door.

Kusum: So…
Kabir: Good Afternoon
Kusum: Party a bit too hard
Kabir: I can explain
Kusum: Later first freshen up, you wreck
Kabir: Thanks mom (rolls his eyes and goes to his room)
Kusum: Ever since that girl ran away, you had lost your smile and laugh but today I saw you smile open hartley. I will make sure that Sanchi is your life partner…
Malti: Sorry maji but I heard everything and you should try to get them to go out together…
Kusum: You are right, thank you !!
Malti: It’s the least I can do, what you and Kabir bhaiya did was very helpful
Kusum: Ok now get back to work!!
Malti: Ji

Just then Kabir comes downstairs
Kusum: Malti please bring Kabir’s breakfast
Malti: Accha Maaji
Malti brings in 3 glasses filled with Karela Ka Juice
Kabir: Maa yeh kya hai

Kusum: You drank last night!! And it’s great for health
Kabir: Maa No I’m not drink this
Kusum: DRINK
Kabir: Then I won’t explain myself and you can think whatever you want to
Kusum: Fine!! Drink 1 ½ glass
Kabir: …
Kusum: DRINK NOW!!

Kabir: Why are you so mad?!?! I didn’t drink a lot compared to Sanchi…
Kusum: Chup karke peho
Kabir drinks the juice as fast as humanly possible
Kusum: Now here, mint candy
Kabir quickly pops it in his mouth and…
Kusum: Now explain
Kabir: From when I entered…

Kusum: Yes
Kabir: So I park my car and I knock, Sanchi opens the door. She was pretending to be drunk and makes me sit on the couch and talks. I walked away to the bar and then she followed me. Then she “drunkenly” sits on me and poses while that Sushant takes pictures!!!
Kusum is trying her best to not laugh and pretends to be a little mad!!
Kabir: Then she finally stops acting, I didn’t know she was acting. Then everyone was dancing, drinking, eating, playing games.
Kusum: And you…drinking…
Kabir: I played one game
Kusum slowly claps
Kabir: Can I continue??
Kusum: Bolo

Kabir continues telling Kusum everything and then at the end…
Kusum: So nothing happened
Kabir: How can you think like that??
Kusum: I’m happy for you
Kabir: Aap theek ho hai na
Kusum: Arre tum itni der baad hase ho?? Obviously I feel happy
Kabir looks down…

Kusum: Beta, you have to move on sooner or later. She just wasn’t meant for you
Kabir: Maa I don’t know how to move on… I spent 3 years with her and was about to marry her…
Kusum: Kabir listen to me and don’t interrupt me but I really think this Sanchi will change you. Today you laughed and smiled because of her, your inner child emerged and my Gollu too
Kabir: Maa… I’m sorry but I don’t want to see another girl loving anymore. And Sanchi … really, she’s so weird and dumb, sometimes, and annoying.
Kusum: Whatever !!
Just then the doorbell rings…
Kusum: I’ll get it…

Kusum: Arre Sanchi beta!! Tum yahan!! Come in
Sanchi: Actually Kabir forgot his clothes so just came to give them…
Kabir: Thanks!!
Kusum: Come come Sanchi, what would you like to eat??
Sanchi: Oh nothing Aunty-ji, I just had breakfast…
Kusum: Water, coffee, anything to drink
Sanchi: I’m good thank you for asking
Kusum: Okay. I’ll be right back

Sanchi: Okay… so,
Kabir: When are you going to your office??
Sanchi: Now!! You wanna come with me save gas and money!!
Kabir: Nah I’ll come in my own
Sanchi: Okay, see you
Kabir: Ya umm bye

Sanchi heads out and drives to the hospital and surprisingly both of them reach the hospital the same time!! Both enter the same time as well. The hospital staff was used to seeing Sanchi in comfortable/informal clothing but not Kabir. Everyone was shocked seeing Kabir in joggers and and t-shirt!!

(Also the employees saw the others snapchat and later the gang had posted the explanation!!)

Author’s Note:
Ending abruptly!! I decided that I tortured you enough with Kabir and Sanchi’s hate. So here you guys are !!! If you are a new reader a while back I had a little voting thing. Where I let the readers decide which type of plot they want. If you know about it then this is just a refresher.
Kabir and Sanchi will get married but hate each other and then love will blossom after. But to make it a little interesting I will make them “friends” then keep the same plot and go on from there. Hopefully that isn’t a problem!! But the revenge drama will intact, I know it seems like I’ve drifted away from it but there will be a major shock regarding the Mishra’s and Malhotra’s past!!

And now for some background information, regarding the Malhotra’s.

In this fanfic, Gayatri and her mom and hurt Savitri Devi and kept her in a state of coma in place far away from the Malhotra house and then everyone presumed that she was dead. But recently, Veer heard Gayatri and her mom talk about it and found his mom… Riya did not know anything about it at all, she’s just focused on Kabir!! So Veer showed their real faces. Dr. Anand, removed her name from all properties, divorced her and banned her from the hospital and all Malhotra houses!! Riya still stays with her family and no one has anything against her and she doesn’t have a problem with anyone either. As far as for Priya, she is stuck with Vikrant but in future chapters I will make sure she isn’t with that psycho!!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of Everything Is Fair In Love And War !!!

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