Fan Fiction

FANAA – Reborn For Love And Revenge……….(((((RAGLAK))))) ||| Episode 3

hi guysss… thank you thank you so much for your comments and support you showed on previous episode… thank you guys… keep support and comment…thank you…

scene 1,
its next day, laksh was getting ready to go out.. sujata came to his room..
sujata: (searching) did you see scissors?
laksh: (put buttons on shirt) its in the drawer…
sujata looked at him and looked confused…
sujata: (surprise) haha, where are you going, laksh?
sujata stared at him…laksh looked at her..
laksh: (smile) I’m going to park for some fresh air…
sujata:(laughing) hey, don’t lie.. you’re going to see that girl, right? but what’s her name?

sujata asked… laksh looked confused…
laksh: (confused) which girl?
sujata: (she knows everything) that girl you met yesterday
laksh looked boggled up and surprised..
laksh: (shyly) mom, I don’t know who’s she… okay?
sujata: (smiling) haan haan, I know… first you guys say that girl were strange.. then one day, you’d say that you’re in love…
laksh stared long at her..
laksh; (disbelief) mom!

sujata: okay, I’ll not speak about it..
laksh smiles… sujata patted on his cheek…
sujata: but you surely, didn’t like that girl?
sujata take the scissor.. laksh stopped doing anything and looked at himself on mirrror… sujata saw it…

laksh: (smiling) that’s not like that… I like her… her eyes are familiar to me…
sujata put hand on her cheek and surprised… she didn’t believe it… sujata pinched her skin and it hurts.. laksh looked at her concerned…
laksh: what happened?
sujata:(smiling) no…I experiments that its true and its true..
laksh smiles shyngly and goes away… sujata turned and saw him going…

scene 2,
laksh came to a park.he take out his phone and starts to hear some songs via head phone.. he starts to jog around the park…
on the other side, ragini was in the same park doing cardio excersises… she was doing it with full concentration… laksh came to the side…he looked around casual and noticed ragini… he was surprise to see her there… he smiles… ragini got up and breath deeply..Laksh came to her..
laksh: (waves) hi!
ragini saw him and got surprised… she put hand on her mouth and was so happy…
ragini: (happily) sir, you?

laksh: yes.I’m
they shook hands with each other..but when their hands touched, some electric shock get into them…so they took of their hand fast..
ragini: what are you doing here, sir?
laksh: (looking around) just jogging.
ragini: (confused) but I never see you here before?
laksh listens and thinks..
laksh: (smiles abit) I’m also don’t know… suddenly here…
ragini looked boggled up…

ragini: (confuse) what?
laksh:(smiling) nothing, if you don’t mind… shall we have a coffee..
ragini thinks…
ragini: (nodding) sure..
laksh: (thankful) thank you. I’m scares you won’t come when think..
ragini laughs out loud… they then goes from there to nearby coffee shop..

scene 3,
the spirit got angry and threw the old things down on floor… he was so angry.. it screams out loud…
the nearby villagers, shut their ears and cannot tolerate the sound…they came out of their house and looked at the haveli and stared at the haveli. the birds flied away from the haveli… they looked scare..
inside, the spirit stopped and looked cool a bit… its sat down… a face came to it…

spirit: (rage) I’ll not spare you both… you killed me.. I won’t let you live peace… I’ll kill you. .I’m coming for you both…. lalalalah..
he sung a song and it moves away from there…and then disappears into the thin air…

scene 4,
while walking, the same music which the spirit sings…heard in ragini’s head… she stopped waking and closed her eyes… laksh looked on at her boggled… ragini cannot tolerate the music sound…its start to hurt her ears and her brain. she hot headache and cries.laksh looked shocked by her..
laksh: (concern) are you okay?
he came to her… she was hurt by that music…
ragini: my ears are hurting..

she cries bitterly… laksh got concern..he then puts his hand on ragini’s ear which are shutting her ears.. the music starts to disappeared… lakhs felt shock ness but control it… ragini slowly opened her eyes and looked at him…laksh stared at her eyes deeply …


episode 2’s link

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