Fan Fiction

Falling For My Neighbour – OS (Episode 1)

Hey my peepliboos!! How are you all ? Here’s The OS… I need some response as I have poured my heart out… Well a little… This is a long one as I’ve put in different people’s POVs.

Please do bear with my typos and grammatical errors..

Happy reading ??

Radhika’s POV:

I came back home from college and slumped down the sofa. It was a tiring day. Workshop was hectic. The semester had just started and it’s so tiring. I’m doing my fifth semester in Mechanical and Automation Engineering in Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women. I had to fight my family to get this branch. Hell to the superstitions of a girl not being allowed to do mechanical engineering. Just because a girl has less stamina and the branch being filled with boys. That’s why I chose this college. It has only girls. So no problem. My family was finally OK with it, which relieved my tension. I closed my eyes to relieve the stress. Just then mom came.

She said “Radhi beta don’t forget. It’s Nikhil’s birthday party. Get ready soon.”

“Do I really have to go?” I ask letting out a frustrated sigh.

“Have to. They are one of our closest business partners. We cannot disappoint them. By the way he is a good boy. You two get along well too.” She said with a smile that reached her ears.

I scowled which only led to her having her eyebrows raised in annoyance. What’s with her? I don’t like him. Not at all interested. She wants me to hook up with him. Why? This guy leaves no chance to hit on me. Even if it’s openly. Flirts in front of everyone. He is good looking, but I’m least bit bothered. Our parents know each other for the past 10 years. That doesn’t mean i need to be friendly. He too studies Mechanical Engineering. But in Amity School of Engineering and Technology.

“Now go get ready” I heard mom.

I had no other go. Had to go get ready. For the sake of business. All his friends will be there. He has a big gang. I hate going out. I freshened up and got ready in a black mesh panel skater dress. I made sure I had a good amount of makeup as it was going to be a long night. It’s Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday. So the party will go on for the whole night. Not to forget, Nikhil being a party freak. The makeup looked natural and I made sure it was perfect. I let my long hair loose which reached to my hips. I matched it up with gold plated cocktail earrings that came with a matching cocktail ring and gold bangle with black pencil heels. After I was done, I gave myself one last look and smiled at my own reflection and walked out.

It was only me and mom as dad was already at the venue. Mom complimented my look and she too was no less. She wore a black cocktail saree with bright peach border with very little makeup and had it paired up with diamond earrings, her neck plain, except for her mangalsutra that hung down her neck. I noticed, she had changed it. It was a beautiful one, it was long, which reached till her naval and had a beautiful diamond pendant which she only used for grand occasions. She had her hair curled up, set to the left side. We both looked more like sisters than mom-daughter. We both drove off in our Mercedes.

The chauffeur opened the door for us as we arrived at the venue. The decorations were amazing. Not to forget, it was Nikhil’s 20th birthday. So, it had to be lavish. The Rathores are always known for doing things lavish and grand, so why not for their only son. As we walked in, we were served with a welcome drink and were instructed to go to the garden, where the party was held. As I walked in I greeted his mom and spotted dad who was talking to one if our business partners. Dad saw me and gestured me to come to him. I did as I was told and hugged him. I greeted the so called flirty Joshi uncle and moved away.

I was so happy to find Sam. Samaira Khanna. My best friend. I was surprised to find her here as both Sam and Nikhil hated each other. Well I’m happy as I’ve got company. I turned over and saw mom at a corner with Nikhil’s mom. Sam spotted her boyfriend Neil and ran to him, leaving me all alone. I was happy cause Neil was back after two long years. He was studying in London. I didn’t want to disturb the two of them. I started to walk as I felt bored. Suddenly, I was pulled into a bone crushing hug. It was not so difficult to identify the person. It was none other than Nikhil.

“I’m so happy you came Radha!!” he spoke all excited, still crushing me.

“You’re crushing me Nikhil. And happy birthday!!” I spoke breathless, patting his back.

He pulled away and examined me top to bottom, holding me by my shoulders. He wore a dark blue Armani suit, which fit him well. He looked good. No, he was handsome. I didn’t care thinking of him in such a way. He is a friend.

“Smoking hot” he complemented.

“Thank you. You look handsome” I replied.

“I thought you’d call me hot” he said a little disappointed.

I smiled a little and walked away. Nikhil didn’t let me go. He kept hopping around and blabbering nonsense to which I never paid heed. It was like the lamb in the rhyme “Mary had a little lamb”. I be Mary and he the lamb. Every girl in the party gave me envious looks. They were so jealous. If looks could kill I would have been burnt alive. We were then called for cake cutting.

Nikhil’s POV:

I watched Radha enter. She was in a black short dress. She was extremely beautiful. I just hated the fact that she wore it to my party. I hate other guys laying their eyes on her.

To the world she is Radhika Mishra, but to me she is my Radha. I just lose myself whenever I see her. I try do much so much to woo her, she never budges. It hurts a lot. But I’ll keep trying till she looks back at me.

I spotted her with my mom. Both of them get along so well. I then saw her talking to Samaira and waited. Samaira then ran off to Neil, leaving Radha all alone. Neil told me not to tell Samaira that he was coming. He wanted to surprise her. The lovebirds were engaged two years ago and were so much in love. I always wished me and Radha in the same way.

I went to her and pulled her into a tight hug. To her it’d be a bone crushing hug.

“I’m so happy you came Radha!!” I said all excited.

“You’re crushing me Nikhil. And happy birthday!!” she spoke breathless, patting my back.

I pulled away and examined her.

“Smoking hot” I complemented.

“Thank you. You look handsome” she replied.

“I thought you’d call me hot” I said a little disappointed.

He just walked away. I kept talking of things that could make her look at me with that amazed expression of hers that I love. She never did. I then pulled her along with me a it was time for cake cutting.

Radhika’s POV:

In no time dinner started. I was so relieved. I’ll get to be with mom and dad, which didn’t happen this time. Nikhil pulled me with him.

“Nikhil let go. I’ll stay with Sam” I struggled in his hold. I had the plate of food in my other hand.

“You’re eating with me. My birthday. You listen to me” he commanded.

We reached a table filled with people in just a matter of seconds. All of them looked at Nikhil and smiled. They all had a confused look as they saw me.

“Guys this Radha. Sorry Radhika. Radhika Mishra” he announced.

He introduced me to all of them. I greeted them. I couldn’t remember much of them. There were ten of them including Neil and Sam. All I remembered was Anitha, Shika, Ranjit, Aham, Rahul and Arjun. Arjun Mehra.

I had to sit next to Arjun as there was an empty chair next to him. Everyone were nice. I didn’t talk much. Just a little. I felt Arjun’s gaze on me as I kept eating. It was too hard for me to concentrate. I looked up and smiled at him, while he gave a stern look. Ok, what’s with him? Just then his phone rang. He had a thousand watt smile. He answered as he got up and all I could hear was Meeta. He was so happy. Couldn’t he give that smile? Not that, ok a small one. So, he has a girlfriend and didn’t bring her. I kept watching him talk. He was just so happy. Hope he stays like this. We finished dinner and spoke for a while.

It was time for dance. I thought it’d be like some disc type. But no, all slow romantic numbers were played. I had no interest so I went back. I saw mom-dad, Sam-Neil and Nikhil’s parents on the dance floor. Some youngsters who looked more couples too occupied the hall. I could see every single guy running around for a pair to dance with. Nikhil was with some random girl. I too was asked, but humbly refused. As I was busy with my iPhone, I felt someone standing in front of me. I looked up to see Arjun. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a red tie. Hair neatly gelled. He was handsome.

