Fan Fiction

when I fall in love (ragsan and swasan) episode 26

Hii darlings thank u for ur support nd love I know many were dissapointed as updates were small ya I will try to make it large

Sanky:wt r u saying ?

Rag:I want to go away from all
Sanky:I know u want to unite saw nd tani but its not the correct way
Rag(in mind):how should I tell u its not for tani its for u I can’t stay by controlling my feelings if u r near
Rag:noo if I go away then only he accepts swara
Voice :and how can u think like that momm
Rag turned nd saw tani
Tani:u r trying to leave mee nd goo
Rag ran to him nd about to hug him tani stopped her

Rag was shocked
Tani:ok u want mee to hate u thats it naa
Tani stopped her by showing his hand
Tani:ok there is no need for u to goo from today I will ignore u nd he is about to goo rag hold his hand he jerked her hand nd went angryly

Rag was broken
Sanky hold her shoulder to console her

Sanky:don’t worry he can’t be angry on u for long time
Rag:noo I too want this only .now I can goo easily nd she left from there

Scene shifts to swara when she woke up she saw both tani nd sanky are not there nd heared some sound nd acted like sleeping .tani entered the room nd saw swara sleeping

Tani:y is this happening how can she think that she can leave mee .how can she even think that I can live without her .he came near swara nd gave a peek on her forehead .I don’t understand whome to blame for my situation he started crying nd slept beside her holding swara tightly

Swara(in mind):wt is he talking about y is he crying a drop of tear escaped from her eye too

Scene shifts
Sanky:what ever it is u r not going nd iam not allowing u to goo understand

Rag :iam going nd no one can stop mee not even dii
Sanky:ur dii can’t stop u but I will I know u better (with a smirk)
Rag:all the best nd iam leaving wt in a week nd I think u should handle this company now
Sanky:what??have u lost it iam just a body guard
Rag:I didn’t appointed u nd by the way u r a graduate that time I accepted as u need a job to fulfill ur responsebilities Nd now ur responsebilities became more u have to tale care of my dii nd tani .
Sanky:nd u too
Rag:no thanks iam independent nd I don’t want any one to take care of mee
Sanky:wt ever but u r my responsibility too
Rag:iam not ur resposibility nd iam nothing for u
She is about to goo Sanky hold her hand
Sanky:wt ever u say the truth is iam ur husband nd u r my wifee
Both sees emotionally into each other eyes (they have a long eyelock)
They came to senses
Rag jerked her hand

Rag:that was just a deal nd now as my dii is back I am freed from this unwanted relation nd I can move onn nd she went from there
Sanky felt bad for her ans.
Sanky(in mind):she is right there is no need for her to live in this unwanted relation but y am I feeling bad nd he left to his room
He saw swara nd came near her nd stared her livingly
Sanky:I can’t cheat u any more I should tell u the truth .u have rights to know it .he went nd slept beside tani

Swara opens her eyes
Fb shows

Swara listened to their conversation (she can walk with that walking stand)
Fb ends

Swara(in mind):whats happening ragsan married but y???did Sanky moved on nd I came between them??I should come to know the truth but who will tell mee

She too slept by thinking all thesee

Breakfast table:
Rag was about to keep tiffin to tani he stopped her nd he did it by himself .rag fave him a warm smile but he turned his face in the mean time swasan reached there dp was also there

Rag:I want to tell u all something?
(Except dp all know what she want to tell )
Rag:actually iam going to lindon with in a week
Swara:what but y??
Rag:voo as u returened back I will handle everything to u nd Sanky nd I wil leave I will enjoy my life
Swara:ohh its ok u carry on

All were shocked
Swara:y all r staring me like that common she to have right to enjoy her life but u goo only after making sure that sanky have learned every thing

Rag :tnk u dii nd she gave a fake smile
Tani was fully avoiding rag nd rag is feeling bad

Tani:dad can u drop mee to school
Sanky:yaa lets goo
Swara:Sanky rag will drop him y don’t we go out
Sanky:out but Il…..
Rag:u stay hear I will drop him
Tani without uttering a word went from there
Sanky(in mind):ok now I will get time to tell swara the truth nd rag can talk with tani

In car
There was a silence
Rag broked it
Rag:won’t talk with mee
Tani:u too want this only
Rag:noo I want u to send mee happyly
Tani:I can do any thing for ur happyness but for that I should stay away from u ????
Rag:I will come hear nd u can come there
Tani:ok tell mee one thing can u live happily with out mee
Rag gave a fake smile :I know u will bee happy with dii then y can’t live happily there
Tani gets emotional
They reached school nd both step down from car

Tani ran to her nd hugged her
Rag released the hug nd cuped his face Rag:see into my eyes ok now tell mee don’t u love ur mom
Tani:I love u more than anyone maa
Rag:ok u will trust mee naa
Tani moved his head in yes
Rag:ok listen I will come back but it will take some time but I will return for sure nd one thing when ever u need mee u call mee nd I will be there in front of u
Rag: promise now u promise that u will keep dii nd Sanky happily
Rag:now smile

Tani:smiled nd went inside the school
Scene shifts
Swara :ok wr will we goo
Sanky:we r not going any where nd I should tell u a truth
Swara:about ur marriage with ragini??
Sanky was shocked
Epi ends screen freezes with shocking face of Sanky

Sorry if iam dissapointing u

Urs darling pavani


Fun loving .like to communicate with people will be happy with wt I get .

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