Categories: Fan Fiction Original


Hy helloöøòóôõ0 Namaste friends this is richa again with a random piece of writing. I hope you will like it 🙂 🙂
DISCLAIMER/WARNING AND REQUEST:This is just for fun and i warn you before you start reading that it might contain hudge typos and gramatical mistakes so highly kowledged friends pls. Read at your own risk as it may contain poor ENGLISH USAGE.
It may be Swasan,Raglak,Vidharbh,Surya,Sandhir or any other telly couple cute nok-jhok or bickering is one of the most funny,lovely,and love increasing moment …….
So,here i present you with a nok-jhok, which may be anyone of your faverouites may be you……. 😉
Here G is our cute lovely,bubbly heroind and B is our hero strict , well managed and a god fearing guy
😛 not actually they are your favourite People with their unique character.
The venue for the fight is school campus
Time is lunch break and as our leads run to secure the best place for lunch time hangout and bump into each other starting a quarrel ………
B:AH freak.
G:Who the…….
B:Feels like I hit with a rhino

[G rubbing her head looks at B]

G:Rhino?? Just a….
B:Aw! My sweet bones….M-M-My sweetheart I love you I w…..
G:Swee…. WHAT?
B:Mom Dad your dumb son will join his ancestors soon,I am sorry I wont be able to work and buy you a teak tv.
G:OMG! He’s such a drama…
B:Drama what……..First you hippo hit me hard and now YOU C…
(G clinches her fist while B continues)
B:You chudai…
G:Excuse me Mister, C
G:Cryptomaniac ….. That’s what you are a cryptomaniac , dumb,overactor who dont even kow how to talk to a girl and respect…….
B:Woah! Wait a sec. Miss Rajdhani express, just breathe you are over reacting,take a breadth give others also a chance to speak ,just going on and on anddd ON. Huh! I DONT KOW ABOUT YOU,but my energy is draining in this hnt sun , and I am feeling thirsty , need a boostup need water or I’ll d..i…e… Hah! Hah! Huff! Huff! Pant! Pant! I-I Can’t breathe water water someone save me , this brute will dehydrate me and kill meee…

G Sweatdrops and goes/leaves to take water and comes back with a waterbottle while B takes the good place under his control so to know G’s reaction Stay Tuned and keep reading
Frnds do cmnt hz it?

also I know it’s short but only this word limit is supported in article section when using cell next time less talk more fight 🙂
Thank you-


never cheat and break anyone to the extent that no one could hear that person ever again............

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