“May I have this dance?” he asked extending his hand.

“Sorry. No thanks” I said looking away.

Arjun’s POV:

I was furious when she declined me. None of the girls had don’t this to me. I know I belong only to my Meeta. That doesn’t mean I can’t have fun. I kept watching her decline a number of guys. I was happy she did and how can she do the same to me?

It hurt my male ego. I pulled her with me to the dance floor. She kept struggling, but I never cared. I took her left hand in mine and placed my right hand on her waist. She had her right hand on my chest. As the music kept playing, we swayed our bodies to the tune. As the music got slower and the lights went dim, my hand left hers and landed on her waist. I pulled her closer and her arms looped around my neck. She didn’t look at me even once ever since the dance started. She was beautiful. So beautiful that I can’t describe. I tried hard to make a conversation, but couldn’t.

Radhika’s POV:

I felt him pull me close. I didn’t have the guts to look up at him. Meet his eyes. I just looked at his chest. I could feel his woody cologne. His breath fanning my face. I know mom and dad are going to tease me for this. He made me look up to him by his placing his forefinger under my chin. Our eyes met, faces inches apart. That’s it. No more!! Danger calling!! I’ve had enough of it. I pushed him away and walked off. That was a close call. Missed kiss. I let out a sigh of relief as I went and stood at the bar. I ordered for a blo*dy Mary. I seriously needed something to drink. I had not 1, but 2 of them. Mom came to me and pulled me along with her. Dad had already given the gift, so he too left along with us.

“Radhi what happened that you drank so much?” mom asked annoyed.

“Let her be Mala” dad said from the front seat.

“Mom I’m fine. I just wanted to have a drink. There’s nothing wrong in it” I replied equally annoyed.

“So who was that guy?” she teased which annoyed me even more.

“One of Nikhil’s friend” I replied.

We reached home. I just went to my room and feel on the bed. I no time I dozed.

Arjun’s POV:

She looked up all nervous. Her beautiful green eyes met mine. She then pushed me away and walked off. That’s when I realized our closeness. Shit I just scared her. She must have thought me as some womaniser. Or a pervert. I had all these thoughts running as I ran my fingers through my hair. I saw her walk to the bar and order a drink. I couldn’t make out what it was. Looked more like blo*dy Mary. She had two, not just one. Just as she slammed her glass on the counter, I saw a woman maybe her mom dragging her out of the venue. She too looked stunning. She was gone. How am I going to find her? Wait!! What? I have a girl. My Meeta. She’s shifting to Delhi from Mumbai. She’ll be studying in my college. I’ll see her everyday. I wanted nothing more than this.

The party didn’t last long, which surprised me. For a party freak like Nikhil, the party had to go on till early sunrise. Anyways I was happy. I could prepare for my Meeta’s welcome.

Radhika’s POV:

It’s been six months. No party, no functions. Nothing. I just carried on with my college work. We had a lot of projects to do. I took up part time job in an event management company. It went well. They wanted someone young and creative. And they liked all my ideas. Everything was smooth. Not until this very moment.

My manager called me to her cabin urgently as it was some big client. I had no other go than to rush. As I entered, I saw a person seated, talking to my manager. She looked up at me and gestured me to get in.

“You’re going to be working for Mr. Mehra for your next assignment.”

I looked up. And for a second my breath hitched. I was facing a smiling Arjun Mehra. Good lord why? I didn’t see him ever since that dance. I still curse myself as to why I let him so close to me. He was so composed. The same smile, same hairstyle.

I snapped out of my thoughts and spoke “why is that so?”

“It’s his fiancée’s birthday. He wanted the best. So I suggested you” she quietly replied.

“What?! Fiancée?!” I exclaimed.

She nodded in agreement. I looked at Arjun who gave me a pleading look. It struck me then. Meeta!! Omg!!

I asked “Meeta?”

“Yes” he replied.

Without a word. Without a warning, I was pulled out with him. Who does he think he is. Pulling me, taking me here and there without my consent. Do I look like some rag doll to him? We came out to the parking and he opened the passenger seat of his BMW for me. Such a gentleman. Please note the sarcasm. The ignition came to life and we headed towards our destination. We reached a huge mansion. It was beautiful. I got off the car and without looking at him walked in. I saw his mom reading a book in the living room. She looked so cute with her reading glasses. I couldn’t help, but smile. I greeted her and went on to do my work. The party was tomorrow. I had to stay back and finish up. I informed mom, she was ok with it.

“Radhu beta come for dinner” aunty called out.

How did she know my name? I never told her. Arjun would have told her. She might even know of me being Nikhil’s friend.

“Two minutes aunty” I answered.

As we were having dinner, I couldn’t help it. I have to let out my frustration.

“Aunty you need to teach your son some manners” I snapped.

She looked shocked.

“I’m sorry for being rude. But it is like that” I apologised.

She asked “what happened bete?”

Arjun’s POV:

I watched her as she complained about me to my mother. She was such a kid. Just because I bought her home without her consent, doesn’t mean I have no mannerisms. I wanted her to plan Meeta’s party as she was one among the best. No, she was the best from the best event management company.

“Stop being a kid” I snapped.

Her beautiful green eyes widened at my statement. She gave me a “go f**k yourself look”, which only made me smile.

“What is it Radhu? And you shut up Ajju” mom spoke.

“He just doesn’t care of other’s opinion. He just bought me here. Didn’t even ask me if I’m ready for a courtesy. Just pulled me. The same way at Nikhil’s party. He pulled me for a dance” she explained.

“So you were the beautiful girl he danced with?” mom asked amazed.

“Y-yeah” she stuttered.

And wait. What?! Beautiful?!” she spoke again.

Mom smiled “yes you are indeed.”

We just kept quiet and had our dinner. Radhu then finished everything and went to the guestroom to rest for the night. I had to drop her early in the morning as she had college and had no spare clothes.

At night, I sneaked into her room and checked her phone. Luckily she hadn’t put on a password. So, I quickly made a call to my number from her phone and saved it. Deleted my number from her log. I couldn’t help but watch her sleep. She was so beautiful. She kept twisting and turning in her sleep. I just left thinking she might not be comfortable as it’s a new place.

I dropped her home in the morning and came back home. Mom told that she’ll be back in the evening. To my surprise, she didn’t come. There was a team sent by the company.

“Where is Radhika?” I asked a guy who was busy arranging the tables.

“Radhu’s not well sir. She’s admitted in hospital” he quietly replied, busy in setting the table.

That’s when it struck me. She kept twisting and turning in the bed. How could I be so dumb? I should have checked on her. No time to think of these things as I have to pick Meeta from hostel. And I’ve planned on proposing her officially.

We’ve been in a relationship for the past eight years. From since I was 12 and she was just 10. It was love at first sight. It hurt me like hell to leave her all alone in Mumbai and shift to Delhi. Now that she’s here, there’s nothing more I need. Our parents too have accepted. So no worries.

****** Few hours later *******

The party was like crazy. I must say Radhu has some brains and she is one kickass crazy girl. Everything was perfect. The only thing that she wasn’t there. Everyone were there, even Sam. Nikhil can be found at every random party, so it’s not new. I’ll go visit Radhu tomorrow. Meeta loved it. She personally wanted to thank Radhu. I stopped her as Radhu is sick.

“I love you Arjun” I heard Meeta, having her head laid on my chest.

