Fanfiction spoilers


There are two new entries….vedant vij is the son of the owner of inde airlines and he will be shown opposite riya….they will get late for the same flight and bump into each other…later they will be sitting adjacent each other in the flight….second entry us of the terrorist who killed paras and AkYa and others…..

Ratika tells rihaan about a video in her phone through which sanvi could be saved…rihaan finds the phone and shows the video to every one….a fb tells how the video was made…soon there will be a leap and this session of NIM will end…..

Luvvyy duvvyyss
Annual function ends and class 9 wins…They Celebrate….charvee gets hurt and anayma takes her to her home…guptas are introduced…..soon they will be given a science project in which charvee and dehaaz will be partners.

Chakor nd co (aditya, vivaan, ragini and roshni) are selected for the camp…..they r super elated…..they take ishwar’s (in coma) before going….KN will enter soon….he will be seen in the same area where the camp is organised…

Swaragini a new and fresh start
Sumi and shekhar refuse to be one…swaragini and sanlak decide to work together to unite sharmikhar…amrita will be helping them

I’ll be posting from new year. Airlines will be updated daily and rest four in the same sequence as given above


Status Update

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