Fan Fiction

You Are My EverYtHiNg (shot~10).. By Samyusam

Shot 10:::

Pra reached d restaurent nd impatiently looking for abhi….
But she doesn’t find him anywhere…..
She walks further inside and sees a waiter coming to her….
Waiter:very good morning mam….R u looking for abhi sir???
Waiter: yaaaa mam,, he is Waiting fr u their…. please that way… nd he shows her d way…

Pra walks in the way d waiter shown to her….
It was totally dark,, with simple melodious music…..
Pra started calling abhi name…
Pra: abhiiiiiiii…..
Some hands pulled her towards a chair nd made her sit….
She feels d touch was strange….
Pra: abhiiiiiiii….. Abhiiii…. R u here….. Am getting scared…..
But no response from other side…
Pra: abhiiii…. Please don’t play with me… abhiiii…..
Suddenly she hears a male voice…..
Person: I knew,, ua afraid of darkness… but d reason behind all this is,, I want u to get out of all ua fears from d day we are starting our new life…. If u want to spend ua life with me, just stay calm fr few more minutes…. Sooo r u ready to get into my life….
Pra: yesss… I am……
Pra silently sits without speaking anything,, remembering abhi nd her moments….
He took her to some other place by blind folding her…where it is fully decorated with flowers nd ballons….. He Slowly made unfolded her eyes….
She was supr happy fr that surprise….. She turns to see him,, befre that he Kept her hands in his hands nd says,, I don’t want to leave this hand forever….. Will u hold my hand like this forever…..
Befre pra could say yes She lifts her head nd shocked to see someone infront of her….
Person: life was always amatter of waiting fr a moment to come… nd moment has arraived….i llove you….. I know you look very beautiful from inside but ua looking more gorgeous outside too….. Will u love me…..?????
Pra was dumbstuck with d person words….fr a moment she thought her world has stopped……
She came back to her sense,, when she heard clapping sound…
She turned her face in that direction nd even more shocked to see abhi there….

Abhi walks forward by looking at pra….
She can see how much he hurted by seeing her with someone else…
Abhi: I don’t know…. Who u are… But I can see that how much u love her,, I think u will make her happy fr d rest of het life… bcz she deserves to be happy nd she deserves d best…. I want her to be happy even if am not d reason behind it…. He keeps both their hands one on other nd says them to stay happy….. When pra is about to speak,, He turns opposite,, when a lone tear started to flow frm his eyes…..
He started walking from their,, by thinkng how his world changed suddenly…. He stopped when a girl with half curly hair,, with beautiful smile came nd stood befre him….
Girl: abhi??????
Abhi nodded his head as yes…
That girl hugged him nd says I love you abhi… thank you soo much fr this beautiful surprise….. I am totally impressed…. I know u love me,, but I didn’t imagine that u love me this much…. Thank you , tqqq tqqqq sooo much….. U are d best abhi….
Abhi was taken back with all her words…. Pra looking at that became sad…. Her eyes filled with tears,….
Person: they are cute naa… just like uss????… By pointing abhi nf that girl…
Pra came to sense nd looked at that person….
Abhi moved her away nd asked who are u?????? I don’t have any idea about miss????
Pra nd that person looking at them cluelessly….
That girl was shocked nd says ua abhinav ryt????
Pra took a deep sign of relief….
That person leaves pra hand nd looked at her….
Person: r u prabhigya????????
Pra shook her head as nooooooo……
Abhi: nooo… am abhisheik…. Abhisheik prem mehraa…..
Girl: don’t joke with me… I know ua angry on me…..plzzz I really cant stay away from u anymore…. I know d mistake is only mine too delay our first meeting these many days,, but u cant be angry on me fr that…. It has been 1 yr we are talking without seeing eachother….. But d waiting has ended abhi…. I love…