“Love you too sweetheart” I replied kissing the top of her head.

I totally forgot to visit her as I had to submit my project work. I can back home all tired. One more thing!! We were shifting to another area. It was close for dad. He just couldn’t travel. It led to a poor back for him. I found an empty bungalow in the area close by. We let our present home on rent and shifted. The house wasn’t that bad. Took us four days to settle down.

“Ajju I think it’d be nice if we introduce ourselves to the neighbors” mom stated.

“Yeah sure mom. Will start right away” I said heading towards the door.

I thought of starting from the house to my right. Letting out a deep breath, I start towards my destination. I rang the doorbell and within seconds, I saw the person in front of me. Those green eyes. She was shocked, it was like she saw a ghost.

Radhika’s POV:

I stood there shocked as I saw Arjun in front of me. I managed to cover it up. He was standing at the door with his signature smile. He then looked at me top to bottom. I was wearing an oversized t-shirt that came down till my mid thighs covering my shorts. He had his lips pressed, controlling the laugh that was about to break through. I flushed red with embarrassment.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I composed myself.

“Wouldn’t you welcome your new neighbour?” he asked smiling.

“You and my neighbour?” I was shocked.

“Yeah we moved next door” he stated.

“Oh” was all I could say.

“How are you? I heard that you were not well” he sounded concerned.

“I’m fine” I replied.

“Good to hear” he clipped.

“Would you like to come in?” I didn’t know what else to do.

He stepped in and was facing my mom. She had her eyebrow cocked up in suspicion. I knew what was running in her head.

“I’m Arjun. Arjun Mehra, your new neighbour” he quickly introduced himself extending his hand for a shake hand.

“Omg!! The Arjun Mehra!! The sole heir of Mehra Industries?” jumping in excitement.

“Well yes” he chuckled.

“Why did you shift here? You guys have a good house” mom stated.

“Dad’s health issues” he replied.

“Oh” that’s all mom could say.

“Coffee?” she asked.

“No thank you. I just came to introduce myself. I’ll make a move” he said, which led me to let out a relieved sigh.

“Hope you grow to like the neighbourhood” mom said.

“We will” he said as he headed towards the door.

“He seems to be a good guy” mom said as I slumped down to the sofa.

“Maybe” was all I could say.

Sixth sem’s almost coming to an end and it’s scaring the shit out of me. Seventh sem will be project and campus interview time. Eight sem, student exchange. I had opted for it. It can be either in India or abroad. I wanted it I be for six months only. I can be a year too. Can’t say. I knew Neil would have applied to as he badly wanted to come to India. Sam was angry. She stopped talking to him. So, Neil would call me up. And I had to keep checking on to Sam. Neil didn’t want me to apply as I could get abroad and he was sure that he’d get Amity. He wanted to spend time with us all, especially Sam. I wasn’t sure of mine. But I don’t care. The results will be out along with our sixth sem results.

My mom and Arjun’s mom got along well. Seemed like they were long lost friends. Our dads too got along. Business being the bridge between them. We both… nope. We’d just smile at each other. Arjun had turned out to be a quieter person than before. I’d see Meeta dropping be every week. She was pretty. She was lucky to had a guy like him. He introduced me to her and she seems to be nice.

Arjun was a perfect idol. A perfect son. A perfect businessman. He’d take care when uncle wasn’t around. A perfect boyfriend. He’d never make/ let his girl cry. A guy every girl would want. He never restricted her. Gives her space. Her freedom. Trusts her a lot. He’s very sensitive when it comes to her. I heard that he beat up a guy who tried to flirt with her. Sam told me. She is his strong-weak point. I just hope she doesn’t break his heart. Arjun didn’t apply as he feared leaving Meeta. She was two years younger than us.

Seventh sem…. here it is. And the result for the student exchange programme. I didn’t care if it was for a year or six months. I just applied. And I topped. And with that came a shock!! I was being placed in Amity!! Hell no!! Nikhil!! I need to face him. I’m happy that I’ll have Sam with me. Neil I donno. Hundred years to him!! He’s calling.

“Hey Neil!!” I greeted cheerfully.

“Hey budhu where are you placed? Mine’s Amity!!” He squealed and I could feel it as he completed the last part.

I scowled as he called me budhu. I hated it and only he had the guts to do it. It’s k. I liked it one way too.

“To earth Neil. To earth. I know you’re happy. I’ve got Amity too” I completed the last part disappointed.

“I can understand. I’m happy for you. We all get to be together. Me, you, Sam. Just think if it. Chuck Nikhil. I’ll kill him if he tries to lay his hands on you” he completed.

I was happy. He is the only person who understands me. No one cared when I told that Nikhil was pestering me. Not even mom and dad. Neil stood by me. Right from childhood. He made sure he was even though he wasn’t next to me. Sam too made sure to keep Nikhil away. She has her own ways. I just love these two. Cross my heart. Now that he’s coming back, I need not worry.

“Yeah I know” I said as I composed myself.

“What about placements? he asked.

“Bosch. Posting in Chennai” I replied.

“So you’ll be leaving?” he was disappointed again. Like I’m gonna run away. Dude get a chill pill.

“Like I’m gonna run away. Stop being sad. It’s just Chennai. I’ll take a month off for your wedding. Chill baba” I tried making the situation light.

“Yeah right” he mocked.

“Oye…” I shot back.

You donno Tamil” he joked.

“I don’t need Tamil in office. But yeah I need to learn a little. Don’t worry I can do it” I replied casually.

“Great” he said.

“So when are you coming back?” I asked.

“Day after” he clipped.

“Wow!! Does Sam know?” I squealed excited.

“No. I wanna surprise her. She’s super angry” he stated.

“Good go brother. All the best” I said.

“Thanks. Yeah I’ve prepared everything” he said.

“Good for you. Ok I gotta go. Bye” I said.

“Ok bye. See ya” he said as I hung up on the phone.

I smiled as I kept the phone aside. Sam was so lucky. Hope I too get a guy like Rahul. He’s one of the best. He can go to any extent to convince Sam. To make her smile.

Arjun’s POV:

I didn’t apply for the student exchange programme because of Meeta. I didn’t want to leave the alone. None of our gang members applied for it. We all wanted to stay together. I was happy when Neil called up to inform that he got Amity. Was even more happy when he told that Radhu had got the same.

We haven’t officially made her our gang member. Today’s the right day. It’s my mom’s birthday. I’ll do it today. I control my gang. I went to her house and rang the doorbell. Mom wanted Mala aunty to be present too.

“What are you doing here?” Radhu asked as she answered the door.

“Is this the way you greet your neighbour?” I counterattacked.

“Sorry. Come on in” she apologised.

“It’s mom’s birthday today. You’re invited. Bring aunty too” I smiled.

“Oh. I’d love to come. Sorry I can’t. I’ll send mom for sure” she replied.

“Whatever it is. You’re coming. Now don’t give me reasons” I stated.

This girl was getting on my nerves. She has this habit of rejecting me.

“So that’s why you needed my help. To select a sari for aunty” she said as her forehead creased and gave a small smile.

“Yes” I clipped annoyed at her behaviour.

Radhika’s POV:

What is his problem? I have my report due tomorrow. I know it’s vacation. Still we were given such a date. Does he think I’m rejecting? No I’m not. And I’m not giving reasons and excuses.

“I’m not your slave that you keep ordering me” I was hurt. I hate it when he treats me like that.

“Sorry” he said. But had zero regret.

