Hey dear readers. Please do stay safe. Im saying this because I have just come out of Covid ward after more than 30 days. Sorry for not uploading because of that. Lets go to the chappy now
Recap : Shivaay is Ridhimaa’s brother Aditya. He has rescued their parents from Haden. Shivaay confides in Ranveer. Vansh and Ridhimaa are at Ridhimaa’s house. Ridhimaa is drunk.
Previous chappy link https://www.tellyupdates.com/falling-head-over-heels-for-a-wizard-riansh-ff-estranged-family/
Chapter 25 : Ridhimaa’s long time desire
Ridhimaa’s home
Ridhimaa is asleep while Vansh takes her diary again
Dear Diary, even today my wish did not come true. You know right I have been dreaming of this for long but no…it is not at all happening. I wish Vansh’s arrival into my life will fulfill it
There is nothing else written which confuses Vansh. He searches the diary to know what Ridhimaa’s long time desire is but he is unable to find it. He shuts the diary and places it on the table. He then walks to a sleeping Ridhimaa and kisses her forehead
Vansh in mind: Ridhu… I don’t know what your desire is but I will know it soon and make it come true very soon. I love you so much my dear love.
Ridhimaa smiles is sleep as if she heard his heart. Vansh sits there staring at her . The scene freezes
Tunnel Next morning
Harish and Avantika are sleeping. Shivaay walks in with a set of clothes
Shivaay: Mom..Dad please change these clothes we have to leave from here
Harish: Why are you being so sweet all of a sudden? Did that guy send you with a new plan?
Shivaay goes on his knees in front of them and holds their hands
Shivaay: Dad…Mom..he has not sent me. He wont be able to do anything to you hereafter. We are going for another important work
Avantika feels strange as Shivaay holds her hand. He senses the motherly love in her sight. Controlling his tears Shivaay gets up and asks them to hurry up
The scene shifts to a strange village. Shivaay walks in with Harish and Avantika dressed in a different way
Harish: Where are we?
Shivaay: Dont be afraid..its where we belong to
As they walk nearer a house appears from nowhere. Seeing it Shivaay smiles
Shivaay: Dad..mom..can you see the house over there? Does it remind you of anything?
Harish and Avantika watch the house with awe in their eyes. That tells Shivaay that they dont remmeber anything
Shivaay in mind: Let me take them in..it may bring back something from the past into their memory
Shivaay holds their hands and is about to walk in
Voice: Rukiye..dont make that grave mistake Mr.Aditya Sharma
Shivaay aka Adi turns back to see a girl standing behind them. Her lips bear a sweet smile while her eyes show concern
Shivaay: How..how did you know my name?
Girl: Thats a long story..now dont walk into the house
Shivaay: Can you see the house? It..it..
Girl: I know whats in you mind. I cant see the house but I know you can definitely see it
Shivaay is totally confused
Girl extends her hand to him
Girl: Im Pankhuri Gupta..one of the students of Chandrika ji
Shivaay: I don’t remember seeing you in school?
Pankhuri: Im from a different institution run separately by Chandrika ji..we are a few students there studying potions under her. You don’t know about us but we know about you
Shivaay: So you know about Roshini being chosen by Chandrika ji too
Pankhuri: Even Im chosen..see Adi..everyone has a role to play..like Veer is an animagus and has a separate role under Maya ji while you have your own role..and you are chosen for that
Shivaay: Your words confuse me a lot..but now tell me why are you stopping us from entering here?
Pankhuri: Nagesh and Haden had them this long..dont you think they will use them to find a way to every plus point we have? This house is where Ridhimaa got her powers..this is where pur biggest advantage lies..dont you think they will use them to find this house and find a way to kill Ridhimaa?
Shivaay realises that she is right
Pankhuri: Sir guessed that you will come here and that is why he sent me here. See Shivaay we have to break all the magical ties Haden made with them before taking them in
Shivaay: But how do we do that?
Pankhuri: Ill help you with that. You have to come with me. We also have our friends who will help us with it.
Shivaay: How do I trust you? What if you are Haden’s aid and is trying to get us into trouble?
Pankhuri: Smart…now to make you trust me I have to produce my patronus..and you know that Haden’s men dont produce one
Pankhuri takes her wand and : Pitradev Sanrakshanam
An otter erupts into the air and Shivaay smiles at it
Shivaay: I trust you now..lets go
The scene freezes with them leaving from there
Unidentified place
Roshini: What are you saying..someone made Ridhimaa drunk?
Aman: Exactly.thats why Vansh and Ridhimaa weren’t here last night when the ritual took place
Roshini: My goodness..but whoever did this had actually
Veer: Saved Ridhimaa only
Roshini: Exactly..if not that Haden would have
Aman: Who must have done that?
Maya: Some well wisher for sure
Angre: Ill call bhai and..
Gaurav: No need Angre. Let them take their time. Preeta are you having good sleep and healthy food?
Karan: Not at all sir. She is eating all junk even after me forcing her to eat healthy
Roshini: Dont worry Ill prepare a potion which reduces cravings for junk and make her eat healthier
Chandrika: Thats great. The war will reach its peak soon then we wont have time or energy to care for our health
Veer: Mam what is our next step? Are we rescuing Sharmas now?
Gaurav: No..not now Veer. We have something else to do
Aman: Whats it sir?
Gaurav: Let Vansh and Ridhimaa come. Angre ask them to bring Aryan with them
Angre leaves to call Vansh
Meanwhile Ridhimaa’s apartment
Ridhimaa slowly wakes up and sees Vansh sleeping in the chair.
Ridhimaa in mind: How did I get here? Okay leave it..let me get ready for college
She jumps off the cot and walks to her dresser. She remembers something and runs to a sleeping Vansh. She slowly bends down and gets near him
Ridhimaa: Good morning My dear Vansh. I love you so much
She then turns to leave when she feels a hold in her hand . Before she could react Vansh pulls her over him
Vansh: I love you too My dear Ridhimaa
Ridhimaa: You were awake? Cheater..
Vansh chuckles and gets closer to kiss her. His mobile rings
Vansh: Who is this disturbance?
Ridhimaa uses this opportunity to get away. She grabs her towel and gets into the restroom
Vansh picks the call and its Angre
Angre: Bhai…Gaurav ji asks you to come here with Ridhimaa and Aryan
Vansh: Okay sure
Angre: How is Ridhimaa now?
Vansh: Normal now. How is everything going on?
Angre: Yesterday after the ritual was done Haden and men attacked us. They came for Ridhimaa..luckily you weren’t here
Vansh: Even if we were there I wont let anyone touch her shadow even
Angre: Yeah but..anyway come soon
Vansh disconnects the call and calls Aryan
Aryan: Vansh..
Vansh: Aryan we need to leave for somewhere so come to Ridhimaa’s house soon
Aryan : Okay. How is she?
Vansh: Fine. Any news about the spiker?
Aryan: Ranveer said he could not find any. Even I could not
Vansh: Seems like the spiker is lucky
Aryan: Haha yeah but we need to be careful nah
Vansh: Haan. Come soon lets talk in person
As the call ends Ridhimaa comes out in a fresh pair of salwar. Vansh is dumbstruck at her
Ridhimaa notices her diary in a different place and understands what happened
Ridhimaa in an angry tone : Vansh did you read my diary?
Vansh: Haan..woh..sorry yaar Ridhimaa
Ridhimaa: Do you think it is a good manners?
Vansh: Im sorry Ridhimaa…but..
Ridhimaa: What did you read in it?
Vansh: Aa..bbb…ooouuuttt…your long time ddddeesssirrree
Ridhimaa starts to laugh which makes Vansh sigh
Vansh: Why are you laughing?
Ridhimaa: The daring wizard Vansh is stammering in fear..thats why..
Vansh: The fear is of annoying you..angry Ridhimaa is a nightmare for me and so is drunk Ridhimaa
Ridhimaa: Drunk? Me?
Vansh: Haan..leave it now tell me whats that long time desire?
Ridhimaa: It is..it is…to..to
Before she could finish the door bell rings
Ridhimaa: Ill open it
Vansh: I think its Aryan..I called him here
She runs to the door while Vansh corrects his clothes.
Hearing her shout he runs outside.
Wonderful episode di
. Loved it
. Was waiting for this ff. Missed you so much. Hope you are fine now. Take care. Lots of love 
. Post soon.
Thank you so much dear

