Fan Fiction


This is NILASH back with the next part. Thank You so much for the over whelming responses and waiting for me. Keep showering and expecting to get more in near future. Thank You to silent readers for their likes. Here the next part rolls. Happy Reading.

“Yeah… your money… I got attracted… I so so loved you from that day… I wanted to confess but the fear that you might think that… Oh yaar… how could I just… oh my god… I LOVE YOU… Daksh” came Anika’s unclear sound to Shivay’s ears. He fumed up and he soon went near Anika and Daksh howling “ANIKAA” he cried aloud.

Anika looked at him as her heartbeats started to beat fast due to the sudden shock. “Ohh God… why are you howling?” Anika said holding her chest. “Enough of your drama Miss Anika… I never knew you would do this… how dare you play with my feelings?” he asked holding her wrist tightly. Her smile died as the words crossed his tongue. She looked numbly at him. “I said stop doing drama” he shouted on the top of his voice. “Shivay… listen… listen to me once… I … was… I was just” she tried to explain but his anger and his words were enough to stop her at the middle “you loved Daksh… fine… you just wanted to be in a relationship with me for money… what… you just wanted my money and I kept thinking you love me…

no sorry it wasn’t my fault actually… I.. I never knew you are such kind of girl. And you Mr. Daksh Khurana… how dare you hide things from me after knowing them?” he left her hand. “Shivay listen to her once” Daksh pleaded but he had enough for that day and looked at Anika “I know I did mistake but now I would correct it… just go away from my life Miss.

Anika… I just don’t want to look at your face… the cheap girl like you… chee” he said and turned to go away but stopped as she tugged his wrist “Mr. Oberoi… I don’t know… what and how much you have heard but… when you have the habit of jumping into conclusion without even listening to the other person then fine… I won’t bother to explain… and yeah I would try hard in my life to not come in front of you” she completed as tears ran down her eyes. She ran towards her room. Daksh came close to Shivay to say something but he walked off pushing Daksh.

“Omkara ji… thakurayin has signed the papers… what to do now… I… I don’t want to get married to that Kaali… please save me… please” Gauri pleaded folding her hands in front of Omkara. “I promise you Gauri… just give me two days and you would be out of this suffocated place” he said putting his hands over hers. “What would you do… please you don’t get involved in this… I cannot risk your life for me” Gauri said holding his hands tightly. He smiled and continued “do you believe me” he asked innocently “more than anything and anyone else” she answered immediately. “Then just have faith in your Shankar ji and me… I promise I would make everything fine very very soon” he said. She seemed convinced but yet panicked. “Now can I get one hug?” he asked innocently extending his arms. Gauri cuddled into him and he reciprocated back.

“I always used to think that… why am I so cursed that everything wrong happens to me…. But after I got you… I know I am the most blessed person” she said. “Hmmm… not bad… you have learnt to talk like me… you know sangat ka asar” Om teased. “Well Mr. stop teasing me and reveal your plan to me now” Gauri said. “Okay” he answered. He said something to her and her pale face shined up but then again she got tensed “wasn’t this be a bit dangerous” she asked. “I said na just have faith in me” he answered. She smiled and again hugged him back.

The morning has arrived. Rudra went to drop Soumya to the studio where the arrangements were made for the participants to stay. “I don’t want to go away… please…” Soumya pleaded. “Hey… not this now… you had dream of becoming the top singer and now you cannot walk back… just go in and come back soon with the best singer trophy in your hand” Rudra said. He too didn’t want her to go away but for him her dreams mattered more. For the very first time a girl and her dreams are affecting him much. He knew their friendship wasn’t just friendship but something much more but he wanted to discuss matters with his brothers before jumping into the conclusion. “Rudra” Soumya jerked him breaking his trance. “Yeah… yeah… and listen do not eat much of oily food… take care of your health and drink lots and lots of water” he said.

“Ohhh… I didn’t know you had done MD too” Soumya taunted. As expected he did not understand so he started thinking what she actually meant. She read his thoughts and answered suppressing her smile “duffer… I promise to take care of mine… and yeah… do not overstrain yourself by doing extra gym” she said. He smiled and they shared a brief hug. She turned to go. “Soumya” he called. She looked back. “I LOVE YOU” he said “I LOVE YOU TOO” she said back. They both turned to go when they realized this I love you was not just because of friendship but something much more. They turned towards each other at the same time and found what they were looking for in each other’s eyes. “Bye” they both said together. Soumya went in while Rudra kept staring her and thinking about the ‘I love you’.

“Hey have the juice” Ranveer said. “No yaar… let me finish studying this first… I am not understanding any bit of it… don’t know what should I do” Prinku said. She looked tensed. Her exam was knocking at her door. She was prepared but then also she was eating the pages of the books. “Listen… your health is much more important… have this juice” he said closing her book. “Yeah but at first…” she tried to say but he bombarded the juice on her mouth. She started sipping it down. Then she took the glass in her hand and drank the entire juice. After finishing it sandwich landed in her mouth. She couldn’t even speak as he immediately stuffed the sandwich in. She started having it though unwillingly. He allowed her to eat the rest slowly in a soothing manner but he did not allow her to open the book or speak in between.

After she complete having it she spoke “what yaar… you should have gave me a warning before you pushed the glass inside my mouth” “Yeah… so that you would have got the chance to deny again” he said. “Okay… now I had the food… so am I allowed to continue?” she asked. “No… just rest for ten minutes now and then you are allowed.” He answered. She smiled. “How did you get to know that I haven’t ate since morning?” she asked. He was not expecting this question but now he has to answer “actually Jhanvi aunty informed me….

She said you did not have anything since morning… so I was trying but you were showing tantrums so at last I had to stuff in” he answered looking down. “Hmmm… so a nice bond had already grew between you two?” she asked. “Why not… I am such a nice guy and aunty is such an amazing person… at least not like you” he said suppressing his smile. “Not like me matlab?” she asked narrowing her eyes and putting her hands on her waist. “Matlab aunty looks much younger than you and you look her daadi maa” Ranveer blurted out and started running. Prinku’s mouth became O shape and then she started following him. As soon she caught him, he hugged her tight and pecked on her forehead. “Idiot” she said hugging him back as they both burst out laughing.

The flight landed. Shivay, Anika and Daksh came out of the airport. Anika without even uttering a word walked away from there. “You should have given her a chance to speak Shivay… you don’t even know… what have you lost today” Daksh said and walked away leaving Shivay alone.


Friends… so here comes the end to this chapter. Now another announcement——- will end this ff soon in a chapter or two… so just drop all your comments down about how was the journey up till. LOVE LOVE

Thank You all so much friends for all your support and love. Soon drop all your comments down about this chapter. Till I come back with the next update… stay tuned. BUH BYE- NILANJANA/NILASH

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