“It’s k. But I can’t come” I reminded him.

“You are coming. That’s all” he commanded.

“Arjun I’m sorry. But I can’t. I have a report to submit” I reasoned.

“See you by six” he said as he walked towards the door.

“Arjun I can’t” I shouted.

“Six O’clock” he clipped as he reached the door. Gave me a good look and left slamming it.

I scowled after he left. Nikhil will be there too. God I ignored him for so long, now he’ll be there. Now I have to get ready. That guy’s gonna die in my hands one or the other day.

“Mom!! Mom” I called out.

“What is it Radhi?” she replied.

“It’s Mehra aunty’s birthday today. We’re invited. Get ready” I said loudly.

“Ok” was all she could reply.

Nikhil’s POV:

I just don’t understand what’s wrong with Radha. She’s just ignoring me and it hurts. Six months. blo*dy six months. No calls. No texts. Today’s Arjun’s mom’s birthday and she’ll be there. The only thing is, I can’t attend. I’m out on a meeting with dad. She’s allotted Amity in the exchange programme and I’m so happy. For one year she’ll be in front of me. Now I’ll see how she’s going to escape. I will make her mine. Hook or crook.

Radhika’s POV:

Both me and mom got ready in red colour anarkali suits and headed towards the Mehra residence. It’s like next door. Huge mansion just like ours. We were served welcome drinks, like all parties. My eyes kept searching for Nikhil. I didn’t want him here. If he was, I had to hide.

“He’s not coming” I heard Arjun’s husky voice.

“Seriously?” I asked as I faced him.

“Yeah” he chuckled “don’t be so afraid. It’s only going to be his benefit. You’ll have to face him for a year. You gotta build up yourself” he stated.

He was right. I had to make it up to myself. He’s not going to do anything to me.

“You’re right” I said as I let out an exasperated sigh.

“Radhu look at me” he said as he cupped my cheek “I’ll never let him hurt you. I promise” he said seriously and all I could do was to look back at him with trust.

I know he never backs out from his words. He keeps them up. You can never find anyone like him.

“Stop thinking. It’s dangerous for you. You can even fall for him” screw my inner conscience.

That’s true. I need to keep myself away. He has a girl. I don’t want to be a barrier. This friendship between us is more than enough. Nothing more.

Arjun’s POV:

I looked deep into her green eyes. She too kept staring into my grey ones. She hadn’t expected those words from me. How can she? Who am I to her? To her I may be just a friend, but to me, she is special. I’ll always keep her safe. I know Nikhil. He’s this guy who can go to any extent to get things he wants.

I don’t know where this is going to go. Our friendship. I don’t want to scare her. We don’t talk much, we maintain a good distance from each other. She’s my neighbour. And I know what’s running in her head. If we hang out, talk to each other, the neighbours would doubt us. I go to her house now and then to clear doubts as we’re in the same branch. People would that I’m a player, that’s how they’d judge me as I have Meeta. Then Radhu. But we know what’s between us. Then why fear the world? We are not wrong.

“Meeta?” she asked, pulling me out if my thoughts.

That’s when I realized our position and backed out. I took my hand off her cheek and stared down at her.

“Huh?” I asked back.

“Isn’t Meeta coming?” she asked.

“Her dad’s not well. She’s in Mumbai. We cut cake last week itself. We knew she had to go” I said looking away. It hurt me that Meeta wasn’t around. But she has to be with her dad.

“Raj you’re not ok” she sounded concerned.

“I’m fine” I said.

“No you’re not. Look at me” she sounded annoyed and made me face her by holding my biceps.

“I so want Meeta here” my voice shook.

“Her dad needs her. She’s not run away. She’ll be back. Stop being a kid” she joked in the last part, making me chuckle.

“It’s the first time she’s gonna meet dad, though he has accepted our relationship. I thought I could help her impress him in one go” I said.

My dad is always out on business. So it’s me who has to be responsible at home. I so wanted Meeta. It would have been easier for us to take our relationship to the next level.

“Oh” was all Radhu could say.

“Come on let’s go cut the cake” I spoke little excited and pulled her along.

It was my mom’s 50th birthday, so I bought a 5kg cake and a designer sari as a gift. She loved heavy work designer saris. I’m so glad I have Radhu by my side. She has good taste in selecting clothes. She helped me pick a good sari for mom. Meeta hates saris, so I can’t take her. My other female friends look at sari as if it’s some deadly bacteria. So, they’re out too. We cut the cake and mom was so happy with the gift.

We distributed cake pieces and when it came to Radhu, I called her up front. She came. I had my ways to make her my good friend officially and our gang member too. As I was about to give her the piece, I smacked it on her face. Everyone around had a shocked look. Radhu too was shocked that she couldn’t react for a few seconds. After that, the room was filled with the sounds of roaring laughter. Radhu scowled as she looked annoyed. I clicked her picture quickly. She was cute as hell. I swear.

“I’m gonna kill you Arjun!!” she screamed.

“Welcome to our gang Radhu” pulling her into a side hug.

“Love you for this Arjun!!” Sam squealed in happiness.

“But I hate you Sam. Hate you even more Arjun!!” Radhu roared and started to chase me all around, which led to another laughter session.

“But I can never hate you Radhu” I said as I kept running.

She stopped dead in her tracks as she heard me. I too stopped and looked at her. Just as I was thinking what had run into her or if I had said something wrong, Radhu came to me and pulled me close and rubbed her cake smeared cheek against mine. A smirk of victory appeared on her face.

“Thanks for taking me into the club. I accept your offer” she winked.

“You are full of surprises” I chuckled as I wiped the cream off my face.

“Radhiiiii I love you now!!” Sam squealed again which made us all laugh and Radhu just rolled her eyes at it.

The party went on well and we had fun. I thought Radhika was this quiet girl, but no she is amazing. She got along well and kept talking. I just kept watching her amazed. This girl never ceases to amaze me.

Radhika’s POV:

I donno what’s wrong with Arjun. He’s just praising me and complementing. He even motivated me to face Nikhil. That I can’t run. What’s with him? He’s all pampering. Why did he want me in his gang? I can be alone. I’m used to being alone. I thought he was quiet, but no, he talks a lot. I’m happy he is not a quiet person. He has this humorous side too. I like this one rather than the serious Arjun. Oh well, I need to prepare myself for Amity. Why that college? Now I am scared. One year in Amity. God please help me.

“No you shouldn’t be scared. It’s just Nikhil. Another obsessed stalker. You have Neil. You have Arjun too. Come on baby! Be strong, never give up. You can do it” my inner conscience encouraged me.

Me and mom came back home. I finished my report and slept late. The alarm on my phone kept buzzing and I just couldn’t open my eyes. But I had to. Report baby report!! If I don’t submit today gone. My CV!! It’s up to the mark, I need to be the best so that it’ll be easier. A boost to my carrier.

Omg omg omg!! I just can’t believe Neil is coming back!! He’s going to convince Sam!! I know he’s going to propose her for marriage. I just can’t wait to see that one happy look on Sam’s face. She loves him a lot. I’m just so happy for the two of them.

I got ready in my salwar and came out to see Arjun waiting for me. I had no other go than to get in. We drove off to college and he said that he’d wait for me.

“Arjun you can go” I said.

“I’m waiting for you Radhu. And that’s final” he sounded annoyed. Jeez get a break dude.

“Ok. Suit yourself” I replied and walked inside.