Sorry dear for making you wait so long. I missed you all too a lot. Yes Im fine now. Thanks a lot dear. Next episode tomorrow for sure 

Glad that you are fine now.
missed you.
Loved it
post soon!
Welcome back darling
Amazing episode
Take care of yourself
Hey Stuti Thank you so much my dear

So happy that you loved the episode 
. Sure dear

Thank you so much dear
Take care dear!
Hope you are fine now
Thank you so much dear

yes Im fine now 
Sure dear
Take care dear. Welcome back dude. Give importance to Ur health. It’s happy to read Ur FF. I was eagerly waiting for this and you posted it 1 and half an hour before my birthday.
Sure dear
. Happy that you are happy 
And Advance Happy birthday
dear may this year be filed with happiness, joy and loads of love 
Thanks sai
Take care dear
Hope u are dine now
Thank you so much Akshara dear. Sure dear . Yes dear im Fine now
Wow amazing

. I really miss you and your updates
. It’s really rocking FF. Thanks for mind-blowing updates 

. keep rocking 

. Take care. Now u alright dear 
Hey Jayashree Thank you so much dear

I missed updating too dear. Thank you so much dear and its my pleasure 

Yes dear Im alright now

Take care
Thank you so much Priyadharshini dear..Im good now

Now you alright dear
Thank you so much dear. Yes dear Im alright
Wow fabulous

I hope now u fine dr
Take care dr
Thank you so much dear. Yes dear Im fine sure dear
Fantastic episode

Take care
Thank you so much Sree
sure dear
Amazing..and take care dear
Thank you so much Aisha dear
Sure dear
Awesome episode dear eagerly waiting for next update and plz take care of yourself also
Thank you so much Priyanka dear
Sure dear. Next episode will be uploaded in few minutes dear
hello Sai sai is so cutename
glad u recover nd fine take care of ur health corona neg na abhi
wonderful chapter
Hey dear thanks a lot

haan abhi neg hai. Thank you so much 

Amazing pl post soon
Awesome….take care dear…
Thank you so much Maanvika dear. Sure dear

Awesome episode dear
Thank you so much Sumisha

How are you now??? Take care please . Amazing
Hey Aarushi Im fine now dear
Sure dear. Thank you so much 
Amazing episode di
Thank you so much Anannya dear
Thank you so much Diya

Awesome episode!
Take care of yourself!
We missed you very much
Thank you so much Tanvi dear

sure dear . Missed you too 
Amazing di.
Finally u back.
Missed u so much..
Happy to see that u are fine..
Thank you so much Ayesha dear

Missed you too
Thank you dear
Nap you get well soon and post the next asap
Hey dear next has been posted now
thanks for understanding dear 
Amazing episode!
Good to see you after a long time! Missed this story
Precap scares me and so does the ending of the episode…lots of suspense!
Thank you so much Parita dear
Good to meet you all after longg time dear. And suspenses will increase in future too sorry for it 
Amazing episode di. Hope u r doing good and absolutely fine. Missed u and ur ff so much but happy to know that u r safe now.