Recap: Haden orders Neil to kill Ridhimaa. Shivaay takes charge as the leader and instructs everyone.
Chapter 35: Nightmare
Ridhimaa’s bedroom , late night
Ridhu is sleeping while she is sandwiched between Avantika and Mrs.Khundra. She suddenly wakes up with a start shouting : Vansh….
Luckily Avantika and Mrs.Khundra are too tired and in a deep sleep that they dont wake up to the sound. Ridhimaa feels that her body is wet with sweat despite the cool weather. She slowly hops off her cot and walks out of the room. She goes to the large window opening into the woods from the verandah. She sees the moon playing hide and seek with the clouds and a chill breeze blows over her face but Ridhimaa’s face is terrified. She starts to shiver. Thats when she feels a hand on her shoulder and turns to see …Vansh. Her heart almost skipped a beat in fear before realising that it is her Vansh. She hugs him so tight that even the strong Vansh Rai Singhania feels pain
Vansh: Sweetheart….? All okay?
Ridhimaa burrows her face in his chest and nods in affirmation
Ridhimaa: Nothing is alright…nothing is alright
Vansh notices her shivering and cups her face in his hand
Vansh: What happened dear?
Ridhimaa: Vvvvannnnssshhhhh…..wohhh….woh…
Vansh: Woh?
Ridhimaa: I had a dream
Vansh: So ? Everyone has dreams
Ridhimaa: Arrey budhu Vansh…it was more of a NIGHTMARE
Vansh senses that she is upset and terrified beyond expression. He lifts her in his arms
Ridhimaa: Vansh..
Vansh: Shsh….chalo mere saath
He carries her to his room and makes her sit down on the cot. He pulls a blanket over her and makes sure that she is warm. He rubs her hands and gradually the shivering reduces
Vansh: Now tell me what was the nightmare
Ridhimaa: Vansh woh…
Vansh: Sweetheart only if you tell me I can help you na
Ridhimaa: Vansh…I am…Im running somewhere and there is fire all around me….it is engulfing everything..but I am running ahead of it towards the edge of a cliff….suddenly..suddenly someone pushes me off the cliff and Im falling off the hill along with a waterfall….as I fall many hands try to grasp mine but they fail and I drown….as I drown I remember the face who pushed me was…
Vansh: Was?
Ridhimaa clings to his shirt. He places his hand around her shoulder
Ridhimaa: You…and Then I woke up
Ridhimaa starts to cry. Vansh makes her lie on his lap
Vansh: Sirf sapna tha..dont cry for this
Only his lips say this..the details of Ridhimaa’s dream worry him but he doesn’t want to show it out and worsen Ridhimaa’s state. In his lap Ridhimaa gets consoled slowly
Ridhimaa: Vansh…
She gets up wiping her tears looks into his eyes
Vansh: Haan tell me
Ridhimaa: Do you remember that rascal?
Vansh: Which rascal?
Ridhimaa: The one about whom I complained to you that night
Vansh remembers it but he acts like he doesn’t understand what she meant
Vansh: Which night?
Ridhimaa: That night when…(Ridhimaa notices a small smile peeping out from Vansh and understands his prank)
Vansh: When…tell me na Ridhimaa
Ridhimaa: No thanks …Ill deal with him myself
She is about to get up and leave but he pulls her back into his hold
Vansh: Then deal with him..why are you walking away huh?
Ridhimaa smiles and : What are you saying
Vansh: Oye..I very well know that Im that rascal
Ridhimaa: But you don’t remember that night right?
Vansh: How can I even forget that night huh? The most memorable night in my life when my sweetheart proposed tell me what did that rascal do now….are you going to punish him? If so do it without any delay
He shows his cheek to her expecting a kiss but he receives a small slap from her
Vansh: Ridhimaa?
Ridhimaa: What ….you only asked me to punish
Vansh: The punishment we decided on is something else
Ridhimaa: That was this rascal deserves this only
Vansh: Why?
Ridhimaa holds his collar and pulls him closer
Ridhimaa: Before the entry of this rascal my life was a like a still river , he came like a stone and created ripples it in putting me into so much..
Vansh: you are regretting your proposal….fine you are free still…we are just can call it off any time
Ridhimaa notices the change in his face and laughs
Ridhimaa: Let me complete atleast
Vansj: Ok go on
Ridhimaa: Budhu Vansh….ripples are the indication that the lake is alive…yes life was calm but loneliness ripped me….your arrival gave so much to me…a family..a purpose in life and more importantly love but it also brought a lot of troubles to me….for those troubles Ill punish my rascal but that doesn’t mean that you can escape from me…in this lifetime you don’t have any other choice other than me
She gets onto his lap surprising him and cuddles with him. The great wizard Vansh Rai Singhania adjusts his position and burrows his face in her chest like a small child.
