Faded Lights~ A TEI FF by Aashiya Chapter 3

“Twinkle Twinkle little star”
He smiled listening to these beautiful lines. Somewhere,he felt that his heart was happy after listening their voice. He never wanted anyone else to suffer the way he did,and so,in the headquarters of his very own Sarna Empire,he inbuilt a lavish foyer where children from the orphanage could come to play and learn and live in that beautiful moment. His chain of thoughts were broken by a more of childish but beautiful voice.

“Oh babies,you should say ‘Twinkle Twinkle Superstar’ ”
He wondered who she was. Afterall teaching them wrong was certainly incorrect. Sliding the door,he tried to find the poet of this very new poem. Between the kids,he spotted a girl whom he knew very well. Her brown orbs,beautiful face and heart pacing voice were all known to him. But Twinkle Taneja’s beautimous personality never pleased Kunj. To him,she was a girl who always tried to get into his matters and increase the complexity of his life.And after listening to this just-modified-poem of hers,he knew this girl was insane. So he thought it would be his fortune if this insanity didn’t come his way. But his luck never played on his side. By this time,Miss Twinkle had already seen him and made her way towards him.

“My mum taught me that if we wish someone happily in the morning,it’s considered a good trait and the person is called well mannered. But I guess,someone isn’t taught so.”
Kunj could have been all angry at this very statement of hers. But, the word ‘mum’ dragged him to his known world of misery. His world of distress and hardship. In his heart he wished to ask why didn’t his mom teach him this trait? Why wasn’t she there to teach him the values of life? Tears filled his eyes. He missed her. Even after 20 years,Kunj missed his mom. Getting no reply from him, Twinkle somewhere felt she wouldn’t have done so! But she was Twinkle. And she could do anything to bring Kunj’s real soul in front of her.

Mockingly,she again asked,” I feel so pity Mr. Sarna. Your mom didn’t teach you. You must have been a headache to her. That’s why she never bothered to teach you these simple things.”

“Yah. You are right. I was a headache to her. That’s why she left me.” Kunj replied still in his gloomy thoughts. He didn’t wait for the further reply or better say a mock from her and made his way to his regal cabin. But his words echoed in her ears. Questions rattled in her brain seeking for an answer. She wanted to know the reason behind this statement of his. What did he mean by his mother leaving him? She didn’t have any answer. She felt low after this obscure conversation. Though she was unaware of his unexplained reply,she could feel the pain in his voice at that time. She wanted to know the reason behind his agony. She wanted to bring his heart at ease. So,gathering the little courage she was left with,she made her way to his cabin. Not to mock this time,but to ask for a sorry. She didn’t know what she would be her reply to his questions,but she did what her heart felt was right. Entering his cabin,she dallied to his desk where he was seated facing the wall. He seemed to be in his deep thoughts,but Twinkle could only see his back.

“I’m sorry…Kunj”.
She knew he wouldn’t reply instantly. She knew he would try to play with her patience. But to her wonder,he replied;
“You may leave now.”

“Umm…I know I was the one who initiated it and I’m being sorry. So you should forgive me Mr Sarna.”

“Replying to you is what I don’t consider necessary Miss Taneja. I’ve much work and it will be better if you let me do it.”
His venom filled voice was enough to make her raged. She was angry now. Here she was asking for a sorry,and this man was showing her attitude.

“That’s your problem. You can’t figure out things in a simple way. Don’t you know how to reply to a Sorry? You could have easily said a fine or something. But no, you are The Kunj Sarna. You don’t go by the laws of nature right? You make me feel so vulnerable Kunj. There’s a way of talking to people. And it’s not that you are so to everyone. It’s just me with whom you behave so heartlessly.”
Twinkle was in tears by this time. Her breathing was heavy. She was extremely hurt. As she turned to move out, she felt a grip over her hand,and the next moment he was in front of her with his hands holding his waist tightly. She couldn’t comprehend things. All she could do was to stay in the position until he finished.
“All that happens between us is because I DON’T LIKE YOU. Hope you got an answer. ”
With this the grip went loose. Kunj made an exit from the place,leaving Twinkle alone with the wild dispute between her heart and brain.

Hey peeps. I guess this is a long one. Thanks for the previous encouragement. I’m glad you’re liking it. Suggestions aswell as your opinions are always welcomed. Thanks again. Love you guys.

For anyone who didn’t read the previous chapters:


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