I finished submitting my report. I had to present it too. I finished it and I got good reviews. I’m so happy. I got my certificate and head to go to the principal for receiving the student exchange programme details. We had our works assigned. I had to gather up the required things. I finished it and came out. I found Arjun still in the same spot waiting for me. This guy is stubborn as hell. This is why I love so much in him.

“Jana shut the hell up. Such thoughts shouldn’t come in your head” my inner conscience again warned.

He’s just a friend. Stop being so restricting.

I walked towards him. He saw me and smiled. I showed him my certificate and his face beamed.

“I think someone’s going to treat me” he sang, letting out a smile as we drove off.

“Who’s going to treat you?” I asked.

“You” he replied.

“Me? Why?” I asked back.

“The certificate. It’s not easy to get” he said seriously.

“Well thank you. Sorry, I didn’t get my wallet” I replied coolly.

“Then you’ll have to cook for me” he said.

“No I’m not” I shot back.

“Oh yes you are” he sang, which annoyed me “I want that cheese sandwich of yours. It was so yummy” he said as if he was eating it again.

Reliving the memories huh?

“I am not” I repeated again.

“Oh yes you are” he sang.

“Fine” I frowned as I crossed my arms, which led him to have a hearty laugh.

We reached home and I made him sandwiches. He ate them heartily. I could only smile seeing the way he ate my sandwiches.

“Omg Radhu!! It’s amazing!!” he spoke with his mouth full.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full” I said with a smile.

He finished eating and left. One more month. And then Amity. The thought of it is exciting. But Nikhil. Don’t remember him. Just don’t. Think that you don’t know him.

Arjun’s POV:

I watched Radhika as she made the sandwiches. She was tensed. I know it’s Nikhil. Why is she so scared of him? I know he is obsessed, but that doesn’t mean she needs to be scared. Did he hurt her? What makes her be so scared of him? If he had done something, then I’m not going to spare him. But I donno how to ask Radhika. I just don’t want to spoil the atmosphere.

“Omg Radhu!! It’s amazing” I said as I enjoyed the sandwich with my mouth filled. I must have looked like an idiot.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full” she smiled.

I left after having the sandwich. I got my treat alright.

Neil came back and he straight went off to Sam’s house. I dropped him and I had picked him up. Radhika was at Sam’s place.

“All the best bro” I wished him.

Thanks dude” he replied with a smile. Gosh he was nervous and tensed like anything. Anyone could say that.

He was going to propose Sam. Radhika was helping her get ready. She didn’t want anything to be be spoilt. So, she herself go ready as if she was going to a party. Sam was a sharp girl. One mistake can spoil everything. I drove off then.

Radhika’s POV:

I helped Sam get ready. Neil had called me up informing to get her ready. This idiotic best friend of mine is do sharp that she suspects things quickly. So, I had to be ready, posing as if I was going to a party.

“You look stunning” I said.

“You too Radhi” she replied.

Just then the doorbell rang. I knew it was Neil. I checked the time. Perfect. So punctual.

“Why don’t you go get the door” I said.

Sam cocked up an eyebrow and headed to the door. As soon as she opened, the sight left her shocked. The shock covered the surprise on her face. Standing in front of her was Neil. The love of her life. It took her seconds to come back to reality. Neil kept smiling at her state. She then snapped out and hugged him tight squealing in happiness. He just laughed. I couldn’t help but laugh too.

The next thing… A lip lock. I just turned to the other side. I am stuck here. The back door is jammed and the front door has these two lovebirds blocking. I am so stuck. I feel I donno somewhat.

“A.. ahem. Guys I exist. I’m a virgin and so are my eyes” I said in an unexplainable way, covering my eyes. Then looked everywhere but them.

Both of them broke out of their tiny bubble because of me. I owe them an apology later. BIG APOLOGY. They looked embarrassed. I couldn’t help but smile. Sam had her face buried in Neil’s chest.

“All the best” I said as I walked out.

“Thanks budhu. For everything” he said.

I just gave him a smile and walked out. I walked a little farther and spotted Arjun’s car. I smiled and got in. We then drove off home.

“Movie?” he asked. I was at his place. Our parents were out.

“Okay” I smiled.

“Which one?” he asked.

“Hum apke hai kaun” I said.

He smiled and played the movie. I slept in the middle of the movie. I didn’t realize that I had slept on Arjun’s shoulder. I got up in the morning and the state I saw, left me embarrassed. I was on his lap, my head on his chest. Arjun slept with his chin on my head. I flushed red from root tip to the end of my toenail. I quickly got off, not waking him up and left.

I got a call from Sam after I came out of the bathroom.

“Radhiiiiiii” I heard a shrill high pitched voice. I scowled as I pulled the receiver away from my ear.

“Good morning Sammy” I sang.

“Good morning” she scowled. She thought I didn’t notice her happiness and excited voice

“I know baby I know. Neil proposed” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“He did!!” she squealed “I have a big diamond ring now on my finger now” she squealed. I know she is jumping as I could feel the faltering now and then in her voice.

“Good for you” I replied.

“Ok I gotta go” she said.

“Bye” I smiled as I hung up on the phone.

Arjun’s POV:

She just fell asleep in the middle of the movie. She snuggled closer and rested on my shoulder. She was so cute. I too fell asleep as the movie ended. I didn’t find her when I woke up in the morning. She must have been so embarrassed. I just don’t know how things happen like this. Meeta hasn’t called me for two days. We can never be without talking to each other. She has even stopped coming home. I donno what’s wrong. Just then my phone buzzed. It was Neil.

“How was yesterday?” I asked mischievously.

“Not the way you’re thinking. But, it was splendid” he replied.

“Good for you” I said.

“Bye. We’ll catch up sometime” he said.

“Yeah sure” I replied as I hung up.

A month just passed like jiffy. Like the blink of an eye. Radhika went shopping and I couldn’t help but smile. I accompanied her. Meeta came back and I got to spend time with her. Meeta never accompanied us. She was in her own bubble. I let her be as she too was tensed with the new academic year starting.

We all came to college and assembled in our usual spot. Sam bought Neil with her and Radhu was with me. Luckily all of us were in the same class. Isn’t that cool. Nikhil came after a while. Radhu’s body tensed and stiffened. But she covered it up. I held her by her waist and pulled her a little closer. Radhu seemed to be shocked, but kept quiet. We had lunch, chatted for a while and went back to class.

We were given our project. The twelve of us were in the same team. Relieved as hell. We decided make a race car model. A working one. Meeta was ignoring me and it hurt a lot. We spoke only once a week that too over the phone. I let it be as I was busy. After the first internals I decided to talk to her. Mistake might be mine too. I’m not spending much time with her.

Radhika’s POV:

I felt Arjun drifting. He was lost always. I can see that he’s not giving much time to Meeta and he is guilty. That girl seems to never care. It’s been three months since I’m here and I’ve been her getting a little cozy with another guy. They might be friends too. No Radhika don’t think too much. It’s their personal.

I’m so happy that everyone is so friendly here. Neil is my Knight In Shining Armour. He always makes sure Nikhil doesn’t cause any harm. I’m so happy. Sam is on cloud nine. She is so happy to have him back. She’s always lively, which she had lost when Neil left. Now she’s back and I’m so so so happy!!

I see Meeta with the same guy again. The same way. Isn’t this getting way beyond the thought? Can I go talk? No!! That’ll not be right. Can I tell Arjun?! No way!! He’ll never believe me. He’ll trust his Meeta only. I don’t our friendship to just break because of a misunderstanding. It’s almost going to be decade since they’ve been in a relationship. It can’t go in waste. I might be thinking out of the box too. They might be close friends.