Befre she could complete that person stopped…
Person: sweeetyyyyyy….. Stop saying I love you to him… beczzz I deserves it….. Am abhinav malhotra….
All d remaining are shocked…. Prabhigya looked at him nd he nods his head as yes…..
She ran to him nd hugged him tightly….
Here abhigya were looking at them confusedly…..
They both hugged eachother nd aftr sometime…
Abhinav: sryyy guys,, its totally a misundrstanding…… actually shez sweety,, I mean prabhigya….. My love….he turns to prabhigya nd smiles…
Prabhigya: yess,, nd hez abhinav….. Actually we didn’t see eachother,,… accidentally we known eachother through facebook…. As days are passing, we came very close to eachother,, our likes, dislikes, way of thinkng, evrything is same…. We Started feeling fr eachother….
Abhinav: sooo one day I asked her to meet…… but she didn’t agree fr it…. Soo I thought to give some time to her… but suddenly yesterday she asked me to meet,, I was felt very happy nd thought to propse her in our first meeting nd thought to surprise her….
Abhinav said this by holding her hand…… but unfortunately we both confused…. Sooo sorryyy fr whatever happened guys…….
As he is saying all this abhi felt flying, as his love is still his… nd started dreaming about his love…
Pra smiled at both nd says,, that’s okkk… we are happy fr u… nd all d veryy best??….
They look at abhi,, who is day dreaming… pragya pinched him as he is lost in thoughts with his mouth opened widely…..
Abhi: oouuchhhhhhhh…. Nd came back to sense…
Pra: stop dreaming about me nd look at them…. She murmurs at him….
Abhinav: sweetyyy… look at them… they are made fr eachother naa…
Prabhigya: hmmm…. I too thought d same….
Abhi looks at them nd he runs nd hugs abhinav for leaving his pra to him…..
Abhi: tqqqq soooo sooooo much……..
Abhinav: what????
Abhi: I mean….. CCongratulations…..??????
Abhinav nd prabhigya smiles at him…
Pra comes nd hugs her…. She tooo congratulates both….
Abhinav nd prabhigya says tqqq nd leaves from there leaving our abhigya alone their…..
Abhigya felt nervous to talk to eachother…..
Abhi pov::by
Nooo I cant loose her,, d pain which I felt just befre is enough fr me…. I don’t to bear it again… I have to confess my feelings to her….
Pra pov::
My heart stopped beating fr a while when I saw him with some other girl… I cant imagine him with any other girl…. D imagination itself is killing me….nooo way…. I have say what I feel fr him……

Abhi thought to break d ice…….
Abhi: vooooo…. I have to ask u one thing….
Pra: me tooo……
Abhi: okkk… ladies first…….
Pra: actuallyyyyyyy….. Iiiiiiiiiiii…..
Abhi: wait…. I wiilll tell….. Voooo…..
Pra looks at him….
Abhi: You will make me happy than i ever thought nd I never will beike that without u… ua presence itself makes me happy….and if u let me then, i want to stay with you to make u feel the same what i feel……. Will you be with me fr d rest of my life???? Will you marry me???
Pra gets happy tears nd hugs him tightly……back ground music plays…….
Abhi lifts her nd makes few rounds……
Aftr some time pra breaks d hug nd stares angrily at him….
Abhi: what happened madam??????????
Pra: how dare u?????
Abhi: what I did now????
Pra: how can u leave me to someone else….how can u doo that….
Abhi: even now am saying that…. If ua hapiness lies on others then am ready to quit,, becoz I cant force u….. I want to see ua smiling face always….. I love you it doesn’t mean, you too have to love me nd we have to be together… it means if I love you than I have to love your Choices,, I have to respect your opinions, I have to accept your decisions….
Pra gives a death dare nd says… My happiness, my love, my life, my future, my success, my guide, my breath, my hope, my dream, my destiny, my supprt, evrything is you…. You are my evrything abhi…. Then how can I be happy without all these…. Then how can I be happy without you…. Then tell me now… will you leave me….
Abhi nods his head as noooo….. Hugs her nd says never………
Pra: I love you…..??????????
Abhi I love you tooo……??????????

They hear clapping sound nd Sees archa, bul nd tanu standing at some distance…..
Abhigya break their hug
Abhi: bhabi…. Youuu…. Vooooo….. Iiiiiiiii….. Praaa……… actuallyyyyyyyy….
Pra: diiii…… voooooo….. Iiiiii……
Bul,archa,tanu: iiiiii…. Abhiiiii….. Praaa….. Loveee…. Marriageeeee……
Abhigya looks at eachother…
Bul: bhayya…. We know evrything about…. Sooo we planned all this…..
Archa: yess…. How can u hide this from us….leave it…. We are really happy fr you……
Tanu: finally,, pra gonna be my bhabi…..
Pra hugs all of them….
Archa: but bul,, how can u be soo confident about abhinav nd prabhigya…..
Bul: haa bhabi… actually prabhigya is my schl frnd,, she said to me evrything about her love,, sooo I thought this plan to unite both the loving couples….. Becoz I know these both bhuddhus will not confess their feelings soo easily….
Abhi gives a death glare to her….
Bul runs to escape….. Abhi runs to catch her… nd remaining all are laughing at them…

To be continued…..

Sorrryyyy, sryyyy sryyyyy sryyyy sryyyy…. Fr d late update…. But you have noo idea,, with how much work i struck with… I really don’t think this episode is upto d mark…. Plzz ignore spelling mistakes….. Nd give ua reviews regarding this…. Whether positive r negative….. Sryyy if its boring…… I wrote it in hurry….
And I will reply to u all when I get free time…. Tqqq tqqq tqqq tqqqqqqqqq soooooo soooo sooo much fr all…..


Be the way you are...!!! Never change for any one?????

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