Fan Fiction

Their fantasy girl who became their futuristic love (An Ishqbaaz FF by Manya) Prologue

Hello everyone!! I really loved your response on the intro of my ff here is the prologue. And yes I would like to tell all the children are of 10 yrs and Sara and Samay are of 8 yrs. Sara and Samay are twins.

Some children go and sit along the poolside near to Shivika’s room a boy and girl older than them come and join them all of them are chatting when suddenly a man and a woman comes near them and talk to the woman, all the children sitting there observe them carefully.
Man: I asked you to bring the file kept on table “on the table” that file it is very important I have to crack this deal anyhow and you what you did you gave me this file. You know when I showed it to our business partners they laughed at it like anything. (Woman sees the cartoon and starts laughing.) Stop laughing just give me back my file and I don’t understand when you will stop making our cartoons. It is really irritating of you. You give me any file and I get embarrassed in front of our business partners. (He speaks in an angry tone.) (The cartoon is of Shivaay pleading to Anika and proposing her.)
Woman: Shivaay do you think I am antaryami?
S: No Anika.
A: Then how you thought I will know about which file you are asking for?
S: It is your mistake don’t try to act innocent I know you did this so that this deal don’t happen and I should get ashamed. I know you are taking revenge. (Shivaay keeps taking out his frustration when Anika comes and throws a glass full of water on him. All the children present there get shocked.)
Ansh: Do you saw Arya always mumma wins in the fights and papa gets defeat. (Ansh was praising Anika when Shivaay lifts Anika and throws her in the pool and he too goes inside it. Ansh gets shocked and Arya giggles seeing Ansh’s face at this reaction of their father.)
Arya: Bhaiya just see who won the game. Here is my papa who just threw mumma into the pool for just a glass of water. (Anika and Shivaay gets out of the pool and goes away angrily from there.)

All the children go to Ishkara’s room they see Ishana practicing for her dance competition they sit there and play games when Om comes there.
O (irritated.): Stop it Ishana you know I hate loud music then also you kept it on high volume. I am busy in making a special painting and because of this loud music I am getting disturbed just see what the hell happened with my painting. (Omkara shows the painting he had made a straw blown painting.)
Ish: What is wrong in it? It is perfectly fine.
O: Oh really? You call it fine. Just see because of disturbance I added yellow color instead of golden.
Ish: So? Both look same tell your customer you added golden and not yellow.
O: Ishana I hate lies you know this and in this painting I used natural colors which are very expensive and if I would have used that golden color made with gold its price would have been 10 crores. Just because of your stupidity I will lose my customer and a chance to win the competition.
Ish: Exactly I am also practicing for competition and I can’t postpone it for your paintings.
O: Ishana don’t cross your limits you can win any competition easily.
Ish: Easily?!
O: Yeah you heard right.

Ish: Excuse me Mr. Long Hair Oberoi dancing is not an easy thing. Painting by blowing with straw is very easy.
O: Dancing is easy what you do just few steps and you win the competition. You must learn painting it is very tough and complex not like dance repeating a single step 10 times and winning an award.
Ishana gets angry at him and pours the golden color all over his painting children just keep seeing their fight.
O (Angrily.): Ishana!!! (He takes out plug of radio, takes it away and throws it in the dustbin. Ishana gets angry and leaves from there.)
Ishra: Bhaiya what will happen now? (Keeps head on his shoulder.)
Omish: Don’t know? (Sahil strokes Omish’s hairs Omish have long hairs just like Omkara.)
Ansh: Everything will be fine let us go to Rudra Chachu he will help us out.
They go to Rumya’s room. Sara and Samay comes out with their teddy bears totally shocked.
Ansh: My baby Samay what happened?
Samay: Kya bataun bhaiya aisa samajh lo dharti fat gayi hai, aasman girne waala hai aur bhukamp aur tsunami aane waali hai….aur-aur… (What should I tell bhaiya just understand that earth is going to burst, sky is going to fall and earthquake and tsunami are going to come….and-and…)
AnOm: Shut up Samay! Tell clearly what the matter is?

Samay and Sara drags all of them inside the room all get shocked seeing Rudra angrily eating all the parathas of Saumya and Saumya staring at him angrily.
Arya: What happened to them Sara why are they like this?
Sara: Actually papa thinks mumma emptied his protein shake bottle and has hidden another one so he is eating up her parathas to take revenge.
Ishra: Eating parathas as revenge! Strange!!
Rudra was about to pick up and eat up her favorite aloo parathas when Saumya stopped him.
Sau: Ok Rudra let’s do a deal.
R: Did you take this right from Shivaay bhaiya?
Sau: Please listen once.
R: Okay say.
Sau: These are my favorite parathas don’t eat them I will do whatever you like.
He doesn’t listen and finishes all the parathas Saumya gets angry.
R (Smilingly.): I ate up now you do whatever you like.
He starts push-ups but suddenly stops realizing something heavy on himself.
R: Sumo was right I shouldn’t have eaten her parathas now I can’t do push-ups.
Sau: Exactly I am always right just you should listen to me.
He and all the children get shocked seeing Saumya sitting on Rudra. Both of them start fighting and all the children go to elders.
Ansh was talking to dadi when Tia and Mallika come. Both of them hug all of them.
T: Aww! My babies have grown up it is nice to see you.
Tia kisses Ansh and Ansh gets angry.

Precap: Shivika meets.

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