We were busy in our assignments. It’s always been me who writes the answers and I just pass it around and I get an ice cream or a veg roll from everyone. Neil got me this beautiful clutch. Arjun got me an antique ring. Lol I get something or the other.

Seventh sem’s come to an end and it’s like back to square one now. It’s not normal between us. Between me and Arjun. It’s like how we were in the starting. I too stopped talking to him. All knew the tension between us. We just donno who is wrong. We just drifted apart. Did Arjun and Meeta have a fight because of me? I didn’t want to ask or disturb him. So, I let him be. But it hurt. I donno why it just did. He did pick me up everyday. But, I couldn’t stand it. So, I got ready even more quickly and left to college all by myself. I took the public transport. Funny right?! Daughter of a billionaire taking public transport. But it’s k. It’s fun.

One day, as I was walking, I felt someone pull me and pin me up the wall in the corner. For a second I thought it was Nikhil and I panicked. I started to cry. But the voice I heard got me frozen.

“Why are you avoiding me?” I heard Arjun.

I looked up to meet his grey eyes “no I’m not. You’re not alright. So, I gave you your space. I didn’t want to be clingy” I hissed in between tears.

“I and Meeta fought” he said upset. His eyes started to blur.

“Is it because of me?” I asked.

“No” was all he could say.

“Arjun let me go” I struggled in his hold. This is so not ok. I don’t like what’s happening.

All he did was kept looking into my eyes, with a good grip. Not good. Not at all good. I pushed him off with all my strength and walked off.

Exams….. All twelve… No eleven of us in my house. Nikhil didn’t come. We all studied and slept off. All had extra clothes. We got ready and left for exams. It went well. I topped. With Sam second. Neil third and Arjun fifth. Nikhil failed in three subjects, but was allowed to attend the next semester as you can carry four papers. I didn’t see Meeta much like before. This is not good. Arjun is turning out on everyone. Hasn’t their fight still sorted out? Not good at all. Arjun is depressed. He isn’t sleeping or eating well. I’ve seen him crying now and then. Did they break up? If it was so we’d have known. Is he hiding something? I can’t go talk. Who am I? I’m just a neighbour. A friend. Nothing more.

Arjun’s POV:

It hurt me when Radhika stopped talking to me. She took the public transport. What the hell!! A billionaire’s daughter she is. I’m so tensed and worried that Meeta isn’t talking about to me. I must have been a jerk. Throwing tantrums and my frustration on them all. My friends hs nothing to do with it.

When I faced her that day, I was shocked at her outburst. She wanted to give me space. I was totally zoned out.

Exams came by and we all had good results. Nikhil had three backs. Seventh semester dude. It’s gonna get him a black mark. I don’t care. Let’s see what he does this semester.

Eight semester… College started off again after a month’s vacation. Radhika had just locked herself at home. This girl!! I just fail to understand her. She never picked up my calls. Not even Sam’s. Neil too. Sam knocked her room. But all we got was


She literally shrieked. I just don’t understand. Can’t she just open up? I’m out of my sober mode and happy. Meeta is talking properly to me.

Well college is starting. The final semester!! Omg!! It feels totally s*xy just thinking about it. Almost an engineer. I waited outside her mansion. I saw her coming out in an off white long anarkali. She was breathtaking. She just looked past me and walked off. What on earth is wrong with her? She’s just getting on my nerves. I got off my car and pulled her to me. Her face hit my strong chest. She tried struggling, but I didn’t let go.

“Let me go Arjun” her voice broke. Shit she was crying.

“What happened Radhu?” I asked as I pulled away from her and studied her features. It hurt when those beautiful green eyes never met my grey ones.

Radhika’s POV:

After exam results, we all celebrated for our good results. Arjun dropped me back home and I got to know that mom and dad are out of town. I was ok. Oberoi aunty… Sheila aunty was there. No need to worry.

As I locked my door, I felt like I saw a silhouette. I turned around to see no one. I was about to walk upstairs, I was pinned to the walk and kissed hard. I never kissed back as I was in shock. It took me seconds to realise it was Nikhil. I pushed him hard and ran up to my room. He got in before I could shut it.

“Not so soon sweetheart” he said seductively. It disgusted me.

He pushed me to the bed and got on top of me. He gave me hickeys wherever he could. His hand slid to my thigh and went higher. His other hand was on my bosom. I tried to pick up something, but it was out of reach. My hand caught something, I donno what, but it fell off. Just as things were about to get even more worse, the weight was pulled off me and all I heard was punches and I blacked out.

I woke up the next morning to see my parents next to me. When did they get back? Who saved me?

“It’s k princess. You’re safe” dad said.

“Nikhil’s handed over to the police. Don’t worry” mom said.

All I could do was cry. I hugged mom and cried. Nothing had happened. I looked at myself. Swollen lips with dried blood. He bit my lower lip hard. Hickeys like everywhere possible. God I was a mess. I just locked up myself. Never went out. I knew I had to go to college. My dad broke all the ties with the Rathores. It made big news. I’m thankful to my parents that they didn’t tell anyone anything.

On the day of reopening, I saw Arjun waiting out for me. I just walked past him. I know he’ll get annoyed. I don’t want to face him. He’d ask why didn’t I come for the trip. I didn’t attend anyone’s calls. I know Neil would have found out and he’d be worried sick. Hes didn’t tell anyone till now? Wow!

Arjun pulled me to him and I couldn’t face him. I’d break down.

“Radhika look at me. Tell me what happened” he demanded shaking me by my shoulders.

I broke down and told him everything. He was furious. I could feel his body tense next to me.

“Radhika I’m sorry. Why didn’t you tell anything?” he asked.

“What can you do? Stop blaming yourself” I said.

He gave me a friendly hug and drove off. He is so angry. I’m not liking this.

Arjun’s POV:

I just felt like killing that bastard for doing that to her. Glad that nothing happened to her. Little did she know that I had called Neil while she was reciting. He was so worried about her. I couldn’t help but do that. We both need to teach him a good lesson.

As we reached college, the whole gang stood at the parking. Neil just came and pulled Radhika into a tight hug. He too broke down. Radhika was a kid to him. The bond they shared was the purest of all. Radhika too broke down. We then headed to classes.

Back to square one. Meeta is just ignoring me. Whenever Radhika sees Meeta, she gives her a death glare. Meeta walks with her head hung low. Does Radhika know something? I need to talk to her.

A week later, me and Neil went to the jail where Nikhil was kept. My uncle was an officer so we go permission. We beat him up to our heart’s content and left. We never let Radhika know.

Radhika’s POV:

I’m hating Meeta these days. Why does she have to do this to Arjun? He’s such a good person and she’s cheating him. She’s happily roaming with another guy. I just can’t go tell him. Will he believe me? No!! Meeta is guilty that she can’t even face me.

It’s fest next week!! So happy. We all went shopping and Arjun bought me a pink maxi. It was lovely.

Fest day!! We were at the stalls and what I saw shocked me. That random guy whom Meeta used to be with kissed her cheek. Arjun had to go an important business meeting so wasn’t he here. Meeta’s eyes dropped as she saw me. Now I was sure she was cheating on him.

How am I going to say this to Arjun? It’ll hurt him like hell. We’re good friends but how can I? I just can’t see him broken. It hurts me at the thought of him breaking down. It’s like someone pricked thousand needles in chest. I really like him. I have Fallen For My Neighbour!!

