Flash flash flash ‘few girls were posing
Flash flash flash ‘few girls were posing
Very nice girls ‘said a guy with camera
Come on change the pose, good
Yes that’s it , okay last shot
Okay that’s it guys pack up ‘he clap the hands’ girls u were awesome, so ye humare last shoot tha is project ka, hope boss ko humara kaam pasand aye
Of course meiyang he will love it yar humne kitna hard work kia hai
Of course meiyang he will love it yar humne kitna hard work kia hai
Meiyang- photographer of B&B house, age 26, played my meiyang cheng ‘okay u girls go change we have to leave asap, muje ye picture edit bi karni hain’ they pack their stuff and left from thr.
A FASHION HOUSE WAS SHOWN, B&B was written in front board, a car approach the main entrance and watchman open the back door, a man step out of the car in designer full suit, he had a file in his hand which he was reading carefully, he stylishly walk inside the house, people were greeting him morning wishes [good morning sir], n girls were passing smiles but he ignored all of them arrogantly cuz he knew what they will talk behind his back (so let see the people what they are actually talking behind his back)
Few staff member: What is he doing here …
what u mean he’s the boss here right so where else he will be …
yes but don’t u know what happened yesterday, still he had guts to come to office, it all over the news now
Aray so what that b*t*h don’t deserve him, boss deserve way better
Han u girls gonna say this only na, now tu he’s single u girls think u have a chance with him haina
Ji nai I didn’t think like that
Who cares what u girls think, the fact is he hate girls
Aray per this much hate that his own wife le… ‘b4 he could complete he feel a hand on his shoulder he turn around only to find his boss who eyes r showing fire, he gulped hard at his boss ‘boss I was ju-ju-just
‘b4 he could complete he feel a hand on his shoulder he turn around only to find his boss who eyes r showing fire, he gulped hard at his boss ‘boss I was ju-ju-just
Boss: JUST WHAT HAN’ he yell at him and turned to other staff members’ WTH HELL IS GOING ON HERE, do I pay u guys for gossip han,’ every1 got scared cus they knew about thr boss anger’ and u next time if u make any personal comment on my life, I swear ur gonna regret it ‘he left to his office, when meiyang enter
M : what happened I heard some noise
Girl: it was boss he’s in angry mode ‘cheng sigh
M: I will see him ‘he left to his boss office and knock and enter the room ‘hey bro whatups
Boss: cheng I’m not in mood plz get lost from here
M: come on lucky bhai u know it would happened so y u came to office today uncle also said to take a holiday, go somewhere nice n calm place fresh ur mind
Laksh: smirk’ ya fresh my mind, go to a place, I know what u guys r doing’
laksh maheshwari, owner of B&B house , age 30, status: single-divorcee, reason unknown, hot and available
‘u guys want me to run away like coward, well it is not happening, y should I ran away when I’m clear, I promise u mei I’m not gonna let them win
M: lucky just move on
La: I already did, that’s y I’m here, I’m ready to face them but that doesn’t mean my idiot staff who live on my money will talk about me like that, I won’t allowed that ‘mei sigh
M: okay so if u already decided so can we talk about work now
La: I’m not in mood to work
M: lucky plz, u have to give presentation today
La: what presentation
M; shock ‘don’t tell me u didn’t prepared, I send u the info last night
La: stupid mei, night r for sleep not for work
M: bhai but I informed u a week b4, we have been preparing this project for months how can u forget that
La: u tell me mei, what will u do when ur wife ran away and u were to be blamed ‘he sigh’ will u behave normal, when u read on news that ur wife ran away cuz u didn’t keep ur wife satisfy
M: forget that, we still have time u prepare the presentation, I will send ankush to help u learn he made it so he u understand better
La: thankx yar u have been great support
M: no plz don’t thank me bhai cuz I’m doing this for me not u, if this company closed cuz of ur stupidity I will also became jobless na
La: haha funny
M: acha listen till when ur gonna act like this, u used to workhard and now look at u from past few months u r total useless
La: don’t worry she already left so I will come back reluctantly, just find me a PA
M: already doing but till now I didn’t get anyone to ur expectations
La: no one really a simple PA who will made coffee for me and arrange schedule and clean the table seriously man ‘slamming the table
M: han and the main one is the PA should be a man
La shrug: ya so
M: nothing leave that I’m trying, u prepare the presentation ‘laksh nod, mei left
M: now where will I find him a perfect pa, I already find him so many PA’s but he fired most of them giving silly reasons and the rest quit cuz of his anger, and approximately how many men work as secretary, I closed my eyes and pray to bappa ‘HEY BAPPA PLZ SEND A PERFECT PA FOR MY FRIEND’
We see a girl with her eyes closed, praying in a church, the girl concentration is full on praying [let’s hear what she is praying]
We see a girl with her eyes closed, praying in a church, the girl concentration is full on praying [let’s hear what she is praying]
Hello Jesus Christ we met again, I’m just here to say sorry if I ever did anything wrong with u in this life or in any of my past life’s, cuz I don’t know what enmity ur showing against me, I always follow ur bible but still see whr I’m, u know god I’m jobless, homeless, people call me brainless basically … I’m hopeless. I don’t know y Pete spend his money on such a useless girl like me but now it’s final either u give me job or I’m gonna come to u and …
REGINA, what r u doing here today child, u came yesterday na then y again, ‘father ask the girl, girl opened her eyes and smile mischievously
REGINA, what r u doing here today child, u came yesterday na then y again, ‘father ask the girl, girl opened her eyes and smile mischievously
R: father u said na if u need something badly u ask to god ‘father nod’ so that’s what I’m doing
REGINA MCDONALD: an average looking girl, age-23, status: of course single, completed her study but still jobless, an orphan played by tejaswi prakash