Surkh wala, sauz wala, Faiz wala love
Hota hai jo love se jyada waise wala love
Ishq wala love
Hua jo dard bhi toh humko aaj kuch zyada hua
Ishq wala love
Ye kya hua hai kya khabar yehi pata hai zyada hua
Ishq wala love
Agar ye usko bhi hua hai phir bhi mujhko zyada hua
Ishq wala love
Ridhimaa slowly plays with his hair as he stays with his face in her chest and his hands around her waist and her on his lap. Moments freeze and only love persists
Meri neend jaise pehli baar tooti hai
Aankhein mal ke dekhi hai maine subah
Hui dhoop zyada leke teri roshni din chadha
Ishq wala love
The fire has started to calm down and the ice has started to melt in each other’s presence, but this serene moment is broken by a shout making Vansh and Ridhimaa jump to their feets
Ridhimaa: Whats that?
Vansh: Ill go and see
He gets off the cot and is about to go when he feels her hold on his arm, and turns to her
Ridhimaa: Ill also come with you
He sees that she is shivering again and nods in confirmation
They open the door and walk out with Ridhimaa tightly clinging on to him while he has his arm around her and they see Aryan pale as a white forest cake standing in the verandah staring at something
Vansh: Kya hua hai yaar Aryan?
Aryan: Ghhh….ghoo…ghost
Vansh: What?
Aryan: Haan yaar
Vansh: Aryan man..come on yaar grow up …seriously a ghost?
Aryan: When Meghnand can exist, why cant ghosts?
Vansh: Point
Thats when he realises that Ridhimaa’s hold is getting tighter on him and looks down at her
Vansh: Yaar Ridhu dont worry nothing will happen
Ridhimaa: Par
Just then they hear footsteps approaching them and find Kartik and Naira running up to them
Kartik: Who shouted?
Vansh points out at Aryan
Naira: Aryan yaar what happened?
Vansh: He saw a ghost it seems
Kartik: Maybe Meghnand’s friends are visiting him, chill man your shouts gave me goosebumps
Naira: And that spoiled my work
Aryan: How?
Naira’s pov
Some time before
Kartik and Naira are in their room. Kartik is sleeping while Naira is up
Naira: Kartik get up..its time to start the work
Kartik: 5 minutes more na
Naira: I very well know where this will will make your 5 minutes into five hours …get up
Kartik: Please na
Naira: Ill count 3 better get up or Ill pull you out of bed
Kartik: Do what you want…
Naira: One..two….two and a half…..thhhreee
She starts pulling him off the bed and Kartik jumps up with start
Naira: Get to work Kartik
Kartik rubs his eyes and gets off the bed and sees Naira mixing something in a bowl
Kartik: Whats the urgency now..
Naira: Its already late Kartik
Kartik: Naira we still have time
Naira: Yeah definitely right…after all of them die like muma and papa
Naira gets tears in her eyes and Kartik hugs her and comforts her when they hear the shout and Kartik hits the bowl in a hurry and the bowl falls down spilling the mixture
Naira: Kartik?
She makes an angry face
Kartik: Lets go and see what happened
He drags her with him
Pov ends
Aryan: Sorry yaar
He holds his ears
Naira: Arrey no…mistake is that my husband is mendak who gets scared for everything..see how protective Vansh is
All eyes now fall on Ridhimaa in Vansh’s embrace. She feels shy all of a sudden and tries to move away but Vansh’s hold is so strong to overpower and she nudges him to leave her but he doesn’t budge and she tries harder and ends up digging his skin with her nails and Vansh yelps into a loud sound and within seconds all doors open and people rush there. Kartik , Naira and Aryan whom did not notice what Ridhimaa did are stunned
Aman: What happened Vansh?
Karan: All okay?
Roshini: Why did Vansh shout like that?
Vansh: Woh..woh…kya hena
Maya: Vansh whats the matter? Is everything okay?
Vansh: Mam…
He tells them what happened and everyone burst laughing
Aman: Vansh yaar,.you should get used to it ….every time you cant keep shouting like this
Roshini blushes
Karan: Yaar Aman shsh dont spoil an innocent guy
Aman: Arrey Im just advising him as a married man
Maya: But why were you here at this time?