That cannot happen. It is so not happening. But it did. How did I let that happen? Gosh no!! But I’m gonna be normal.

Three months have passed and it’s all going well. We finished our model. I and Arjun went back home. He didn’t talk to me after that. He didn’t come to college at all.

I got Sam’s call “Radhi to Arjun’s place. NOW” she burst out.

Something wrong. I rushed to his place from college. I saw the whole gang there. In the middle I saw an unconscious Arjun.

“What happened?” I asked. It pained to him like that.

“He attempted suicide” Neil clipped.

“What? Why? Wait.. Is it Meeta?” I asked angry at the last part.

Neil nodded in agreement “she cheated on him. She went for that Raichand!! That player” Neil hissed angrily.

“We found him trying to choke himself” Sam said worried “doctor’s given him an injection. He’ll be alright” she continued.

Tears just couldn’t stop flowing down my cheeks. Why him? He’s the best guy anyone can ever have. Why him? Why oh why?

“Radhu can you take care of him? Neil asked and I nodded in positive.

I made him some soup after everyone left. He was up by the time I finished preparing it. I helped him up and I could see his own finger marks on his neck. He had tried to kill himself. What about me then? How can I live be alone? How could he think of leaving me alone? Wait Radhika he doesn’t love you. Stop ranting shit. He hugged me, which brought me out of my thoughts. I too hugged him back. He cried like a kid. I didn’t realise the tears flowing down my cheeks. They never failed to stop. I wiped my tears and pulled back and fed him he soup. He never fought, he just sipped it silently. We never spoke. I never asked him anything. We just remained in an undeniable silence.

I was about to leave, he said “Radhu please don’t leave me” it just hurt “one night Radhu please” he pleaded. I nodded and stayed.

Our parents were out on world tour. Perfect timing. He lied on my lap and cried to sleep. I kept caressing his head. I couldn’t sleep at all. What if he tries to do something again?! No no no… No no no no no no. I fell asleep though. I woke up with a jerk. I saw Raj sleeping on my lap. I checked his breath. It was even, making me let out a relieved sigh. I got off and made him soup.

He brushed and I fed him. He freshened up and slept. I made him lunch and fed it too. I left home as our parents were coming back. Neil had called them back. He started drinking his way. It hurt a lot. No one could stop him. He’d just beat them up. He pushed me too, leading to an ankle sprain. He apologised for it. Unforgivable.

Arjun’s POV:

I know I’ve been a total jerk. I couldn’t stand Meeta making out with that Raichand. Now I understand why Radhu was so furious. She’d try to talk, but stop. Our friendship mattered to her. She knew that I’d never trust her. I tried to kill myself. It hurt a lot. But Neil came on time and held my hands. I went unconscious after that. I saw Radhu after I woke up. I broke down. She too cried. Why was she crying? She was just a good friend. Maybe that’s why friendship is called.

I started drinking my way out. My parents returned. Mom slapped me hard and then cried hugging me. I started drinking my daylights out. Nights too. Everyone tried stopping me, none succeeded. I beat up everyone who came in my way. I hurt Radhu too. She got her ankle sprained trying to stop me. It was for my betterment. She stopped talking to me too. That hurt. Mom tried talking to Meeta too. And her parents too. No positive response. It hurt more. It’s been three weeks. Two more months of college. Final semester. I can’t screw it up. Need to study. Need to move out. Need to apologise to everyone. Especially Radhu. The poor girl took care of me so much and I hurt her.

I got ready and called up everyone one by one and apologised. They were happy. Neil was furious and so was Sam. But they too forgave me.

Now it’s time to convince my Radhika. My neighbour. My best friend.

I went to her house. She was alone. Uncle and aunty are busy in expanding their business. They’re out most of the time. The door was open. This girl is driving me nuts!! After such an attack, she keeps the door unlocked.

“Welcome Arjun” I heard from a corner.

I saw her playing her piano. It was heavenly. Soothing to my ears.

“Sorry Radhu” I apologised as she finished.

Radhika’s POV:

How can I be angry on him? I love him. I was so happy to see him out his room. Out of his rude mode. How can I forget he’d hurt me? I stayed mum. Didn’t answer. Tears failed to stop.

“Radhu please say something” he pleaded.

“It’s k Arjun” I said as I wiped my tears.

“No Radhu it’s not” he said as he pulled me up.

“It is Arjun. I swear. You needed some time. See now you’re alright” I said and he smiled faintly.

Arjun’s POV:

I just didn’t know what to do. She forgave me so soon. She’s amazing. The only thing I knew was to pull her into a big tight hug. It felt so good to have her in my arms. I love her. Wait. What?! Love and her?! No she’s a friend. My Best Friend. What’ll she think about me? I’m not going to tell her my feelings.

We pulled away and she made me a cup of coffee. We spoke for a while and I all did was look at her. She was so beautiful. He green eyes, her lips. Everything about her was beautiful. She was disturbed though. Something is wrong. I left silently after the coffee.

Radhika’s POV:

He just left. He loves her so much. I need to bring Meeta back.

I went to her class the next day and called her out.

“Why Meeta?” I asked disappointed.

“It just happened” she said casually.

“You’ve just lost the best thing in your life” I reminded her.

“Ayush is better” she said.

“Meeta please” I pleaded “he’ll die without you” I pleaded again.

Just then Arjun came and pulled me to him. He planted a long kiss on my head and pulled me to a side hug. This shocked me and Meeta too.

“Why are you wasting your time on her?” he asked.

I couldn’t say anything. Was at loss of words.

“How was my plan to get her back?” he asked as we walked down the hall.

“I got so scared that you fell for me” I chuckled. But it hurt inside.

“Naah you’re my best friend” he replied with a hearty laugh.

We kept going on with our plan and it worked. Meeta was jealous. We kept posing as a couple. Everyone in college believed. Our gang knew it being fake. I fell even more for him. Can’t help it.

Arjun’s POV:

I still can’t forget the day she told that she got scared that I fell for her. I did really. But I was sure that I fell for her. Hard and deep.

A month passed and I fell even more for her. I loved her selfless nature. She helped me. Risking her heart. We kept going on with our plan. Radhika didn’t seem to be uncomfortable with my closeness. I felt good, else I’ll have to think twice. I still do.

Radhika’s POV:

He cares so much. And I love it. Couldn’t he just tell that he loves me? I’ll just hug him tight and never let go.

Meeta came to me and blocked my way. All I could do was stare. She then hugged me and started to cry.

“I want Arjun back. Please” she cried onto my shoulder.

“You will” I smiled but it hurt. I just donno how the words popped out.

Meeta pulled away “seriously?” she asked.

“Yep” I nodded.

In the corner of the eye, I saw Arjun watching us. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. The next task is, I need to let out my tears. They’re in the verge of pouring out. But why was Arjun shocked? Didn’t he want this? He just walked off.

“Come to the park. The usual one. Tomorrow” I smiled and walked away.

I ran to the washroom and cried. It did hurt. Like a lot. Lot lot lot. Is this the way he felt when he found out Meeta was never going to be his? It would have hurt even more. I’m gonna miss those grey eyes look deep into mine.

I washed my face and came out. Why was this day filled with shocks? I found Arjun standing with his hands in his pockets. He pulled me to a side and shook me hard. I couldn’t face him. He would’ve known it all be the look written on my face.

“Pour it out Radhu. Pour it out” he said faintly. His voice too seemed a bit broken.

