Falling Head Over Heels For a Wizard Riansh FF – Logic Less Love

Hello my dear friends, Im here with next chapter as promised . Lets go

Chapter 7: Logic Less Love ❤️

Its Night 11 pm

Vansh is in his place. He is busy looking into files

Vansh: Angre trace the whereabouts of Kabir soon. We cant let him away from our sight for long

Angre: Ok bhai Ill take care of it

Vansh gets up to adjust the window when his mobile rings. He leaps to see the caller id showing Ridhimaa.. his face brightens like a lumos charm. He picks up the call

Vansh: Hello (pretending that he doesn’t know that its her)

Riddhu: Vansh….

Vansh: Ridhimaa..are you alright? Is everything fine?

Riddhima: Woh…actually….Im in a big trouble..can you please come here

Vansh gets shocked: What happened? Is that Kabir back?

Riddhima: No this is another rascal troubling me..will you please come home?

Vansh: Ill be there very soon

The call disconnects and Vansh rushes to meet her. Within half an hour his car is at the gates of her apartment . Vansh calls her

Vansh: Ridhimaa Im at the gates, where should I come

Ridhimaa: Im in the terrace..take the lift near the watchman room.

Vansh: What are you…Okay Ill come

Vansh takes the elevator and rushes to the terrace. His eyes desperately search for Ridhimaa and he finds her basking in the moonlight and runs to her

Vansh: Ridhimaa are you alright? Where is that guy who was troubling you?

Riddhima: First take your seat..

She pulls his hand and makes him sit nearby

Vansh: Where is the guy?

Riddhima: Right in front of my eyes

Vansh is confused.

Vansh: What? Only Im…

Ridhimaa smiles

Vansh: So you mentioned me?

Riddhima: Haan…

Vansh: You said a rascal is troubling you

Riddhima: Yeah..this rascal (she places her pointer finger on his chest) is troubling me

Vansh: What did I do?

Riddhima: You did not allow me to sleep..when I closed my eyes I saw only your face..this is not happening today..its been since we met first but it reached the maximum today..you only said whenever Im in trouble I can call you..now the trouble is because of you thats why I called you

Vansh feels as if he is flying high above the ground. His eyes are fixed on Riddhima. Riddhu who was talking non stop , stops as he is silent without a reply , she is surprised to see him watching her without a blink. On seeing that she starts to blush. It feels new because for the first time she is blushing this hard. Vansh notices her face turning pink . His heartbeat rises

Vansh: Riddhima what are you saying? (With a stammer)

Riddhima: I was not telling everything in Greek or Latin..

Vansh: Er…what do you want me to do to this rascal? Should I beat him like I bet Kabir?

Riddhima : No…dont…this trouble is not causing pain like Kabir’s action

Vansh: What else is it causing?

Riddhima blushes harder. Vansh’s heartbeat has entered a marathon increasing in pace with every lap

Riddhima: Its..its….its causing….

She holds his collar and pulls him closer

Riddhima: Mister Vansh Rai Singhania dont act innocent

Vansh holds her hand

Vansh: Im indeed innocent Ms.Riddhima Sharma

Riddhima: No you are proven guilty

Vansh: Guilty of what?

Riddhima: Guilty of trespassing my thoughts without my  permission

Vansh: Sorry..I wont do it anymore

Riddhima: Did I ask you to stop?

Vansh: But ..you..

Riddhima: I just said your crime and now I will decide your punishment

Vansh: Any punishment is accepted miss

Riddhima: The punishment is..like you trespassed my thoughts I will enter yours

Vansh: You have been doing that already

Riddhima: What did you say?

Vansh: You are in my thoughts already

Riddhu : Matlab..you..also…

Vansh: If not why will my heart panic for you till my eyes caught the sight of you even after sensing that you are safe

Riddhu: You..you sensed it already?

Vansh: I sensed it from the way you breathed.

Riddhu: Whats this called Vansh?

Vansh: People call it Love

Riddhu: How does it come?

Vansh: It has no set rules or protocols to come. It comes just like that

Riddhu: Why did it come here…in us..that too within few meets?.I dont get the logic

Vansh: Thats because Love is Logic Less

Riddhu looks down to see her hand still in his hold and accepts that the thing between them is love as people call it

Vansh gently caresses her face and: Riddhima…with you admitting everything…I have a confession…I..I…love you Ridhimaa

Ridhimaa’s eyes have tears as soon as she hears this but she doesn’t know why these words in his voice brought tears to her eyes

Riddhima: I…I love you too Vansh

Thus the two people whose souls were connected are connected by hearts now. After the verbal confession of their love the place grows silent. Vansh gently wipes her tears which flow down her cheeks. She rests her head in his bosom. The scene freezes

Unidentified place

Gaurav is watching the planetary movements.He calls the spirit nearby in excitement

Gaurav: You asked me right..will Vansh succeed in his mission

Spirit: Yeah but you didn’t answer me that day..

Gaurav: The planets say the answer today..he..is going to succeed….he will be the greatest wizard of all times..he has won her love….her power will add with his power…he will avenge them…no…they will avenge those who lost themselves in the great struggle…

Spirit: So Ridhimaa has accepted him

Gaurav: She has to…thats their destiny but the thing is I did not know when this will happen but ….planets say that it is happening now

Spirit: So Vansh will achieve it now..story over

Gaurav pays a keen attention and is shocked

Gaurav: No..the story is not over yet…it has just begun

His face shows  concern and the scene freezes

Riddhima’s terrace

Vansh and Riddhima are gazing the sky..she is resting her head on his shoulder and her fingers are entangled with his fingers. The air around them is filled with love. Vansh looks at the watch

Vansh: Oh My its 3 am..you have college tomorrow

Riddhima: But Vansh

Vansh: No…you need to sleep..this rascal will not take your sleep anymore

Riddhima: Why ?

Vansh: When this rascal knows that this beautiful angel is his girl all day and all night long he will not trouble her in sleep

Riddhima: If he does?

Vansh: Punish him

Riddhima: How to punish him?

Vansh: Just throw a smile..he will fall head over heels for you

Riddhima: When I myself have fallen head over heels for you…whats the use of punishing you like that

Vansh: The you say the punishment

Riddhima kisses him on his cheek without hesitation . Vansh is surprised.

Vansh: This one will work…but

Riddhima: But..

Vansh: This rascal loves this punishment and will do keep disturbing you for getting punished

Riddhima turns red in shyness

Vansh: If you turn red like this the Ill ask 10 kisses as a punishment

Riddhima pushes him away

Riddhima: Laalaj buri baath hai

She gets up giggling . Vansh gets up too

Vansh: Ill drop you at your door step and leave

Ridhimaa: I can go on my own

Vansh: From the moment you confessed your love..you are mine..I have the responsibility

Vansh takes her down to her apartment.

Vansh: Take care..Ill meet you tomorrow evening after your college

Riddhima: Good night

She yawns. He pats her and watches till she locks her door. Confirming that she is safe inside he leaves home. The scene freezes

Next Chapter: Curse of a Parselmouth

Friends please tell me your views in Riansh romance written here. If you need any change or improvisation please mention them so that I can write in a way you like

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