Fan Fiction

Falling Petals (A Shivika OS) by kriti

Anika’s lips curved into a smile, thinking about him. This man has invaded her thoughts. She put down the magazine and her smile grew wider seeing the cover of magazine.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi was looking dashing as usual, with his million dollar smile. She couldn’t stop adoring him. He had those kanji aankhe that could make anyone fall for him.

A rose petal touched her cheek and the smile immediately changed into a frown.

She was never afraid of losing but now it was different. There was a constant fear in her heart of losing the one she loved the most.

With and uncertain feeling, she looked at her vase of pink roses. He knew she loved pink roses more than the red ones .

“It has 12 roses. The day all these roses die, you’ll lose me. ”

His words echoed in her ears. Sometimes he did talk weird. His words were beyond her understanding.What could be the connection of roses and losing him? But whatever it was she couldn’t lose him.

Just like the moon gave light in the darkest times, he was with her in her darkest times.

This many had so many shades that she could write a book on him. “Infinite shades of SSO” For a moment he might be all lovey-dovey and then deep meaning talks and then poetic. This guy was unpredictable. A puzzle. Nobody knows what goes on in his mind. Not that Anika didn’t like him. He was perfect. For her.

He was just like a open book but you need to understand in which language it was written.

There were eleven roses left. One had died and the petals of the others had started to fall as well.

She knew that one day all the roses would die but something in her did not agree. She wondered why? For it was a scientific fact.

She sipped her coffee while wondering about his words and the roses. She was lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice Shivaay entering the room with a mischievous grin.

“Thinking about me sweetie? ” She was snapped out of her thoughts, by his mischievous voice.

“You widh” she replied, not ready to admit it.

“There’s no harm in accepting it, sweetie. Never take up on acting. You suck” he grinned.

“Fine” she replied, defeated.

“What were you thing about? ” he saw her getting lost in her dreamland again.

“You” the words escaped her mouth before she could realize.

“I know that. But what about me? How hot I am or how many girls drool over me?” he smirked.

“Counting the number of times, I have thrown water on you” she replied sarcastically. “You’re so self obsessed. ” she muttered.

“Don’t count the number, you’ll lose the count. By the way, I’m not self obsessed, just proud.”

Anika looked at him, unbelievably. This man is going to be the death of me she thought.

Just one more flower to go. A tear escaped her eye as she saw the last flower die.

Being scared, she started to be with him more. Every night they would go for a walk, talking about random things, laughing over the past mistakes, teasing each other.

Right now, she had those mix feelings. She was scared yet confident.

Two days passed but surprisingly the petals of the last rose didn’t start to fall. That was the she realized that it was fake.

She took the flower in her hand and looked at it with feeling of certainty. Contentment brewing in her heart. There was a note in it. Her lips curved.

You brighten up my day,
We will face it all,
Come what may.
My love, it’s just the beginning,
It’s enough of dating,
So answer me, will you be mine forever?

A arm wrapped around her waist from the back but she just smiled.

“This rose is fake. It will never die and so will my love for you. I know forever is a long time but trust me I’ll never stop loving you. If I lose you, I’ll lose myself. ” he kissed her hair lovingly.

“And we don’t want to lose something as precious as me, so soon. Now do we? ”

They both smiled ear to ear. A satisfactory smile on Anika’s face, that was enough for him.
Guys! I accidentally deleted the chapter of how I met my healer?? I have to type it again.

P. S – please tell me how’s the cover photo. I tried editing for the first time.


Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in rain.

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