Falling in love again : Sai Joshi!! Part 25

Heyy guys really sorry for the delay as I was not well and was caught up in some personal work………..

So on the day Sai had to leave for college, Bhavani blocked Sai’s path and asked her to go and help all the other daughter in law’s in preparing the feast for the Mahabhog. Hearing this Sai was shocked as she had to attend college and she had her clinical postings tooo and she didn’t want to miss those as she was really excited that finally they would be learning about how to interact with patient and learn history taking . Sai politely refused saying that she had college to attend and that also since Bhavani and others never considered her as the daughter in law of the family then why should she take part in the Mahabhog preparations. But Bhavani would not give up and cunningly started insulting Sai’s upbringing which Sai could not tolerate and Sai went and started grinding chillies and ginger on the mortar and pestle, Sonali added fuel t9 the fire by giving Sai more chillies …..Usha told the judge that Sai had never done these things before and will doing so she accidentally cut her finger and it started bleeding ,instead of giving her bandage Patralekha started taunting Sai and told her not to do drama and not to shed crocodile tears. She asked if receiving a bandaid is also a crime and if one’s hands pain due to the burning sensation it is natural that tears fall from one’s eyes …….is shedding tears also a crime. Patralekha felt really guilty for having misbehaved with a 18 year old girl who had just lost her father. In her obsession and jealousy she overlooked someone’s pain . Bhavani and others too started feeling guilty and bad.Sonali felt very ashamed and didn’t have the courage to even lift her head. Usha who couldn’t hold back her tears sat down as she recollected those bitter memories .The judge then asked if there is more to Sai’s past …Shivani got up and said that there is a lot and that she wanted Sai to be given justice and the Chavan Parivaar should be punished for their dirty crimes and deeds. Hearing this Chavan Nivasis face fell pale

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