Father: I heard that ‘her mischief smile was replace by sad one
R: so what should I do father, I don’t have anything to live for
F: u have my child, u still had in urself that’s y besides all the hurdles u completed ur studies and u live it
R teary eyes: but what’s the use father, I complete my course a year ago and still I’m jobless, how many times I have been rejected, u know father what they say, they say I don’t deserve the job because I’m upto thr standard, I don’t dress rich like them, I don’t look pretty like them, I don’t have any fashion sense, u tell me father how I’m gonna dress pretty or look pretty when barely all I got is food 3 times a day ‘father was carefully listen to her’ and that due to only Pete, if he wasn’t thr for me I would have begging in streets, it could have been much better at least I have earn some rupees by now
F: my child ur going on wrong way, god always test us, they test thr best people who they love the most, u r not like them u don’t dress like them cuz ur unique ‘Regina huff’ god will fulfil ur wishes one day just keep faith in god, I bless u my child I will pray for u that all ur problems get solve ‘father left after blessing her
R: ya just pray, I HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR 23 YEARS FATHER, IT STILL NOT WORKING ‘she yell to father but he ignore her continue his praying, she left from thr, she pick her cycle, when she got a text
R: so one more interview today, one more failure to add on my list, keep it up reg, u still have a long journey to face failures I smirk at my life when will it became better all I want some roof over me, some food and 1-2 pieces of decent cloths, I went to my temporary home [it was very small house in slump area], only to face angry young man’ heye Pete’ he ignored me and went inside the house I followed him now I have to make it up to him, I know by now father already would have told him ‘Pete, peter pan sorry na baba in advance, I don’t know what I done wrong but still sorry
R: so one more interview today, one more failure to add on my list, keep it up reg, u still have a long journey to face failures I smirk at my life when will it became better all I want some roof over me, some food and 1-2 pieces of decent c…
P angry: till when Regina, till when ur gonna stop doing ur childish things, first I thought u were an immature don’t know what to talk but ‘he came to her face’ u didn’t even think about a second that if u were not there what had happened to me ‘Pete eyes got teary
R ignoring eye contact: Pete ur just being drama queen
P huff: ya I’m drama queen, and what u did wasn’t less than a drama
R closed her eyes remembering the moment when she decided to end her life, her eyes became teary ‘so what could I have done han, it’s easy for u to say ur earning but u spent most of that on me, ‘I face him’ if I wasn’t came in ur life ur life would have been much better, u could have made ur own house by now u could have been married to Sabrina by now and had kids but u all gave up for me, u lost ur love for me
P angry: which love Regina, Sabrina was anything but love, and which life ur talking about house money wife n kids that’s the definition of ur life, r not u forgetting something reg ‘she frown’ if u didn’t came in my life I wouldn’t have been alive by now ‘she got shock’
R: Pete plz not again
P: no u started it so let’s finish together, whr was I han tell me y did u save my life
R: Pete enough don’t start KBC
P: no plz tell me this life u think is hard to live for that u find death better than to live ‘she closed her eyes’ then y did u save my life y didn’t u let me die with my parents y, it’s just a simple question Regina y
R busting out in tears: I’M SORRY ALRIGHT I’m sorry ‘crying he hug her to calm her’ I didn’t wanted to die but it was Sabrina, she told me If I was not in ur life u 2 could perfectly live together
P: shhhh u don’t worry about that girl anyone who don’t understand our relation r not meant for us okay ‘she nod’ we know what we r we don’t need to prove anyone anything
R: ur right ‘I squeeze my nose n eyes to stop my tears’ well I need to tell u something I was called for interview ‘rolling her eyes’ again
P: just remember, failures is the key to success
R again rolling her eyes ‘ thankx for reminding me my failures u jerk
P: haha don’t reg I know u got this baby ‘kissing her on forehead’ just keep up the confidence be urself and ur in
R: thanks I will get ready, I have to leave now ‘kissing him on his cheeks
P: hey BTW which company
R again roll her eyes: BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL fashion house
P: B&B ‘she nod’ all the best ‘they left for thr work, Regina came to B&B, to receptionist
P: B&B ‘she nod’ all the best ‘they left for thr work, Regina came to B&B, to receptionist
R: hello I’m Regina McDonald, I was called for interview today
Re: yes u go on 2nd floor Mr. cheng will take ur interview ‘I nod and I was going to elevator when I clash with a man and my file were all over place
R; can’t u see whr r u going
Man: I’m sorry here let me help u ‘the guy seems good he’s handsome BTW and gentleman too’ here ur file
R: thankx walk carefully next time ‘the man frown
M: okay ‘together we went to same elevator b4 he press any button I pressed the mine
M: ur also going on 2nd floor ‘she nod’ me interview ‘she nod again’ for which position ur applying
R: y would I tell u, I know guys like u
M confuse: sorry, what
R: ya u also here to give interview right
M: no I think ur confuse I’m the
R: no need to tell, I need this job and I will get it anyhow, u find some other place ‘the man got shock looking at her guts as they reach 2nd floor, regina ran to interview area, the man smile looking at her
M: who is she ‘the man enter a room’ So everything ready
R: thank god that guy left one competition down 4 more to go, plz god gave this poor child a small job plzzzzzzzzz
Ms. Regina, plz go in ‘my name was called, I knock the door b4 I enter and I gasp SHOCK SHOCK SHOCK YYYYY
Regina, plz go in ‘my name was called, I knock the door b4 I enter and I gasp SHOCK SHOCK SHOCK YYYYY
Nice interesting keep going ?
thankx asw
thankx bela
thankx aleeza
wow!!! its amazing
i totally loved it !!!
waiting for the next part!!
do update soon
thankx iqra
Thank you