Kartik and Vansh in unison: As Aryan saw a ghost
Others in a chorus: Ghost?
Aryan: Haan…woh…
Aman: Did you really see a ghost
Aryan: Yeah..
Karan: Where?
Aryan points out to the window
Aryan: I saw a shadow like thing sweeping down
Mrs.Knundra: Why the hell did you come out first of all
Aryan: Woh muma….I was playing my game when I felt thirsty so I came to get water
Mrs.Khundra: Seriously Aryan games right now?
Avantika: Leave it now…what if the ghost was some spy sent by Haden
Everyone get serious as they hear those words
Just then they hear a door opening and look around to realise that Shivaay and Pankhuri are missing along with Veer who had gone out. Shivaay and Pankhuri walk down from his room surprising everyone and behind them walks Veer
Shivaay: It was not a ghost what you saw
Aryan: Then
Veer: It was me..I saw you out when I came here
Aryan: But..
Veer: I was half human and half eagle as I was transforming back and I was getting to Shivaay’s window as he already knew me coming and I didn’t want to wake up everyone by entering through the front door
Bani: But you ended up waking everyone
Ranveer and Sirat finally reach up with Ranveer supported by Sirat
Sirat: Pankhuri when did you leave the room?
Pankhuri: Woh..I had few discussions with Adi regarding the potions so I came up before midnight to meet him
Shivaay: Ranveer why did you come up?
Ranveer: Hadh hogaya yaar
He frowns
Ranveer: If you doubt me just kick me off..dont avoid me
Shivaay: Its not doubting yaar
Ranveer: What else then? In the night whe you instructed ever do to their did not include me in anything..when Ridhu, Sejal and Ishani get their wands and practice I don’t get anything, why?
Shivaay: Because you need to recover?
Ranveer: Recover for what? Even I want to fight in this struggle, but you don’t want me around, you don’t trust me that is why you use my hurt as an excuse to avoid me..even I belong to Khundras …along with Aryan I too must get the opportunity to guard Ridhimaa but no….you don’t trust me at all..
Ranveer is silenced as Shivaay hugs him
Shivaay: Shut up man just shut up..what are you blabbering that we don’t trust you…you saved my life godammit….you saved my freaking life by taking the killing curse on you….I didn’t give any instructions to you as you will be working with me in this..and regarding Ridhu…you need not be told to guard her..I told Aryan because he is young and as a reminder I told him ..otherwise I very well know that you guys will guard have been taking care of her and grandma since long….you were filling my void in her can I not trust you….Im asking you to rest constantly as Im guilty for your state…if not for me you would have been alright
Shivaay sobs and
Ranveer: Why wont I take the curse for you? I promised Pankhuri that Ill let nothing happen to you and moreover even If I hadn’t promised how can I stand there and watch my friend getting hurt..
Shivaay: You call me a friend and say I don’t trust you?
Ranveer now realises blurting out about Pankhuri as his eyes fall on her awkward face and he bites his tongue, Pankhuri sees this and smiles while Bani is happy to watch this
Shivaay and Ranveer break their hug
Chandrika: All fights over right..and Aryan the ghost you saw was Veer so nothing to worry…now everyone get back to bed
Shivaay: Before that…Veer has a good news..Veer you say it
Veer: Actually our school students are willing to join us..they will be setting out when we need them
Maya: Good then..
Ishani: Bhai..where is Angre..?
Vansh: He is on the job told by Shivaay
Ishani: But he didn’t attend his call
Vansh: His number is changed and only me and Shivaay have his new one and he is safe..why are you worrying about him all of a sudden
Ishani curses herself for asking what she asked , Ridhimaa notices her awkwardness and
Ridhimaa: Everyone else is here except Angre bhaiya thats why she is lets go
Vansh and Ridhimaa turn to go inside when
Naira: Wait…you aren’t married yet
Pankhuri: Exactly…
Shivaay: Ridhimaa go with muma and Khundra aunty..
Naira and Pankhuri drag Ridhimaa with them while Vansh goes to Shivaay
Vansh: I have to share something yaar Shivaay
Shivaay: Tell me
Vansh tells him about Ridhimaa’s dream
Shivaay: Ill ask Preeta to interpret it …I wish Gaurav ji was with us..he will know this at once ..anyway you told this to me now dont think about need to ….you know right…before the wedding
Vansh: Ill leave in the morning
Shivaay: As I said take Aman and Karan with you
Vansh nods
They depart and the episode freezes
Loved it
Fantastic episode. Loved it.