Falling in love again : Sai Joshi!! Part 31

Noticing that Sai and Vikram had not come for dinner , Sayantani sent Devyani to call them. Devyani went to call them and knocked on their door but  there was no response. So she stepped in to only see the couple cuddling and sleeping unaware of the external world. To tease the couple she took a pic of them and walked back to the dining area where she showed the picture to the others. Everyone was in awe looking at the cute couple sleeping and decided not to disturb them.After sometime Vikram woke up and lookedat the time. He was surprised to see the time……it was already past the dinner time and also Sai had to take her medicines post dinner so he quickly pecked her forehead and and woke her up. They quickly went to the dining table where they were surprised to see everyone enjoying the custard prepared by Rajeev. Everyone’s gaze fell on the the couple who were looking at them and started smiling……Sai AND Vikram quickly sat down and started having dinner quietly meanwhile others who couldn’t resist teasing them intentionally asked if they slept well…..Hearing this Sai’s cheeks turned crimson red whereas Vikram smiled trying to hide his blush. Everyone enjoyed looking at the couple who were blushed just like a newly married couple.  Sayantani then chided everyone and told them not to make fun of her kids while Sai hugged Sayantani.  Satan lovingly fed Sai custard while Vikram got her tablets and gave it to her. Though she was a doctor Sai hated taking medicines but now that she was pregnant she had no option but to take medicines.  After taking her medicines , it was her walk time as she had been advised to take long walks after a meal and not be on complete bed rest with no physical activity.  The couple joined by Samrat and  Samaira as well as Swathi and Satvam. They walked around the garden enjoying the moonlight and the gentle breeze that was blowing.  Later they retired for the day as the next day would be a little tiring as they would be travelling too.

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