Categories: Fanaah

Fanaah 13th December 2014 Written Episode Update

Fanaah 13th December 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ranbir brings coffee for Saher but doesn’t see her; he looks around when Samir calls him. Saher sneaks out of the room and hides and then texts him, Ranbir leaves the café saying that I have to submit an assignment in the lab. Samir says that he is acting weird to me for the past few days; Rose says that he has been acting weird to himself as the lab is in the other direction. Samir decides to follow him and asks Rose to come but she refuses. She says that let’s leave him alone and spend some time together.
Ranbir comes to Saher and asks why her that why she is acting so weird. Saher says that the friend of yours is my brother, Ranbir is shocked as well. He says that I am sure that he will understand as he is a good friend of mine. Saher says that mom is the only one who knows that I am doing

medical while bhai and dad think that I am studying at a government college. She says that if they find out then I don’t know what will happen. She says that they are very orthodox and won’t understand.
Rose congrats Samir and says that we have the same I.Q level and that is 0. Samir says that I can’t handle this girl as she has fried me. He leaves to talk to Ranbir so that he may calm his mind. Avani comes to Vivan’s office and gets her bad and drops some files from the table. While picking them up she finds her photo in Vivan’s drawer. She remembers what Rose said to her about Vivan liking her.
Vivan goes to Mr.Malik’s office and says that Sathak is a kid and don’t involve him in all of this. Mr. Malik acts as if he doesn’t know anything while Vivan says that don’t fool me as I saw the darkness in his eyes and voice which only you can give. Mr.Malik says that what am I supposed to do you are not listening to me than I must find someone else. Vivan says that you can’t make innocent people such dirty work, I won’t let you. Mr.Malik says that try to stop me, Vivan says that this is not a competition.
He says to Mr.Malik that let’s make a deal, you don’t give any such thing to Sarthak and I will do your work. He further says that these are kids and can’t handle these powers, this power will overcome them and all hell will break lose. He says that I can control this power, while Mr. Malik says that give me time to think as you have betrayed me once. Vivan says that think as after this conversation this deal will not stand and it will be you against me. He says to him to think smart and leaves.
Avani is looking at the photo when Vivan comes and she hides it. Vivan asks of what she is doing here and she says that she came here to pick her stuff. She says to Vivan that I think that I thought wrong of you and you overreacted. While leaving both of them want Avani to stop and Vivan calls Avani and says that I want you to take all your stuff from here. He says that I don’t want you to disturb me again and again so take for once and all. Avani says to herself that why does it feel likes that Vivan sir is also hurt, she then leaves the room.
Vivan says that whatever you are not saying that not remembering is still with me. Just like you, your thoughts are still with me and I can’t separate them. He says that I can separate you from me and must do it as we can’t be together.
Ranbir gets a call from Saher who invites him to race. Ranbir says that there is some work to do and can’t come. Samir asks if everything is Okay and Ranbir says that it’s just work and after that they will go on a long run. After he ends the call Saher decides to go home and Ranbir assists her. Samir says goodbye to Rose and is also leaving. On their way Samir and Ranbir bump into one another. Saher manages to just behind the glass door and Samir doesn’t see her. He leaves saying goodbye to Ranbir.
Ranbir then calls Saher to come out and she says that this time we got safe but what about in the future. She says that I can’t see any future of our relationship while Ranbir says that I will handle everything and tells her to relax.
Sarthak is not being allowed to go in and he decides to use his powers but can’t. The people standing at the door tell him to leave when Mr.Malik calls him inside. Sarthak explains of what happened and asks for another injection. Mr.Malik says that your work is done as you didn’t fulfill my condition of not telling anyone. Sarthak says that he hasn’t told anyone about it while Mr.Malik tells Sarthak to leave. While walking in the corridor he wonders how Mr.Malik found out and then remembers when he collided with Vivan.
He says that perhaps Vivan Sir also knows and that there is a deal between him and Mr.Malik. He says that I always doubted Vivan as there was always something off about him. He bumps with Avani who asks where his attention his. Sarthak asks Avani as she is her P.A and says that I want to know all about him so let’s talk in the café. Avani says that she resigned and doesn’t want to talk about Vivan. She starts to explain when Sarthak says that talk about this to Rose not me. He leaves when Avani wonders what happened to him and says that everyone in this hospital is mad. Vivan is working in his lab again and is frustrated and remembers Avani.
Sarthak walks in the elevator and apologizes to her for being rude. He says that he is tired of this fighting and says that can we have a fresh start by forgetting everything that happened till yesterday. Yamini agrees and they shake hand. She says that you won’t fight then I won’t fight. Sarthak agrees and she leaves for the class. When she leaves Sarthak says that let this play go on for a few days after which I will know all about Vivan.
Rose is working when Avani comes and she asks her about her romantic life. Avani gives her the photo and says that I quit the P.A position. She says that he doesn’t care as he didn’t even stop me once. Rose asks of the photo and Avani says that she found it in his cabin. Rose says that you quit and he will miss you and call you back. Avani says that she can’t understand one thing, and says that this is her photo but can’t remember when she took it. Avani says that she doesn’t have these clothes but still feels as she has worn them.

Precap: Avani goes to Vivan and shows him the photo. Vivan says that he has no idea about it when Avani asks him to look him in the eyes and tell her that he didn’t put it there. Later Avani is walking in a corridor when a support is about to fall on her but Vivan throws it away. He picks her up and kisses her.

Update Credit to: Sona

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