I didn’t say anything nor could do anything. I didn’t even want to face him. If I did, I’d break down. He was my everything. I can’t afford to lose him. But I have to. He doesn’t belong to me. He never did. Belongs to someone else. To Meeta.

He placed his forehead against mine and was breathing heavily. Both his big, rough yet gentle hands cupping my cheeks. Was he a furnace? Self warmer. His warmth spreading through my cold skin. His breath fanning my face. His cologne. I’d fallen so much in love with it. I’ll miss this too. So very much. This is the only time I get to cherish. Can’t get it tomorrow. He’ll be with her. I let go of my guard and surrendered myself to him. I felt warm tears on my cheeks. I looked up to see him tearing. I couldn’t hold it back anymore.

“I tried hard not to fall for you” I confessed as my tears failed to stop, looking deep into his eyes.

“I love you Radhika” he confessed, shocking me.

“This is wrong” I said.

It hurt more. I know he loves me, but I can’t. Meeta loves him. I love him, but can’t say it. I promised Meeta.

“Just once. Say it once. I’ll leave everything behind for you” he said.

“I’m sorry this is so wrong” I said as I pushed him off and ran.

“You’ll be mine Radhika Mishra” he screamed. All I did was run.

The next day, I bought Meeta to the park. I had texted Arjun. l saw him seated on a bench under the blossom tree. I was about to leave, but Meeta pulled me along. Arjun saw us and stood up. We stood in an awkward silence.

“I Love You Arjun!!” Meeta screamed as she hugged him.

I was about to leave, but Arjun caught my hand. He wasn’t hugging her back. Meeta looked upto him with an angry look. Arjun pleaded me through his eyes to stay back. I just got off his hold and ran away.

Arjun’s POV:

I watched Radhu’s fragile form disappear. I know how much it would have hurt her. I pulled Meeta away and walked off.

Radhu came home with sandwiches that night. Those sandwiches were heavenly, I swear. I can live all my life eating these. With her by my side. I saw dr staring at me with a small smile. Pain written all over her face.

“How are the sandwiches?” she asked silently. Was more like a whisper.

She’d break down if she spoke some more. Her voice was half broken. I was sure that she too loves me. I just want her to say it. I just went to her pulled her into a hug. I never want to let her go. I love her so very much. She cried silently into my shirt. I didn’t care if the salt stains.

“This is wrong” she whispered.

“No it’s not” I said as I pulled away and planted a deep kiss on her forehead.

“Yes it is” she said as she held on my wrsts tightly that cupped her cheeks.

I just lifted her in bridal style and headed towards my room. She looked shocked at my move. I placed her on the bed and lied down next to her. Couldn’t hold it anymore. I hugged her tight. She seemed to struggle.

“Please Radhu. Just one night. Please. Let me hold you” I pleaded.

She relaxed and fell asleep. I couldn’t help but stare at her. She was an angel. My angel. I fell asleep as I kept watching her. The next morning, I woke up alone. She was gone. Why? Why does she have to be so selfless? Can’t she be selfish for once?

She never spoke to me after that? Did she regret it? I couldn’t go home and face her too.

A week later, the doorbell rang. I thought it’d be Radhu and hopped excitedly and opened the door. My face fell as I saw Meeta.

“Come in” I said.

“We need to talk” she said.

Meeta took me to my room and sat on my lap. I didn’t understand what was going but I soon did realise. She started grinding her hips against mine. This is not good. I couldn’t help but let out a moan of satisfaction. The moment was broken by a voice. We froze.

“S-ss- ssss-sorry” Radhika stuttered.

I regret this now. To the core. Radhu stood at the door. I looked at floor to see a broken glass plate that had my favourite sandwiches. Her eyes started to well up. No this is so wrong. My Radhika cannot cry. She put the broken plate pieces away and walked off. I pushed Meeta away and ran behind.

I stopped at the door “sorry Meeta but I love my Radhu” I ran again. I didn’t wait for her reply, I just ran.

Before I could reach her, she was already out the door. But I’m not going to let go. I followed her and went to her house. I just burst open the door and saw her fragile form on the sofa. She lied on the sofa belly down and her face in between the cushions. It hurt like hell. I’m not gonna let her cry. Never ever. She is mine. And I promised to protect her. I will keep it up forever. I went to her and pulled her up. She didn’t face me. She just kept beating my chest and wherever possible.

Radhika’s POV:

Why is he here? He was with her? Why is he here now? What more does he want? It hurt a lot when I saw them in that position. I thought he meant those words, but no he didn’t. He was with her. Now why?!! Why why why?

I am on his lap and he is cradling me back and forth to calm me. Why? Why is he doing it? I kept beating him everywhere possible and struggled in his hold. He never let me go.

“I hate you” I groaned into his shirt. I meant it.

“But I love you. I know you don’t mean it” he chuckled kissing my head.

“I did” I snapped without a blink.

“Uh huh” he smirked as he detached my my head from his chest and cupped my cheek.

“Y-yes” I stuttered looking away.

“Say that to my face. Looking into my eyes” he demanded angrily. I hate him when he’s angry.

I looked into his eyes “yes I hate you. Hate you when you’re angry. You’re angry now. So yes, I hate you” I replied equally angry. I thought for a second and nodded assuringly.

“And when I’m not angry” he asked coming closer.

“Umm… I… we..” I stuttered. Screw my senses. He’s so close and I just lose myself.

“Tell me Radhu” he said huskily. It was seductive too. Oh I loved this.

I couldn’t hold it anymore. This guy’s told me I Love You like a million times, well not so many. But he’s told it more than me. I need to tell it out. I do love him. Love everything in him. His anger, his rudeness, his care. His SMILE. Everything!! There’s nothing that can make me hate him. It just makes me fall even more. Harder. This guy is impossible.

Letting out a sigh, I cupped his cheek looking deep into his eyes “I Love You Arjun” I said honestly.

“What if I’m angry?” he asked.

“I love you even then” I confessed.

“Say that again” he commanded.

“I LOVE YOU ARJUN MEHRA!!” I screamed to the top of my voice.

“I love you too baby. So very much” he replied and crashed his lips over mine mercilessly.

It was the best feeling ever. I got to kiss the man I loved. I fell hard for my neighbour. Hahahahaha and he too. It was a long, slow passionate kiss. My first kiss was gone. And it was the best!!

Arjun’s POV:

It felt so good to kiss her. It was my first kiss too. I’d never kissed Meeta. It felt so good. It felt heavenly when she said those three words. Her hands found way into my hair and my one hand held her waist tight and the other one cupping her cheek. We broke the kiss as we lost our breath. Radhika threw her head back as I planted kisses down her jaw and neck. I bit her hard on her neck, hard enough to give her a hickey. It’s not a hickey, it’s a love bite.

“Arjun” she moaned.

I pulled back and placed my forehead against hers. I looked deep into her beautiful green eyes. I was so much in love with those green eyes. So much in love with this woman. My neighbour. It’s so hard to believe, but it happened. Screw the ten years I wasted. It was all a test. To find and face my Radhu. My Radhika.

“I love you Radhika Mishra” I said.

“Love you too Arjun Mehra” she said back.

So this is it… The update… Tada…. Please let me know of how it is… Will post the other ffs soon… Till then tata babaye.. Love you all lads.. Tc… Keep smiling… Bear hugs to all of you


Love exploring new genres in writing... Geminian!! Loud music!! More of a bathroom singer... Hates being in the so called reality and loves her own little bubble

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