Fan Fiction

FAn fiction Twinj Episode 13

Hey guys.. …. Thanks for ur support nd ur immense Love… Please give ur valuable feedback..
Recap Twinj were dancing romantically… Today there was not much need of Alia so she leaves the place..
On the other side Yuki tell twinj that after practice they will go to buy their engagement ring,,,

Episode -13
After the practice for musical play they all left for buying engagement rings..
Twinkle nd Chinki were on one side nd the boys were on other side… The sales man was showing them rings of different designs…
As per the plan Chinki nd YUvi decided to ask Kunj/Twinkle that we are confused plz help us to select ring for their partners..
C- Twinki where are you lost?? Plz help me na .see I am so confused…
T- Umm .. Okay wait let me see…
TWINKLE selected a simple yet beautiful ring just like her.. When Twinkle was busy in selecting ring Chinki purchased the ring for Yuvi .. A ring which suits Yuvi’s personality..
T- Chinki I like this ring .. Are you Okay wid this..
C-Ya perfect..
On the other side Yuvi also ask Kunj to see for a ring .. Kunj likes a elegant ring .. nd shows it to Uv ..Uv has also purchased the ring when Kunj was busy in selecting ring…
Chinki nd UV Shows (y) thumbs to each other as there plan succeeded…
They all left for their house..
At night
Twinkle was lying on her bed nd thinking about the moments she had spent with Kunj when they were small.. There Fights for chocolates, whenever someone say anything against any one of them how they use to fight with that person..How in childhood when she use to get angry only Kunj was the one who can make up her mood.. Thinking about these things she felt asleep with a smile on her face.. 

Kunj was lying down on his bed nd was recollecting the moments when he was dancing with Twinkle , their closeness when they were dancing , their eye lock.. He also slept with a broad smile on his face.. 😀
Twinkle wakes up spreads her arms nd was very Cheerful.. Then her phone beeped.. She expected a text from Kunj but to her disappointment it was Alia.. Twinkle sees her name nd speak now what does she want? Ahhhh
She opens the msg nd it was written Twinkle plz can you do me a favor.. Can you plz meet me at Freedom café at 10 Am .. She replied yes…
Alia was having some hidden motive behind meeting Twinkle..
Yuvi gets ready and makes a call to Kunj..
Uv-HEY bro
K- Hi Uv …
Uv- bro can you plz do me a favor
K- Ya sure, tell me..
Uv- Can you plz meet me at Café Coffee Day which is opposite to Freedom Café
Uv- ok then meet you there at 10:30am …. BYE

Its 9:30 in the morning
Twinkle was getting ready.. She selected a pink nd navy blue Patiala suit..Which was gifted to her by our hero..
She leaves for Café in her car by 9:50..
Alia was eagerly waiting for her..
A – Hey Twinkle, Thank god u came..
T- Ya tell what favor you were talking about?
A – Actually the thing is that I Luv KUNJ nd I think he also loves me but he is not able to confess it so I thought I should plan a dinner date with him.. Will you help me that
T-okay.. Listen I have some urgent piece of work I will talk to you later..
Alia makes a call nd tell someone that she left the café.. You get ready nd execute the plan..
Twinkle was shattered.. She was bitterly crying but she don’t that why she is feeling bad … She was feeling like someone has snatched her life from her… She was walking aimlessly nd a car was marching towards her with a great speed nd hit her nd ran from .. Her head was bleeding badly.. she was lying on the street unconscious.. The crowd gathered there..
It was around 10:25am.. kunj was driving towards Café Coffee Day .. On the road he saw a lot of crowd gathered around someone.. He left his car nd goes to check what’s happening there.. There he found a girl lying down on the street unconscious nd then kunj scolds everyone.. He says that how insensitive you all are.. someone is bleeding badly nd you all are standing still..

#PRECAP- Kunj goes near that girl nd turns her so that he can lift her nd take her to the car but when he turns her he just can’t believe his eyes that girl is none other than Twinkle…

Hope you guys like it..Nd thnx for commenting always..
Sorry for the mistakes… 2 or 3 epi’s are left..which I will post whenever I will get time.. till the stay connected..
Luv you all.. 🙂 🙂


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