Hello guys, missed you all a lot…………no bak bak , links to previous episodes:
the episode starts with abhay beating the goon while piya is about to open her eyes .
armaan is running behind the screams .
piya opens her eyes and finds abhay standing there totally covered in blood while he is eyeing her expressionlessly.
A goon from back was about to attack abhay when piya shouts : abhayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy……………………….
Abhay turns in shock but in mean time armaan holds the rod with which the goon was about to attack abhay and beats him.
Piya is relieved while she eyes rhdihimaa unconscious and runs to her.
Abhay too runs behind her while armaan is beating the goon.
“ rhdihima…….rhdhimaa are you fine…..??” piya shouts holding rhidhimaa’s head in her lap.
Armaan who was passing through the goons lying on the floor unconscious sees a vampire bite on one of thems neck and is shocked.
“ it means my doubt was correct………” he says eyeing abhay tensed.
He then eyes rhidhima and runs to her.
“ let me bring water from somewhere……….” abhay says while getting up.
Armaan comes and sits next to piya and eyes rhidhimaa while tears are continuously
flowing from his eyes.
“ i wanted to keep you away from all this but never knew that i am pushing you in all this……………” he thinks .
Piya is crying holding rhidhimaa continuously telling her to wake up while rhidhimaa is unconscious.
Abhay comes taking water from a nearby pond and tries to sprinkle on rhidhimaa’s face.
Rhidhimaa opens her eyes a little and eyes the surrounding , she then sees piya is whose lap her head in kept and opens her eyes completely.
“ piya , you are fine…………thank god…………………” she says hugging piya.
Piya too hugs her while crying.
“ how you came here???” abhay asks looking at armaan realizing that he is here.
Armaan is a bit shocked and says tensed : actually………………………………………i was coming back from the party only when i saw your bike parked outside this jungle and also heard some screams so came her running.
Abhay stares at him as if analysing something while armaan tried to avoid any eye contact.
“ alright , but really thanks , you saved me today……………” abhay said raising his hand for a hand shake.
Armaan passed him a fake smile while in this time riya (rhidhimaa –piya ) broke their hug and rhdihimaa asked piya : piya……………do you know them……………i mean…………..they kidnapped you and wanted to kill you………..why………???”
Piya nodded in a “no” while in a deep thinking and then said realizing something : rhidhimaa……………………………they want to kill you………….you are unsafe………..i think we should go home or else……anything can happen its already late………..
“ my bike is punctured and its even night…………..piya i don’t think we will be able to go……………even you all seem to be hurt….” abhay said looking at armaan ‘s arm which is deeply injured.
“ i…….i think abhay is right……………………………………………….but we even have to search for the way na……………..anyone remembers……….because i don’t “ rhdihimaa said staring at armaan questionably.
“ i don’t remember…………i came in a hurry ……….” armaan said again avoiding eye contact as he knows very well that he is lying.
(he can’t tell them that he can find the way with his speed )
“ ok ……………i have a way…………….lets just split up into two pairs …………………………two of us will search for the way together………..and when one couple will get , they will go out and search for help for the other one…………..” piya said looking really very worried.
“ alright…………………..so pairs will be me and abhay and armaan –piya “ rhdihimaa said as she is still frustrated on armaan.
“ oh really…………..rhidhimaa…………abhay is already injured and you too are dizzy…………………………..two injured people together……….its good…………” armaan said starting off in a fight with rhidhimaa.
“ i guess armaan is right………see if anything happens…………piya and i can fight together as she isn’t injured but if rhdihimaa is already dizzy due to that chloroform………..we won’t be able to manage together.” Abhay said coming to a conclusion.
“ alright , we will go in this direction and you in west ……….” piya said pointing out the directions.
The other three nodded.
Armaan rhdihimaa left in their direction while abhay piya left in theirs.
Ridmaan :
Rhdihimaa was walking but not comfortably as she was hurt a little in her foot.
“ are you alright..??” armaan asked holding rhidhimaa’s hand to prevent her from walking.
Rhdhima turned back to face him with angry eyes and said : armaan………….why are you asking……….afterall …………………………we aren’t even friends……..
Armaan sadly : you are still angry on me………….???
“ wow ,……………armaan getting angry on someone without any reason is your right but i don’t eve n have the right to get angry with a reason……………..???” rhdihimaa asked ataring at him angrily.
Armaan was speechless while she continued : armaan………..i know now you are saying this and when you would feel like you will tell me that you helped me for the sake of humanity……………………….am i correct…………???
Armaan stared at her and said : ok , as your wish but please tell me if your foot is hurt………
Rhdihimaa stared at him and then turned back moving forward without replying.
Abhiya :
Abhay was walking in a serious mood as he was unsure what he did……………..he was trying to remember everything when piya to lighten the mood asked : so abhay………………how did you………..??
Abhay was shocked as he thought that piya noticed him and said : piya , i myself don’t know………..
“ abhay don’t lie…………………” piya said staring at him seriously.
Abhay was tensed when piya said smiling : a person even afraid of ants is here fighting with so many goons…………i was soo scared thats why i closed my eyes…….i missed that scene …………
Abhay was relieved and smiled while they continued walking for sometime.
Ridmaan :
They both were walking for quite sometime now when rhdihimaa was totally exhausted and sat on a rock lying nearby.
“ i told na……………..you are already hurt…………but you don’t listen………..” armaan said sitting down on the grass near rhidhimaa.
“ i am not at all tired , its just that i feel there’s no dead end to this forest thats why i sat here…………….i feel we should move tomorrow only…………” rhdihimaa said trying to prove herself correct.
Armaan smiled a bit at her chidishiness ) and then nodded.
They both sat there while armaan was sitting expressionlessly and rhdihimaa as times turned her eyes a bit to see armaan sitting in the same posture.
The episode ends at the faces of armaan rhdihimaa while armaan smiled
a bit realizing rhdihimaa’s staring and rhdihimaa staring at him angrily.
So guys , hope you enjoyed………………..
By the way a question popped in my mind so asking .
As my story has two pairs , have you ever found that i give less importance to some pair……………guys please do reply………..really need to know…………..love you……….be happy……….
Credit to: Piyali